50 research outputs found

    The composite dataset of the present-day Infralittoral Prograding Wedges (IPWs) in the inner continental shelf of the Campania region (Central-Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    This article reports on the dataset gathered following the census of 83 present-day Infralittoral Prograding Wedges (IPWs), surveyed on the inner continental shelf of the Central-Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea. The purpose of the census was to explore their bathymetric range and assess the observational laws governing this variability. The ensued dataset (Campania Region IPW Dataset, CRID) includes geographic, topographic and morpho-bathymetric indices, descriptive of each IPW and more, the exposure of each IPW to wave forcing (Geographical fetch, Effective fetch and extreme significant wave height, HS). In this work, histograms contribute to describe all the variables and highlight the dominant features of each IPW. Location maps univocally links the geographic position of each IPW to the appropriate attribute record in the dataset. Further, thematic maps illustrate eight wave fields obtained by offshore-to-nearshore transformation by as many sea states scenarios with 200-year return period. Such wave fields are used as sources for significant wave height representing wave conditions over each IPW. This dataset could be implemented with new measures at a broader scale, by following analogue procedures for measurements, to enlarge the observational scale on IPWs and improve the numerical models which might eventually derive by the analysis of this dataset

    Seabed mapping in the Pelagie Islands marine protected area (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean) using Remote Sensing Object Based Image Analysis (RSOBIA)

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    In this paper we present the seabed maps of the shallow-water areas of Lampedusa and Linosa, belonging to the Pelagie Islands Marine Protected Area. Two surveys were carried out (“Lampedusa 2015” and “Linosa 2016”) to collect bathymetric and acoustic backscatter data through the use of a Reson SeaBat 7125 high-resolution multibeam system. Ground-truth data, in the form of grab samples and diver video-observations, were also collected during both surveys. Sediment samples were analyzed for grain size, while video images were analyzed and described revealing the acoustic seabed and other bio-physical characteristics. A map of seabed classification, including sediment types and seagrass distribution, was produced using the tool Remote Sensing Object Based Image Analysis (RSOBIA) by integrating information derived from backscatter data and bathy-morphological features, validated by ground-truth data. This allows to create a first seabed maps (i.e. benthoscape classification), of Lampedusa and Linosa, at scale 1:20 000 and 1:32 000, respectively, that will be checked and implemented through further surveys. The results point out a very rich and largely variable marine ecosystem on the seabed surrounding the two islands, with the occurrence of priority habitats, and will be of support for a more comprehensive maritime spatial planning of the Marine Protected Area

    Tsunami propagation and flooding maps: An application for the Island of Lampedusa, Sicily Channel, Italy

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    The Mediterranean coastlines are densely populated zones which host key socio-economic and commercial activities. For this reason, coastal areas are vulnerable sites in case of natural disasters as tsunamis that can strike coasts causing widespread damage to the population and facilities. For these reasons, several studies were performed over the last decade to study the impact of tsunami waves on the coasts. This research assessed the inundation risk due to a tsunami wave which can hit the southeastern coast of Lampedusa Island. The coastal low-lying geomorphological setting of the southeastern part of the island led to significant socio-economic growth, but Lampedusa falls within the Mediterranean Sea, a high-tsunamigenic area, therefore, the need to investigate tsunami propagation and coastal flooding of this sensitive site emerged. For this scope, a calculation chain model was implemented incorporating three steps: the DELFT-3D software for earthquake effects modelling, MIKE 21 Flow Model FM for nearshore propagation and HEC-RAS for onshore tsunami inundation modelling. The simulations illustrate the impact of three tsunami scenarios with different magnitudes (Mw 8.5, 7.5, 6.5) generated by hypothetical earthquakes in the Hellenic Arc. In the Mw 8.5 magnitude scenario, significant flooding occurs in the harbour region, with maximum water depths reaching approximately 3.5 m. The maximum water velocity in this scenario reaches about 15 m/s in the eastern portion, adjacent to cliffs impacted by the tsunami wave. In contrast, the Mw 7.5 magnitude scenario demonstrates reduced flooded areas, with the cliffs containing the waves and preventing further flooding. Water depths and velocities in the Mw 7.5 scenario remain minimal. Changes in both propagation and flooding are not significant between scenarios Mw 7.5 and Mw 6.5. This methodology can be employed for more accurate tsunami wave simulations not only in the Mediterranean region but also in various case studies

    Stretto di Sicilia: Rapporto tecnico sui campionamenti acustici e biologici – Echo-survey “Ancheva 2011”

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    La campagna oceanografica Ancheva 2011, condotta dal Gruppo di Acustica Applicata alla valutazione delle Risorse dell’IAMC-CNR (U.O.S. di Capo Granitola - Campobello di Mazara) ha avuto come principale obiettivo la valutazione della distribuzione ed abbondanza di piccoli pelagici (prevalentemente sardine e acciughe) nell’area dello Stretto di Sicilia e della Piattaforma Maltese con l’impiego di strumentazione elettroacustica. L’attività di ricerca, svolta nel periodo 20 Giugno – 12 Luglio 2011 a bordo della N/O “Dallaporta”, è parte integrante del progetto MEDIterranean Acoustic Surveys (MEDIAS), finanziato all’interno dell’European Data Collection Regulation. In particolare, la campagna ha permesso di effettuare un Echosurvey nello Stretto di Sicilia (GSA 16 – FAO sub area 37.2.2) il cui scopo principale è quello di eseguire un’investigazione interdisciplinare per stimare abbondanza e distribuzione di organismi pelagici sulla piattaforma meridionale della Sicilia, da Marsala a oltre Capo Passero. Grazie al supporto del programma MEDIAS ed alla collaborazione tra i ricercatori dell’IAMC-CNR ed il Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (MCFS), un survey acustico è stato svolto anche nelle acque Maltesi

    Monitoraggio integrato di un'area marino-costiera: la foce del fiume Volturno (Mar Tirreno centrale)

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    Vengono presentati i risultati dell’attività di monitoraggio svolta nel corso del progetto PONa3_00363 I-AMICA (Infrastruttura di Alta tecnologia per il Monitoraggio Integrato Climatico-Ambientale; www.i-amica.it/i-amica/), nell’ambito delle attività relative all’Obiettivo Realizzativo 4.4 (Processi di interfaccia biosfera-idrosfera e funzionalità degli ecosistemi costieri). L’attività, che ha avuto come scopo l’acquisizione di conoscenze avanzate sulle dinamiche e/o variazioni nel tempo degli ecosistemi marino-costieri in relazione ai processi fisici, chimici e biologici che caratterizzano il loro habitat, si è sviluppata attraverso la sperimentazione di nuove metodologie di monitoraggio in relazione alle specifiche caratteristiche dell’area marino-costiera prospiciente la foce del fiume Volturno (Golfo di Gaeta). In particolare, oltre che sulle tecniche di monitoraggio classiche, lo studio si è principalmente focalizzato sulla acquisizione ed interpretazione di dati ambientali sia in colonna d’acqua che nei sedimenti a fondo mare e sulla identificazione di specie e/o associazioni di specie significative (bio-indicatori) da un punto di vista ambientale ed indicative dello stato di salute del sistema costiero. Poiché il sistema costiero rappresenta una struttura naturale complessa e delicata, la cui evoluzione è il risultato di delicati equilibri fisici, chimici e biologici, fortemente condizionabili dagli interventi antropici, l’attività di monitoraggio è stata integrata da studi sulla variazione della linea di costa, da studi sismostratigrafici della piana deltizia, sedimentologici e morfo-batimetrici dei fondali.Published1-714A. Oceanografia e climaJCR Journa

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2342931.-- Data availability statement: Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo for institutional purposes, so their access will be available by contacting the reference people (attilio.sulliunipa.it) upon reasonable requestWe present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scaleThe Magic Project has been funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department. [...] With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Rapporto di Fine Campagna Magic_IAMC1211

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    Campagna oceanografica MAGIC IAMC 1211 N/O URANIA. Rapporto di fine campagna 27/12/11-04/01/1

    Relazione finale della Campagna Oceanografica "Linosa"

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    Il presente documento descrive le attività svolte durante la Campagna Oceanografica “Linosa” dall’Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR di Napoli relativo alla Convenzione per la “Realizzazione di Attività di Ricerca e Monitoraggio nell’Area Marina Protetta “Isole Pelagie” (Prot. N° 0013232 del 28/12/2015)” tra il Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, Ente Gestore dell’Area Marina Protetta – AMP “Isole Pelagie”, e l’IAMC di Napoli. La convenzione è stata stipulata a seguito della collaborazione nata con l’AMP e l’IAMC per il monitoraggio dello stato di conservazione della Posidonia oceanica dell’isola di Lampedusa (Di Martino et al. 2015; Tonielli et al. 2016) ed è nata per lo svolgimento degli studi morfo-batimetrici dei fondali nell’area marino costiera dell’isola di Linosa, nei settori di competenza dell’AMP, finalizzati in particolare alla mappatura dei fondali per la definizione delle biocenosi prioritarie (Posidonia oceanica e coralligeno)

    Seafloor features and benthic foraminifera off Linosa Island (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean)

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    Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from marine sediments of some selected areas off the Linosa Island (central Mediterranean) were investigated with the aim to examine their relationships with seafloor topography. Sediments were collected during different geophysical and biological surveys carried out in 2016 and 2017 around the Pelagie Islands. An integrative partial least squares approach (2B-PLS) attempted an interpretation of co-variance between seafloor morphology and benthic foraminiferal communities. We examined benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics (diversity and composition) in relation to seafloor topography and acoustic response (depth, backscatter, roughness, slope, aspect, topographic position index). Statistical analyses highlighted two principal groups of samples mainly distinguished by: different sampling devices (i.e. grab and box corer), depth, and sediment texture. 2B-PLS analysis suggested that roughness, slope, backscatter and depth were the main factors discriminating changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblage beside differences in substratum type

    Campagna oceanografica Magic_IAMC 0610: rapporto di fine campagna

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    Campagna oceanografica MAGIC IAMC 0610, N/O MARIA GRAZIA. Rapporto di fine campagna 07/06/10-01/07/1