1 research outputs found
Plant Biology
- Author
- Agrios George N
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS).
- American Phytopathological Society (APS).
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT).
- Angier Bradford
- Arora David
- Auraria Library Lawrence St
- Barbour Michael G
- Barnett J. A. R. W.
- Barnhart John Hendley
- Baumgardt John Philip
- Beentje Henk
- Beerling D. J.
- Bell Adrian D
- Benvie Sam
- Bibliographica
- Bidlack James E
- Bioversity International
- Black Michael
- Blake Sidney F
- Blake Sidney F
- Blunt Wilfrid
- Botanical Society of America (BSA). PO Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166.
- Bowes Bryan G
- Bown Deni
- Bowsher Caroline
- Bracegirdle Brian
- Bridson Diane M
- Brummitt R. K.
- Bryologist The
- Burnett J. H.
- Cafferty Steve
- Cannon P. F.
- Capon Brian
- Carlile M. J.
- Castner James L
- Coombes Allen J
- Cronquist Arthur
- Cronquist Arthur
- Cutler D. F. C. E. J.
- de Jong
- Deacon J. W.
- Desmond Ray
- Dickison William C
- Documentation
- Duke James A
- Elias Thomas S
- Ellis Beth
- Erhardt Walter
- Esser Karl
- Ethnobotany
- Feldmann Horst
- Flowering Plants
- Frey Wolfgang
- Fry Carolyn
- Gilmartin P. M.
- Gleason Florence K
- Gleason Henry A
- Gledhill D.
- Glimn-Lacy Janice
- Graham Linda E
- Gray
- Greene
- Greuter Werner
- Greuter Werner
- Gribbin Mary
- Gualtieri Paolo
- Hall D. O.
- Harborne J. B.
- Harris Elizabeth H
- Harris James G
- Heldt Hans-Walter
- Hendry G. A. F.
- Henrey Blanche
- Herbal Medicines
- Hesse M.
- Heywood V. H.
- Heywood V. H.
- Hickey
- Hitchcock A. S.
- Hogan Sean
- Holmgren Noel H
- Holmgren Noel H
- Holmgren Patricia K
- Hopkins William G
- Horst R. Kenneth
- Huxley Anthony Julian
- International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT).
- International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS). Wes Beekhuizenweg 3
- International Mycological Association (IMA).
- International Phycological Society (IPS). PO Box 1897 Lawrence, KS 66044.
- International Society of Plant Morphologists (ISPM).
- Isaacson Richard T
- Isely Duane
- Jackson Benjamin Daydon
- Johnston Stanley H.
- Jonathan Shaw
- Jones Russell L
- Judd
- Junk Wilhelm
- Kansas
- Kartesz John T
- Kearns
- Kent Douglas H
- King John
- Kirk P. M.
- Kowalchik Claire
- Kurtzman C. P.
- Lack Andrew
- Lellinger David B
- Lersten Nels R
- Lindau Gustav
- Literature
- Mabberley David J
- MacAdam Jennifer W
- Malcolm W. M.
- Maliga P.
- Mark
- Martin
- Mauseth James D
- McNeill John
- Metsger Deborah A
- Moerman Daniel E
- More
- Morton A. G.
- Mosses Database St
- Mueller Gregory M
- Mycologia Memoir
- Mycological Society of America (MSA). PO Box 7065 Lawrence, KS 66044.
- Nelson
- Niklas Karl J
- Nissen Claus
- Nobel Park S
- North America
- North American Mycological Association (NAMA). PO Box 64 Christiansburg, VA 24068.
- Pavord Anna
- Pearson Lorentz C
- Perry James W
- Pessarakli Mohammad
- Petrak Franz
- Pflanzenphysiologie
- Phillips Roger
- Phillips W
- Phycological Society of America (PSA). Virginia Tech.
- Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE).
- Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA).
- Plant Growth Regulation Society of America (PGRSA). 1018 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314.
- Plants
- Plants
- Plants Database
- Pott Richard
- Press
- Preston Richard J
- Pritzel G. A
- Quattrocchi Umberto
- Raghavan V
- Raven Peter H
- Reed Clyde Franklin
- Rehder A.
- Renger G.
- Reuss Jeremias David
- Rickett
- Rix Martyn
- Rose Anthony H
- Rushforth Keith
- Ruzin Steven E
- Sachs
- Salinas Julio
- Schmidt
- Schulze E.-D.
- Shteir Ann B
- Sibley David
- Silvertown Jonathan W
- Simpson Michael G
- Sivarajan V. V.
- Smith Alexander H
- Soltis Douglas E
- Southon I. W
- Spencer Roger
- St. Louis
- Stearn William T
- Stearn William T
- Stephenson Steven L
- Stephenson Steven L
- Stevens P. F.
- Steward F. C.
- Stuessy
- Stumpf Paul K
- Supplementum
- Taiz
- Takhtajan A. L.
- Takhtajan Armen L
- Taxonomic Mycological Literature
- The Arabidopsis Book
- The Plant List St
- The Torrey Botanical Society
- Turner Nancy J
- Uellner Winfri
- Ulloa Miguel
- Vegetabile
- Vegter
- Vitt Dale H. S. R.
- Waisel Yoav
- Wehr John D
- Weigel
- West Keith R
- Wichtl Max
- Wielgorskaya Tatiana
- Wiersema
- Willis Kathy J
- Woodland Dennis W
- Woody Plants
- Wrobel M.
- Zomlefer Wendy B
- ürlichen Pflanzenfamilien
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study