7 research outputs found
Uses of ICT Tools from the Perspective of Chilean University Teachers
The use of the ICT in university learning processes is linked to their use by the educator. This aspect will determine the use of some resources over others, and consequently, the prevalence of some methodologies over others. The main objective of this work is to determine the use of the ICT by university educators, and from this, to determine which elements will define the design of a training program on the use of the ICT. For this, and with the use of an ex post facto method with a sample of n = 1113 subjects, the main result obtained was that the male professors utilized the digital tools more often for their teaching tasks. Furthermore, those with less professional experience preferred to use tools found in the cloud. Thus, it is concluded that the model of training observed from the demonstrated use of digital resources is linked to the preoccupation of education professionals for caring for the digital environment, and this model should be designed as a function of the methodologies and the system of evaluations utilized by the professors
Effects of the Fourth Ventricle Compression in the Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System: A Randomized Control Trial
Introduction. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is an important factor in the development of chronic pain. Fourth ventricle compression (CV-4) has been shown to influence autonomic activity. Nevertheless, the physiological mechanisms behind
these effects remain unclear. Objectives. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of fourth ventricle compression on the autonomic nervous system. Methods. Forty healthy adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group, on whom CV-4 was
performed, or to a control group, who received a placebo intervention (nontherapeutic touch on the occipital bone). In both groups, plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured before and immediately after the intervention. Results. No effects related to the intervention were found. Although a reduction of norepinephrine, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate was found after the intervention, it was not exclusive to the intervention group. In fact, only the control group showed an increment of dopamine levels after intervention. Conclusion. Fourth ventricle compression seems not to have any effect in plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, or heart rate. Further studies are needed to clarify the CV-4 physiologic mechanisms and clinical efficacy in autonomic regulation and pain treatment
Effects of the Fourth Ventricle Compression in the Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System: A Randomized Control Trial
Introduction. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is an important factor in the development of chronic pain. Fourth ventricle compression (CV-4) has been shown to influence autonomic activity. Nevertheless, the physiological mechanisms behind these effects remain unclear. Objectives. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of fourth ventricle compression on the autonomic nervous system. Methods. Forty healthy adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group, on whom CV-4 was performed, or to a control group, who received a placebo intervention (nontherapeutic touch on the occipital bone). In both groups, plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured before and immediately after the intervention. Results. No effects related to the intervention were found. Although a reduction of norepinephrine, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate was found after the intervention, it was not exclusive to the intervention group. In fact, only the control group showed an increment of dopamine levels after intervention. Conclusion. Fourth ventricle compression seems not to have any effect in plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, or heart rate. Further studies are needed to clarify the CV-4 physiologic mechanisms and clinical efficacy in autonomic regulation and pain treatment
Homogeneizaci贸n del proceso de tutorizaci贸n del trabajo final de grado en estudiantes de Fisioterapia
La asignatura de trabajo final de grado (TFG) es una incorporaci贸n del espacio europeo con la que el alumno integra los contenidos adquiridos durante su formaci贸n. A pesar de intentar homogeneizar la formaci贸n, la inexistencia de instrucciones espec铆ficas produce diferencias en el desarrollo de los trabajos, incluso en una misma facultad debido a las diferencias metodol贸gicas de los docentes, frustrando al alumnado. Este trabajo evalu贸 la influencia del uso de r煤bricas y tutoriales como herramientas para homogeneizar el proceso de tutorizaci贸n del TFG en el grado de satisfacci贸n del alumnado con la asignatura. Durante dos a帽os acad茅micos, 9 profesores recibieron r煤bricas y tutoriales para guiar la tutorizaci贸n. El resto de profesores no recibieron ning煤n material adicional. Despu茅s de la presentaci贸n del trabajo, el alumnado contest贸 un cuestionario para evaluar el grado de satisfacci贸n con el TFG. Los resultados mostraron que el uso de r煤bricas no mejora la percepci贸n de la organizaci贸n de la asignatura ni del aprendizaje adquirido, as铆 como tampoco aumenta el grado de satisfacci贸n con el tutor y la asignatura. Sin embargo, esta metodolog铆a puede ser 煤til para minimizar la creencia de la exigencia de las tareas vinculadas al tutor, y con ello, la posible frustraci贸n del alumnado
Aproximaci贸n a la hip贸tesis de un d茅ficit sensoriomotor en la par谩lisis cerebral
[spa] La par谩lisis cerebral se ha considerado cl谩sicamente como un trastorno motor, donde las
alteraciones de la sensibilidad somatosensorial han sido escasamente consideradas. Esta
investigaci贸n pretende explorar la hip贸tesis de que las personas con par谩lisis cerebral
presenten d茅ficits sensoriomotores. Para ello, se han llevado a cabo diversos estudios
para explorar el procesamiento somatosensorial de los pacientes con par谩lisis cerebral y
voluntarios sanos. Adem谩s de un estudio sociodemogr谩fico sobre la incidencia del dolor
y los d茅ficits somatosensoriales en esta poblaci贸n, se presentan datos sobre los umbrales
sensoriales ante el tacto y la presi贸n, as铆 como sobre la actividad cerebral
desencadenada por la estimulaci贸n mec谩nica y el movimiento de diferentes partes del
cuerpo. Finalmente, se llev贸 a cabo un programa de intervenci贸n terap茅utica en la que
se intentaron aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en los estudios previos. Los
resultados de la presente investigaci贸n confirmaron que las personas con par谩lisis
cerebral padecen mayor dolor y d茅ficits somatosensoriales en comparaci贸n con los
voluntarios sanos. Adem谩s, se observ贸 que el procesamiento de la informaci贸n
somatosensorial presentaba una asimetr铆a hemisf茅rica dependiente de la afectaci贸n
motriz. Por otra parte, el procesamiento motor present贸 alteraciones significativas que
estaban relacionadas, fundamentalmente, con el periodo de planificaci贸n motora, donde
las aferencias sensoriales son de capital importancia. Estos datos apoyan la hip贸tesis de
la existencia de un d茅ficit sensoriomotor y subrayan la necesidad de implementar la
valoraci贸n y el tratamiento espec铆fico de los d茅ficits somatosensoriales en las personas
con par谩lisis cerebral
Parents and physiotherapists recognition of non-verbal communication of pain in individuals with cerebral palsy
[eng] Pain assessment is difficult in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). This is of particular relevance in children with communication difficulties, when non-verbal pain behaviors could be essential for appropriate pain recognition. Parents are considered good proxies in the recognition of pain in their children; however, health professionals also need a good understanding of their patients' pain experience. This study aims at analyzing the agreement between parents' and physiotherapists' assessments of verbal and non-verbal pain behaviors in individuals with CP. A written survey about pain characteristics and non-verbal pain expression of 96 persons with CP (45 classified as communicative, and 51 as non-communicative individuals) was performed. Parents and physiotherapists displayed a high agreement in their estimations of the presence of chronic pain, healthcare seeking, pain intensity and pain interference, as well as in non-verbal pain behaviors. Physiotherapists and parents can recognize pain behaviors in individuals with CP regardless of communication disabilities
Effects of the Fourth Ventricle Compression in the Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System: A Randomized Control Trial
Introduction. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is an important factor in the development of chronic pain. Fourth ventricle compression (CV-4) has been shown to influence autonomic activity. Nevertheless, the physiological mechanisms behind these effects remain unclear. Objectives. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of fourth ventricle compression on the autonomic nervous system. Methods. Forty healthy adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group, on whom CV-4 was performed, or to a control group, who received a placebo intervention (nontherapeutic touch on the occipital bone). In both groups, plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured before and immediately after the intervention. Results. No effects related to the intervention were found. Although a reduction of norepinephrine, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate was found after the intervention, it was not exclusive to the intervention group. In fact, only the control group showed an increment of dopamine levels after intervention. Conclusion. Fourth ventricle compression seems not to have any effect in plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, or heart rate. Further studies are needed to clarify the CV-4 physiologic mechanisms and clinical efficacy in autonomic regulation and pain treatment