9 research outputs found

    Topo-geodetic modern methods and techniques for building monitoring process

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    Our proposal for this paper is to identify and introduce topographic methods and technologies to ensure the best monitoring of buildings of vital importance for society or those with significant structural damage due to compaction of soil. The main purpose of this study is to find and compare contemporary methods that have been developed in recent years and are used in applied topography, replacing traditional methods successfully. Recently, digital technology has evolved at the same time with society needs and development. The use of 3D laser scanner, combined GPS stations, laser or photogrammetric scanning, total or modern robotic stations and drones, appear to be the most suitable solutions nowadays. A comparative research using different scientific papers will be presented in a short table. Each method is described with its advantages and disadvantages

    Topo-geodetic tools optimisation for efficientely behaviour monitoring in service stage of civil engineering structures

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    Monitoring the behavior in service stage of civil engineering structures is absolutely necessary for ensuring stability and safety through their exploitation. Achievement of an efficient monitoring process of structures is done by using modern topo-geodetic methods and techniques which guarantees the correctness of the data with the highest accuracy of the obtained results. The progress of the equipment area for determining geometric elements, means of calculation and reporting data influences the upgrade of methods and procedures in topographic measurements. The purpose of this paper is to implement the theory of decision using qualitative and quantitative criteria in a cycle of observations in monitoring the behavior in time of a viaduct engineering structure using three different topographical devices. We proposed a comparative analysis using three topo-geodetic technologies for monitoring vertical spatial displacements. The accuracy with which the monitoring marks are determined on the viaduct is extremely important for obtaining an optimal monitoring system over time. The objective described in this paper is in the North- West part of Galati city, which is a structure over 50 years old with a length of 1.3 kilometers. The viaduct is an important access road DJ 252 (Galaţi-Matca-Tecuci) that links the city of Galati to the platform of Arcelor Mittal steel plant, requiring permanent monitoring due to the age and the continuous dynamic actions it was subjected to during the exploitation and which can transmit to the foundation ground important settlings that cause irrecoverable structural degradation

    Hemostatic Cryogels Based on Oxidized Pullulan/Dopamine with Potential Use as Wound Dressings

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    The impetus for research into hydrogels based on selectively oxidized polysaccharides has been stimulated by the diversity of potential biomedical applications. Towards the development of a hemostatic wound dressing in this study, we creatively combined the (hemi)acetal and Schiff base bonds to prepare a series of multifunctional cryogels based on dialdehyde pullulan and dopamine. The designed structures were verified by NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. Network parameters and dynamic sorption studies were correlated with environmental scanning microscopy results, thus confirming the successful integration of the two components and the opportunities for finely tuning the structure–properties balance. The viscoelastic parameters (storage and loss moduli, complex and apparent viscosities, zero shear viscosity, yield stress) and the structural recovery capacity after applying a large deformation were determined and discussed. The mechanical stability and hemostatic activity suggest that the optimal combination of selectively oxidized pullulan and dopamine can be a promising toolkit for wound management

    Rezerva succesorala. Cu comentarii privind proiectul Codului civil - Successional Reserve. Coments on the Civil Code Project (Romanian Version)

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    The work is highlighted by the critical examination of the views expressed in the literature regarding the issues raised by the institution of successional reserve. The documentation made at the completion of this work (and, indeed, visible through the extent of footnotes) should be particularly emphasized. Where the author considered, the judicial practice in this area was analyzed. No.pg. 292code, civil law, annuity contract, successional reserve

    Genotype-Phenotype Insights of Inherited Cardiomyopathies—A Review

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    Background: Cardiomyopathies (CMs) represent a heterogeneous group of primary myocardial diseases characterized by structural and functional abnormalities. They represent one of the leading causes of cardiac transplantations and cardiac death in young individuals. Clinically they vary from asymptomatic to symptomatic heart failure, with a high risk of sudden cardiac death due to malignant arrhythmias. With the increasing availability of genetic testing, a significant number of affected people are found to have an underlying genetic etiology. However, the awareness of the benefits of incorporating genetic test results into the care of these patients is relatively low. Aim: The focus of this review is to summarize the current basis of genetic CMs, including the most encountered genes associated with the main types of cardiomyopathies: hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive arrhythmogenic, and non-compaction. Materials and Methods: For this narrative review, we performed a search of multiple electronic databases, to select and evaluate relevant manuscripts. Results: Advances in genetic diagnosis led to better diagnosis precision and prognosis prediction, especially with regard to the risk of developing arrhythmias in certain subtypes of cardiomyopathies. Conclusions: Implementing the genomic information to benefit future patient care, better risk stratification and management, promises a better future for genotype-based treatment

    Research and Science Today No. 1(17)/2019

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website