5,977 research outputs found
Returns to education and to experience within the EU: are there differences between wage earners and the self-employed?
This paper investigates the returns to education and to experience within the 15 pre-enlargement EU countries, distinguishing between wage earners and the self-employed. These returns are estimated by using a comparable data set coming from the European Community Household Panel during the period 1994-2000. To correct for the ability bias and recover the education coefficients, an Efficient Generalized Instrumental Variable technique is applied. Although the results differ across countries, two common features can be observed. First, the earnings-experience profiles indicate certain traits of competitiveness in the labor markets and, secondly, the returns to education show that signaling plays a relevant role in the earnings of workers.Returns to education, wage earners, self-employed, panel data, European Union
Un análisis paralelo de la evolución de la dirección escolar y el tratamiento de la diferencia a lo largo de la legislación educativa actual
El presente artículo pretende realizar un análisis de la evolución de la dirección escolar y el tratamiento
de la diferencia en la legislación española, realizando a su vez una conexión entre ambas temáticas, ya
que esté análisis paralelo nos puede ayudar a analizar las funciones de los equipos directivos frente a la
atención a la diversidad.
De esta forma, presentamos el resumen de un estudio de cada una de las leyes, decretos, órdenes e
instrucciones que han aparecido hasta este momento._________________________________________________This research shows an analysis of the evaluation of the school leadership and the treatment of the difference
in the Spanish legislation, making a connection, at the same time, between both two subject matters because
this parallel analysis can help us to analyze the functions or the roles of the management teams facing
diversity attention.
By this way, we show the summary of a study of each of the laws, decrees, orders and instructions which
have appeared till the present moment
Social justice and teaching vocation in science education: A case study
En esta comunicación vamos a mostrar los resultados de un estudio de caso que hemos
llevado a cabo a través del empleo de un elenco de entrevistas. Dentro de todas ellas,
seleccionamos la más significativa debido a su contenido. Este estudio lo hemos realizado
con un profesor de biología y geología de un contexto socioeconómicamente desafiante de
Madrid. Nuestro objetivo no es sino comprender la vocación docente, así como el
compromiso con la Justicia Social de este profesor de Ciencias Experimentales de
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). Asimismo, nos centramos en este caso, en el
tercer curso de la ESO porque, hasta este curso, las materias del ámbito científico son de
carácter obligatorio, realidad que enriquece notablemente nuestro estudio. A partir de
aquí, se evidencia el compromiso con la Justicia Social, la falta de formación para
implementarla en el aula y, cómo la vocación docente, de alguna manera, está presenteIn this communication we will show the results of a study of case that we have developed
through the use of a cast of interviews. Within all, we’ve selected the most significant
because of its content. This study we’ve developed it with a Science teacher of the
socioeconomically challenging context in Madrid. Our objective it isn’t fate understand
teaching vocation, as well as the commitment with Social Justice of this Science teacher of
Secondary Education. Also, we focus on in this case, on third course of Secondary
Education because, until this course, Science subjects are compulsory, reality that greatly
enriches our investigation. From here, research evidence the commitment whit Social
Justice, the lack of training to implement it in the classroom and, how teaching vocation,
somehow, it’s presen
El relato audiovisual: del relato clásico al relato interactivo
La irrupción de las llamadas nuevas tecnologías es un hecho que impregna todas las capas de nuestra sociedad. Como no podía ser menos, la Narrativa Audiovisual se configura como una disciplina que ha de dar cuenta de los cambios acaecidos, si es que los hay, que esta proliferación de nuevos medios provoca en los distintos aspectos de los que dicha área de la ciencia se ocupa. Así, es importante dilucidar cuáles son las consecuencias de la creación de textos narrativos que se materializan en soportes interactivos y que se vehiculan a través de nuevos medios que poseen características distintas a los tradicionales medios de comunicación masiva.The entrance of the technologies is a fact that affects to all levels in our society. As expected, the Audio-visual Narrative is configured as a discipline that must report about new changes, if existing, that this prolification provocated by the new media in the different aspects that this area of the science deal. It is very important to clarify which are the consecuencies of creating narrative texts that end up in interactive medium and are transmited through the new media with different carasteristics to the traditional ones
Pragmatics before Syntax? Evidence from U-Shaped Acquisition
This study examines the claim that structures that hinge on the interfaces between syntax and other cognitive systems (i.e. external interfaces) are more problematic for learners than those that do not depend on this interface (i.e. internal interfaces/narrow syntax) (Sorace and Filiaci, 2006; Tsimpli, Sorace, Heycok & Filiaci, 2004; Sorace 2011; inter alia). In particular, I studied the L2 acquisition o
Flexible Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
In this paper, we propose a bimodal extension of the Birnbaum–Saunders model by including an extra parameter. This new model is termed flexible Birnbaum–Saunders (FBS) and includes the ordinary Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) and the skew Birnbaum–Saunders (SBS) model as special cases. Its properties are studied. Parameter estimation is considered via an iterative maximum likelihood approach. Two real applications, of interest in environmental sciences, are included, which reveal that our proposal can perform better than other competing models.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ
Estrategias de inmunización ante posibles desplazamientos en la estructura temporal
Salvo en situaciones excepcionales de compensación entre los efectos de pendiente y curvatura, los cambios experimentados por la estructura temporal en el mercado español de deuda están muy alejados de ser desplazamientos paralelos. Por tanto, se hace necesario desarrollar estrategias de inmunización vectorial. Hemos estimado el modelo de Nelson y Siegel para la curva cupón cero desde noviembre 1992 a octubre 1996. Los parámetros utilizados en dicha representación pueden interpretarse como factores explicativos de la estructura intertemporal, lo que abre múltiples posibilidades de explotación práctica de las series temporales de estimaciones generadas en este trabajo. Analizar si existe una inmunización vectorial especifica que mejora significativamente los resultados obtenidos con una inmunización basada unicamente en replicar la duración de la cartera es uno de los temas abiertos de mayor interés
Generalized modified slash Birnbaum–Saunders distribution
In this paper, a generalization of the modified slash Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is introduced. The model is defined by using the stochastic representation of the BS distribution, where the standard normal distribution is replaced by a symmetric distribution proposed by Reyes et al. It is
proved that this new distribution is able to model more kurtosis than other extensions of BS previously proposed in the literature. Closed expressions are given for the pdf (probability density functio), along with their moments, skewness and kurtosis coefficients. Inference carried out is based on
modified moments method and maximum likelihood (ML). To obtain ML estimates, two approaches are considered: Newton-Raphson and EM-algorithm. Applications reveal that it has potential for doing well in real problems
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