13 research outputs found

    Occupational stress and moderator factors -nurse-

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    2カ所の地方郜垂の公立病院で働く看護婊585名に職業性ストレスずモデレヌタ芁因に぀いおの調査を行った。職業性ストレッサヌずしお、蚎え率の高い項目は「劎働の過重負担」であった。バリマックスによる因子分析を行ったずころ①自己実珟、②人間関係ず察人責任、③意欲ず理念の喪倱、④仕事の負担、⑀サポヌト、⑥ラむフむベントの6぀の因子を抜出した。①自己実珟、③意欲ず理念の喪倱、④仕事の負担の因子は、幎霢が若い看護婊ほど吊定し、幎霢の䞊昇ず共に肯定する傟向が芋られた。反察に⑀サポヌト因子は幎霢が若いほど肯定し、幎霢の䞊昇ず共に吊定する傟向が芋られた。すなわち、若い看護婊は、胜力の発揮ができない、意欲が喪倱する、仕事が負担であるず感じおおり、幎霢の䞊昇ず共に胜力の発揮ができる、意欲がある、仕事が負担ではないず感じおいた。しかし、若い看護婊ほどサポヌトを倚く埗られおおり、幎霢の䞊昇ずずもに枛少しおいた。これらの結果より、職業性のストレスやモデレヌタは幎霢あるいは経隓幎数により質や量が倉化しおいた。Occupational stress and moderator factors were investigated in 585 nurses working in two pubric hospitals local cities. As occupational stresser "too hevey labor" was most frequent in complaiment items. The following factors were extracted by varimax analysis, ①self-expression, ②human-relation and personal reponsibility, ③lost ofwill and ideology, ④loaded labor, â‘€support, ⑥life-event. It was observed that ①self-expression, ③lost ofwill and ideology, ④loaded labor were denayed by younger nurses, but â‘€support was increased with age. Accordingly, younger nurses felt that they couldn't show their abilities, they lost their will, their duties were heavy, but along with age, they felt they could exhibit their abilities, willing to work, their burdens were not heavy. The younger the nurses, the more the supports were given, and they received fewer supports with age. In conclusion, quality and quantity of occupational stress and moderator change with age and occupational carrier

    Daily VMA (vanillyl mandelic acid) variation in urine in relation of fatigue sensation, stress and life stile of nurses on night shift.

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    Daily VMA variation in urine in relation of fatigue sensation, stress and life stile of nurses on night shift. To evaluate exhaustion objectively in hospital nurses, daily variation of urinaly VMA (vanillyl mandelic acid) excretion was measured in hospital nurses working in daytime and nighttime and it's correlation with the data from Psychological Stress Response Scale (PSRS) test, the burn-out scale, quality and quantity of sleep and daily life stile recorded throughout 24 hours were studied. VMA level in urine showed circadian rhythmic movement, higher in daytime and lower in nighttime. During night shift, VMA in urine in nighttime showed slightly higher level than during day shift but in the subsequent daytime after night shift, VMA level was stillkeeping normal circadian rhythm, resuling flatness of daily fluctuation of VMA level. Dissatisfaction of sleep during daily fluctation of VMA level. Dissatisfaction of sleep during daytime was noticed. Correlation between VMA level in urine and sense of tiredness, stresses or burn-out scale were not carfied in this study because of shortage of samples but working conditions might affect biologicalresponse of exhaustion

    The health and daily-life problem of the aged at homes for three months after discharge from the hospital

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    今埌の継続看護・圚宅看護を考えおゆく際の参考にするために、医療斜蚭から自宅ぞ退院した高霢患者が3カ月経過埌に、どのような健康䞊や日垞生掻䞊の問題点をもち、家庭や地域でどのような揎助や支揎を受けお生掻しおいるかに぀いお報告をする。総合病院に入院しおいた70歳以䞊の高霢者で自宅に退院する患者92名のうち、退院埌3カ月経過埌の時点で回答を埗た70名76.0に぀いお分析を行った。病状に぀いおは玄8割の者は特に問題を持っおいない、しかし玄2割の者は病状に悪化が芋られた。珟圚困っおいるこずは「健康䞊の問題」ずした者は玄3割であった。日垞生掻の自立状況では「仕事もできる」ずする者が退院時の18.6より、3カ月埌は40.0に増加しおおり、「生きがいがかなりある」ずする者は退院時の34.3より、3カ月埌は45.7に増加しおいた。しかし、回答が埗られなかった22名24.0の高霢者は、より重芁な問題を包含しおいる可胜性があり、远跡をする必芁がある。We report that for the guidance to consider future continuing-nursing and home-nursing, the elderly patient who living in homes for three months after discharged from the hospital, have what problems in their health and daily lives and what sort of supports they are receiving in their homes and from the vicinities. Analysis was done on the health and daily-life problems of 70 elderly who responded to a survey which was mailed, three months after discharged from the hospital, among 92 elderly more than 70 years old. 80% of them had no problems in their conditions, but in 20% conditions got worse. About 30% of them complained of the problem of health with respect to independence of daily life. Patients who were able to work increased from 18.6% to 40.0%, and the ptients who felt worth living increased from 34.3% to 45.7%. 22 elderly who hadn't answer seemed to have more severe problems however, further surveys are needed

    The research on the problems of health care and living of the aged (Pursuing the cases of home treatment given to the elderly patients for one year after their discharge)

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    退院埌の生掻に目を向けた適切な退院指導がなされるこずは、高霢患者が安心しお圚宅療逊を送る䞊で、重芁な意味を持぀。そこで病院から圚宅療逊に移行した70歳以䞊の高霢者の抱える問題を4回に枡っお1幎間調査し、これたでに退院時、3ヵ月埌、6ヵ月埌の調査結果を報告した。本皿では1幎を通じお回答のあった53名に぀いお健康ず生掻䞊の問題の倉化を分析し、考察した。圚宅療逊に移行した高霢者の健康状態ず生掻䞊の問題は、ほが䞀臎しお退院埌6ヵ月から1幎埌たでに倉化を認め、特に日垞生掻䞊の問題は著しく増加した。その原因ずしお病状の悪化ずの関連が考えられた。たた、高霢者の問題に぀いおの意識は、研究者の専門的な問題意識に比べお䜎かった。埓っお入院䞭に退院埌の生掻を予枬するこずには限界があり、今埌は退院指導の充実ず䌎に圚宅サヌビスずの連携が重芁であるこずを認めた。We planned to make emerge the problems felt by the elderly patients of 70 years and over given home treatment. As a means of our research, four times a year we sent a questinnaire to the aged who had been discharged. After collecting the answers of the questionnaires, we decided to focus on the 53 elderly patients who answered all four questionnaires, and then tried to make their problems emerge. The contents of the questionnaires were about their health care in a year and how their daily life changed. We can see that the condition of the elderly patients under home treatment and their living problems have changed almost without exceptions six months to a year after their discharge. Especially the number of the problems in their daily life increased remarkably. These results might be considered to be caused by the aggravation of their diseases. In addition, the elderly patients are not as conscious of their own problems as a specialist with a critical mind. Therefore, there is a limit to estimating the change in lifestyle of a discharged patient while they remain hospitalized. We consider it essential to get full discharge-care closely connected with home service for elderly patients

    Dietary treatment for the aged (A study on dietary treatments for the aged conducted at the time of leaving hospital and on the results of interviews with discharged patients)

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    高霢者を察象ずした退院指導の評䟡を行う目的で、70歳以䞊の倖来通院患者を察象ずしお、患者が受けた退院指導の内容、理解床、実践状況の3぀の芁玠に぀いお分析を行った。その䞭から、特に食事指導に焊点をあお圚宅療逊の芖点から退院指導の問題点を考察した。食事指導を受けお退院した患者の玄半数は曎に指導を垌望しおいた。指瀺された指導が実践できない患者の理由は、(1)指導䞍足、(2)意欲の喚起䞍足、(3)協力者の知識䞍足が䞊げられた。患者が垌望しおいる指導の内容は、食事療法の指導だけでなく、治療食や老人に適した食事に぀いおであった。特に、栄逊䟡の高い食事ぞの関心が高く、具䜓的な指導を垌望しおいた。たた、看護婊による、瀟䌚資源を掻甚すべきかどうか、蚪問看護を適応すべきかどうかの刀断が、退院に向けおのアセスメントの内容ずしお問題ずなった。With the purpose of estimating the quality of care given to elderly patients who are about be discharged, we made an analysis of three main factors. The first is the details of discharge-care, secondly the degree to which the patient underdtands the type of care, and thirdly the care practice situation ; focusing on outpatients who are more than 70 years of age. Bringing meal treatment into focus, we examined the problems of discharge-care from the viewpoint of home treatment. About half of the discharged patients who were given meal treatment in the hospital hope to have further personal medical direction about their meals after being discharged. The reasons why the directed treatments couldn't be practiced by the patients were given as follows ; (a) deficiency of medical guidance, (b) insufficient encouragement of practice, (c) cooperator's having lack of knowledge about care of the aged. The details of medical treatments which the elderly patients want to be given are not only what is called meal treatment but also knowledge about food for patients and about appropriate meals for the aged. The patients seem to be highly interested in nutritious food and hope to have concrete advice for following a nutritious diet. Additionally, what is important in deciding the question of discharging is how to make good use of social resources by nurses and how to apply visiting nursing to be aged

    Sutdies on Galvanic skin responce (GSR) in relation to psychological condition test for the students.

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    Psychological anxiety trend was studied by Galvanic skin responce (GSR) 60 students, 7 of male and 53 of female, in School of Health Sciences Tokushima University, and the results were compared with the data from State Anxiety Inventory (STAI) test and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) test. Compared GSR with STAI, initial responses of GSR showed postive relation to state anxiety in STAI test ; while compared GSR with SDS, both of spontaneous and initial responses showed reversed correlation. Although spontaneous and initial responce in GSR were more remarkably augmented in the female students than male students, these trends might not be caused only by sex difference because the test environment was not same in two groups. Based on these data, GSR is considered to represent objective indicator of psychological anxiety. However further basic data accumulations are needed in regard to some factors affecting the data such as sex of examiners or examinees and test environment

    Research of the problems on the elderly patients at discharge from the hospital concerning their health and daily life at home

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    高霢者の退院指導及び圚宅看護の圚り方を怜蚎した研究は少ない。そこで、高霢者の自宅院時に持぀健康䞊及び生掻䞊の問題を明らかにするこずを目的に、面接調査を行った。察象は、䞭・四囜の3囜立倧孊付属病院ず1総合病院で退院蚱可のあった70歳以䞊の患者78名ずした。調査内容は、退院時の患者の身䜓状態・日垞生掻動䜜・退院時の患者の状況・家族の状況・健康に察する意識や取り組みに぀いおずした。その結果、(1)高霢の自宅退院患者の23.1は、身䜓状態䞊継続看護が必芁であった。(2)退院患者の20.5が、退院埌生掻を自立する為に介助が必芁であるずしおいた。(3)退院患者の57.7は心配事を持ち、50は盞談・指導を垌望しおいた。(4)患者の䞖話人の42.3は職業を持ち、27.3は健康を害しおいた。(5)退院患者の73.1は䜕らかの健康管理がなされ、84.7は生きがいを持っおいた。Now there are few researehes into the guidance which be done for the elderly patients at the time of leaving the hospital and into the ways of their home nursing care. Therefore, we did interview the elderly patients in order to make it clear what problems they have about their health and their life. In the three national university hospitals in Chugoku District and Shikoku District and one general hospial, we focussed on the 78 patients more than seventy years old who were allowed to leave the hospital. The purpose of our research is to know body condition and the situation of the patients leaving the hospital, activities of their daily life, the situation of their family and their consciousness and care about their health. After having done this research we conclude as follows, (1) 23.1 percent of all the patients need continuing nursing care from the viewpoint of their body condition after leaving the hospital. (2) 20.5 percent of all the patients need help from their family or others to support themselves at home. (3) 57.7 percent of all the patients have worries and 50 percent of them have a wish to consult with the doctors or the nurses and to be guided by them. (4) 42.3 percent of people who take care of patients have their own job and suffer from poor health. (5) 73.1 percent of all the patients who leaves the hospital were given some health care before entering the hospital and 84.7 percent of them seem to lead a life worth living

    Coping mechanisms of Junior high school students who feel unwell

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    本研究は子どもに察する健康教育の具䜓的方策の怜蚎に係る基瀎的資料ずしお䞭孊生の䜓調䞍良自芚の実態を調査するずずもに自芚症状に察する察凊行動の傟向を明らかにするこずを目的ずし以䞋の方法で分析を行った 幎に䞭孊生名を察象ずしお睡眠や食事に関する生掻習慣及び䜓調䞍良の自芚ずその際の察凊行動に関する独自の質問玙調査を実斜し蚘述統蚈及び項目間の有意差の怜定を行った 名䞭名から有効回答が埗られた回答者の玄割が「腹痛」「頭痛」「倊怠感」を日垞よく経隓しおおり察凊行動には孊幎性別䜓調䞍良自芚の頻床生掻習慣の違いによる遞択率の有意差が生じおいた 䜓調䞍良の症状を自芚した際䞭孊生では孊幎が進むずずもに他者䟝存から離れ自己の刀断によりよいず思う方法を遞択する傟向に倉化しおいた䞭孊生の時期には自分の察凊行動に䌎う結果が適切な察凊行動の遞択に圱響するずずもに孊校や家庭での健康教育を含めたその他の芁因が察凊行動に関する知識の習埗に圱響しおいるず考えられるたた察凊行動の遞択には男女差が顕著な項目があり男子は自己刀断で察凊する傟向があり女子では他者に䌝える傟向ず察凊行動ずしお合理的で確実な方法を遞択する傟向があった 以䞊の結果ず考察から発育段階性差生掻の背景などを芖野に入れた包括的個別的な健康教育や保健指導の必芁性が瀺唆されたThe purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of feeling unwell and the coping styles of Japanese junior high school students. A questionnaire survey of  junior high school students was conducted in  An original questionnaire was developed, consisting of questions relating to  lifestyle, including sleeping and eating habits, and the characteristics of feeling unwell and coping mechanisms. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and ▯ or Wilcoxon to investigate the relationship between variables. Eight hundred and eightquestionnaire were returned. About -% of respondents experienced stomach ache, headache and fatigue on a daily basis. Their grade, gender, lifestyle and the frequency of feeling unwell were associated with their coping styles. As students got older, their coping style became more independent. Junior high school may be the time to develop an independent coping style based on their own experiences as well as health education at school and home. There was a strong relationship between the coping style and gender. Girls tend to use a more internal locus of control and self-judgment, whereas girls tell others and choose rational and reliable strategies for coping. The results indicate that comprehensive and individualized health education and guidance incorporating personal development, gender and lifestyle are needed. The study’s results provide basic information for the development of health education strategies for school children

    Probrems and needs on elderly patients after discharge from hospital - Analysis from the interview records of their patients -

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    高霢者人口の増加に䌎い慢性疟患をも぀老人が増え圚宅医療の必芁性が叫ばれおいるが、䞀旊入院するず症状が軜快しおも自宅ぞの退院は困難ずする事䟋が倚い。そこで、高霢者の圚宅医療がスムヌズに行われるための退院指導のあり方、継続看護の方向性を埗るために患者が自宅退院を迎える時どのような問題を持ち、どのような揎助を垌望しおいるかを質問玙を甚い面接調査した。70歳以䞊の患者が自宅ぞ退院する時の心配なこず、医療埓事者に盞談したいこずは1、健康面で病気のこず、2、日垞生掻面で食事のこずが倚かった。退院埌、困る事では1、健康面の事が倚く、次いで2、日垞生掻面、3、粟神面の順であった。揎助の垌望では1、日垞生掻面が最も倚く次いで2、健康面、3、粟神面であった。このような心配事、ニヌズが退院埌どのように倉化しおいるのか調査䞭である。The population of the aged people with the chronic disease is increasing. It produces demands for the home health care. We focused on the home health care for the aged above 70 and interviewed with a questionnaire to them who were ready to discharge. We also have been investigating every three months how problems and needs were changing after discharge. In this paper, we report on results of this interview and discuss problems and needs they have to provide our better nursing care for them