858 research outputs found

    Studies of the Synthetic Inorganic Ion Exchanger. II : The Properties of Stannic Phosphate

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    A recommended procedure for the preparation of stannic phosphate and a discussion of its ion exchange properties have been presented. The stannic phosphate, the density of which is 2.17 g/cm^3, is a weakly acidic cation exchanger and possesses several dissociable hydrogen atoms in the range of pKa values. In a weakly acidic solution, in which the exchanger is useful, the exchange group having the pKa value of approximately three is most important. The ion exchange equilibrium can be elucidated by the mass action law and the affinity series for alkali metals coincides with the usual relationship observed in the ion exchange resin. The rate-determining step in the ion exchange is assumed to be the migration of ions through the water retained in the gel structure. From the data of thermal decomposition curve, ion exchange capacity, pH titration curves and mutual separation of alkali metals, the stability against heat treatment and γ-ray irradiation is estimated ; that is, the separation of alkali metals does not go well with the exchanger dried at 110℃ due to the slow rate of exchange, but the exchanger is stable against irradiation of about 10^9r and undergoes only a slight decrease in ion exchange capacity even when it is treated in water at 250℃ for 8 days. The structure has been suggested on the basis of above results and X-ray diffraction patterns

    The Chemistry of Protactinium. II : The Behavior of Pentavalent Protactinium in a Perchloric Acid Solution

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    Studies of the chemical behavior of protactinium (V) were carried out with the TTA-benzene extraction method, the ion exchange method and the filtration method. When the protactinium concentration is less than 10^M and the perchloric acid concentration is 0.3-2.0N, the reaction of TTA extraction may proceed as : PaO_m(OH)_n^+4HT⇄Pa(OH)T_4+(m+n-1)H_2O+(5-2m-n)H^+ where 2m+n is 3 and 4, or as : PaO_m(OH)_nT^+4HT⇄PaT_5+(m+n)H_2O+(4-2m-n)H^+ where 2m+n is 2 and 3. The cation exchange experiment gives results consistent with this conclusion. On the other hand, when the concentration of protactinium is higher than 10^M, the above relation does not hold, even in the 5N perchloric acid solution, because protactinium forms the aggregates to a great extent. This has been confirmed by the filtration experiment

    Studies of the Synthetic Inorganic Ion Exchanger. V. : The Separation of Zirconium-95 and Niobium-95 by Means of a Stannic Phosphate Cation Exchanger

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    With the aim of developing a method for the separation of ^Zr and ^Nb, various eluants were investigated, a sulfuric acid solution was found to be most suitable for this purpose. After the stannic phosphate exchanger column had been conditioned with 1N nitric acid, the sample solution was passed through it to adsorb ^Zr and ^Nb. By using a 2N sulfuric acid solution and a 3N sulfuric acid -0.01N hydrofluoric acid solution as eluants, ^Zr and ^Nb could be eluted respectively. The separation was not quantitative, however, because of the unfavorable tailing of the elution curves. On the basis of the above results, the possibility of the total radiochemical separation of a long-lived fission product and the mechanism of the adsorption of these ions were discussed

    『史記』の〈歴史〉語りと教材としての可能性 : 高校2年生「鴻門之会」の学習から

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    中学校国語科古文学習における対話的な学び : 「先哲(古人)との対話」を中心にして <第2部 教科研究>

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    〈深い学び〉に向けた教材発掘(1) : 古典学習を中心に

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    『宇治拾遺物語』第五五段「薬師寺別当事」の教材化(一) : 〈批判〉について考える学習の教材として

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    中学校国語科の古典学習における絵画テキストの活用 : 「徒然草絵」を読み解く <第2部 教科研究>

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