450 research outputs found

    Report on Social Responsibility. University of Barcelona. 2016-2017

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/123170 i la versió en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/12556

    Report on Sustainability: The UB’s Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. 2021-2022

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català i anglès a recurs relacionatThe Report on sustainability includes the main actions carried out during the academic year (in this case 2020-2021) in relation to ethical commitment and social responsibility. The Report brings comprehensive data on the governance of the University of Barcelona, our teaching and research activity, our social commitment, our economic situation, and includes the University contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG

    Report on Social Responsibility. University of Barcelona. 2013-2014

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a:http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67073 i en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67714In our society, universities are one of the principal driving forces behind social, economic and cultural change, and the University of Barcelona is committed to playing its part in supporting social progress. As such, social responsibility must be threaded through each of the areas of university activity, bringing with it the concern and commitment needed to ensure a positive impact on our country. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the UB’s policies and actions in the different areas of social responsibility. At the same time, it is an important tool through which to give an account of our actions to the wider society, the university community and all our stakeholders, setting out our commitments and detailing the objectives and outcomes of the UB’s activities. In his introduction, the rector, as the highest authority of our institution, highlights the most important facts and milestones of the academic year 2013-2014, a year in which I would like to single out the increase in the UB’s creation of value for society against a backdrop of ongoing economic constraints. The UB has ensured the admission of students with financial hardships; expanded its course offering, which is more open to the world; undertaken the highest-level research, and kept its commitment to transfer results to society. These actions are reflected in the UB’s higher international rankings and recognition. The Board of Trustees wants to underscore its commitment to the University of Barcelona in the enhancement and development of our social responsibility, and to acknowledge the commitment of the entire university community toward building a university with socially responsible teaching, research and management

    Report on Social Responsability. University of Barcelona. 2014-2015

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/100106 i en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/10273

    Evolving Trends in Orthodontics: Clear Aligner Therapy, Bio-mechanical Principles, and Custom Attachments

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    Orthodontic treatment has evolved significantly in recent years, with a growing emphasis on meeting patients' aesthetic demands. Using a series of custom-made plastic aligners, clear aligner therapy has gained popularity for treating mild to moderate malocclusions. This article traces the history of clear aligners, from their initial concept in the 1940s to the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing in the 1990s, exemplified by Align Technology's Invisalign system. While clear aligners offer advantages but have limitations, including their suitability for complex cases, patient compliance requirements, and cost considerations. The bio mechanical principles underlying clear aligner therapy are explored, focusing on two mechanisms: shape moulding, where aligners gradually adjust tooth positions, and using auxiliary elements to improve forecast accuracy. Custom attachments have emerged as a promising innovation to optimize tooth movements, approaching the precision achieved with traditional fixed appliance

    Reflections of a Leader in Counseling Psychology

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    has contributed to the field of counseling psychology and to his colleagues in the field in a number of ways. Jim likes people, and that comes through in his interactions. He is known for his generosity and demonstrated friendship to colleagues. In response to a question about the impact Jim had on her career, a former student and staff member wrote the following: Jim's unconditional positive regard for all levels of staff and trainees at Colorado State created a climate of support and caring which fostered growth and development for us and the students. The CSU Counseling Center was an exciting and stimulating place where both creative energy and conceptual vision flourished. The Colorado Cube model for service delivery-a collaborative product of Morrill, Oetting, and Hurst in the '70s-has influenced the organization and operation of counseling centers across the country to this day. Jim's personal influence and professional modeling has produced a large number of psychologists who have gone on to become counseling center directors and strong contributors to psychology. The imprint of his leadership will be a lasting one

    Informe de sostenibilitat: El compromís de la Universitat de Barcelona amb els ODS. 2018-2019

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    La Universitat de Barcelona presenta el seu onzè Informe de sostenibilitat (fins ara anomenat Memòria de responsabilitat social), d’acord amb el seu ferm compromís amb el desenvolupament sostenible i amb la transparència. L’elaboració d’aquest informe, així com la resta de l’activitat universitària, s’ha vist condicionada per la pandèmia de COVID-19, que ha limitat les possibilitats de generar i obtenir informació que habitualment s’inclou en aquest document. I és que, els darrers mesos, el món ha hagut d’afrontar una situació imprevista i sense precedents que ha requerit (i requerirà) molts esforços de tota la societat per fer-hi front i per limitar-ne els efectes, que ja es preveuen devastadors. La Universitat, com sempre, estarà al costat de les persones: mirarà de contribuir a mitigar els impactes negatius de la pandèmia en el conjunt de la societat, amb especial atenció a la seva comunitat universitària. Com en cada edició, a les pàgines següents trobareu informació exhaustiva sobre la governança de la Universitat, la seva docència i recerca, el seu compromís social i la seva economia, entre d’altres. Com a novetat, vull destacar que, per primera vegada i malgrat les circumstàncies esmentades, la UB recull les seves contribucions en relació amb els objectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS) definits per les Nacions Unides, amb els quals està fermament compromesa. L’elaboració del Pla d’acció en ODS i la creació de l’aliança interuniversitària CHARM-EU són dos bons exemples d’aquest enfocament nítid cap al desenvolupament sostenible...L’Informe de sostenibilitat és un document que recull les principals accions dutes a terme al llarg del curs acadèmic 2018-2019, pel que fa al compromís ètic i la responsabilitat social. Conté informació exhaustiva i les dades més rellevants dels àmbits de l’ètica en la gestió, la responsabilitat envers l’alumnat i els treballadors, l’impacte en la societat i en l’economia, i el compromís amb la millora del medi ambient, entre d’altres. També reuneix les contribucions de la Universitat de Barcelona en relació amb els objectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS). I mostra que la Universitat de Barcelona és una institució de referència no només per la qualitat de la seva docència i la seva recerca, sinó també per la seva ferma voluntat d’incidir positivament en l’entorn mitjançant les activitats que duu a terme