155 research outputs found


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    At global level, there are various organizations which are constantly concerned with the analysis of the latest manifestations and evolution of cybercrime, setting up work groups to develop strategies for the prevention and fight of cybercrimes. Besides these international organizations which act globally, several other organizations focus on certain regions, dealing with issues related to cybercrime.cybercrime, organizations, declaration, resolution, convention


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    Technological progress and the opportunities provided by the Internet have triggered transformations in the entire society, influencing all walks of the economic, social and cultural life.At the same time, these facilities also benefited those who aim to reach a high living standard by avoiding the legal means necessary to do so. Infringements related to the issuing and use of electronic payment instruments and the use of identity data for financial operations tend to become a routine, and this situation has a negative impact upon customers’ confidence in electronic payment instruments and e-commerce This study presents the trends of this phenomenon and of the field legislation.e-commerce, electronic payment instruments, offences, legislation

    Exploratory Research on the Organizational Learning in Small Enterprises and Implications for the Economic Higher Education

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    Learning is an issue of critical importance for small enterprises. The aim of this article is to explore the organizational learning processes of such enterprises, in order to identify the potential implications for the economic higher education. The topic is approached from a multi-fold perspective, at the interface among entrepreneurship, management and marketing. The article contributes to better understanding the processes, factors of influence and results of the organizational learning, by means of direct research based on the method of semi-structured interview. The research universe consisted in small enterprises within the services sector, from Bucharest. According to the research results, organizational learning is rudimentary, substantiated on the individual learning of the entrepreneur. Learning is experiential and the main outcomes are skills and concepts. Knowledge dissemination is deficient, the main flow being oriented only from entrepreneur to employees. The entrepreneur cannot control knowledge absorption but can evaluate and encourage it. The research revealed a relationship between learning and entrepreneurial orientation, according to which learning enhancement leads to innovation and opportunity identification. Following the research results, suggestions for future research and conclusions relative to the implications on economic higher education were formulated.organizational learning, strategic orientations, marketing, entrepreneurship, small businesses, higher education

    Orthodoxy and Culture, Tradition and Romanian Spirit over the Centuries. Apologetics Ideas in the Thinking of Dmitri Cantemir

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    Great man of culture, history and science Dmitry Cantemir, the prince of Moldavia was also a grate apologist of the Romanian religious traditions. In our study we try to underline this aspect from his writings, especially from his work Descriptio Moldavie. Therefore, we had followed the apologetics ideas from his most important works, like: Divanul, Loca Obscura, Descriptio Moldaviae, Metafizica and also from his Logica. In this context, the cultural and theological contribution of the great Moldavian scholar is very important from the orthodox theology. In the actual context, Dmitry Cantemir shows the perfect example in the accomplishment and conservation of the Romanian authentic spirit over the centuries.Prawosławie i kultura, tradycja i rumuński duch na przestrzeni wieków. Idee apologetyczne w myśli Dymitra CantemiraWielki człowiek kultury, historii i nauki Dmitrij Cantemir, książę Mołdawii, był także wdzięcznym apologetą rumuńskich tradycji religijnych. W niniejszym artykule zostaje ukazany ten aspekt jego działalności, obecny w jego pismach, zwłaszcza w jego pracy Descriptio Moldavie. Dlatego przedstawiono zasadnicze idee apologetyki z jego najważniejszych dzieł, jak: Divanul, Loca Obscura, Descriptio Moldaviae, Metafizica, a także z jego Logiki. W tym kontekście kulturalny i teologiczny wkład wielkiego mołdawskiego uczonego jest bardzo ważny dla teologii prawosławnej. W aktualnym kontekście Dmitry Cantemir pokazuje doskonały przykład realizacji i zachowania rumuńskiego autentycznego ducha na przestrzeni wieków

    A common vision for the Dabube Region: chance or risk for a tourism oriented urban development of Brăila

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    The advancement of the tourism phenomena, in the specific context of the EU expansion towards the Black Sea, opens up new possibilities for east-european cities, currently struggling to reinvent themselves in times of postindustrial decline. Taking the Romanian city of Brăila as a study case we are interested in pointing out the role that top down approaches have on engaging new local energies, but also in explaining a paradigm shift consisting in that the city is no longer approached as the main focus of a strategy but as a component of a larger geographical context. In 2010, in order to develop the huge economic potential of the Danube river, the European Commission has initiated the Strategy for the Danube Region, on which we question the ability to become an incentive for a creative re-development of the city.Peer Reviewe