834 research outputs found

    A study of thermal response of the lunar surface at the landing site during the descent of the Lunar Excursion Module /LEM/

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    Thermal response of lunar surface at landing site due to radiative and convective heat transfer from LEM exhaust nozzl

    The Scholars\u27 Initiative

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    The Scholars’ Initiative addresses the need to break the cycle of nationalist discourse that perpetuates divisions between ethnic groups by (1) creating a common narrative that discredits proprietary myths, while validating “inconvenient facts” that must be acknowledged before mutual recognition and reconciliation can begin, and (2) enlisting regional media and political leaders to acknowledge (and hopefully) endorse) the existence of a common account co-authored by their own scholars

    Reinforcement therapy program in preparation for vocational training

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine if performance of a selected group of mentally retarded adolescents can be influenced by pre-vocational training utilizing reinforcement therapy techniques. Several questions are raised. First, whether the investigator is able to study and delineate behavior characteristics of the selected mentally retarded adolescents. Second, whether behavior can be modified by pre-vocational training utilizing a reinforcement therapy program. Third, whether pre-vocational training influences performance of the mentally retarded adolescent

    Assessment of biowaste losses through unsound waste management practices in rural areas and the role of home composting

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    The paper examines the biowaste management issues across rural areas of Romania in the context of poor waste management infrastructure in the last decade (2003-2012). Biowaste is the main fraction of municipal waste, thus a proper management is a key challenge in order to sustain a bioeconomy in the near future. The amount of biowaste generated and uncollected by waste operators is generally uncontrolled disposed if not recovered through home composting. The paper points out the role of home composting in diverting the biowaste from wild dumps and landfills for the regions covered or not by waste collection services. Home composting and the biowaste losses are further assessed based on several scenarios (worse-case, pessimistic, realistic, optimistic) where the net loads of greenhouse gasses (GHG) are calculated at national and regional levels. The transition of home composting techniques, from open piles to plastic bins with respect to standard guidelines will improve the home composting performance in terms of compost quality and net GHG’s savings, supporting a bio-based economy which will lead towards a sustainable rural development. Regional disparities are revealed across Romanian counties and the paper opens new research perspectives regarding which options should be adopted by counties and rural municipalities in the biowaste management process

    Panel. Print Culture and the Discourses of History, Law, and Medicine

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    Reconstructing Faulkner\u27s World: The Fictional Status of the Chronology and Genealogy in Absalom, Absalom! / Christian Howard, University of VirginiaIn the 1980s and ‘90s, Noel Polk edited the Vintage International reissued editions of Faulkner’s work to conform better to Faulkner’s authorial intentions. Yet while carefully analyzing his grammatical practices, Polk overlooked the importance of extra-textual material – such as the appendices to Absalom, Absalom! – that Faulkner created as part of his fictional universe, material that Faulkner himself called “the key” to his novels. This paper draws upon Faulkner’s archives at the University of Virginia in order to reexamine the appendices of Absalom, Absalom!, and it seeks to answer the question: What is the fictional status of Faulkner’s extra-textual material?Anse Bundren and the Vampire of the South / Jay Ingrao, Randolph-Macon CollegeIn widely-circulated handbills, as well as in articles and venues such as the 1910 Mississippi State Fair, hookworm crusaders railed against eugenicists in arguing that the poor white, with proper treatment, possessed the potential to overcome his lubber ways and contribute to society. Faulkner’s treatment of Anse Bundren challenges this re-contextualization of the poor white in the failure of crusaders to truly elevate the poor white as a class, and questions the face of medical professionalism as the new face of southern patriarchy in the early twentieth century.Strange and Violent Revisions: Print Culture, Rape Culture, and Legal Culture in Faulkner\u27s Sanctuary / Michael Lahey, University of AlbertaI will examine Sanctuary as a proto-feminist investigation of what is now known as rape culture and the subtle ways Faulkner exposed this Yoknapatawpha social ordering underneath his novel’s infamous, boisterous appearance into print culture. First looking at Sanctuary’s revision history, I go on to discuss how the novel itself is intensely concerned with the authority and mobilities of print culture, especially the strangely depicted secret legal pact (written? unwritten but understood by all parties?) underscoring the culminating trial scene, the novel’s most powerful rape culture moment, enacted long after Temple’s rape has occurred. I close with an examination of Sanctuary as a law-literature text, an example of this powerful literary sub-genre

    An attributional Life Cycle Assessment application experience to highlight environmental hotspots in the production of foamy polylactic acid trays for fresh-food packaging usage

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    Food packaging systems mainly serve to contain and protect foods during their shelf-lives. However, it is well known that a package is responsible for several environmental impacts associated with its entire life-cycle. Therefore, package design should be developed taking into account not only cost, food shelf life and safety, as well as user-friendliness, but also environmental sustainability. To address and improve this latter issue, environmental evaluation methodologies need to be applied: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one amongst them, and can be considered a valid tool for this purpose. Indeed, it has been long applied in the food packaging field to highlight both environmental hotspots and improvement potentials for more eco-friendly products.In this context, this paper reports upon an LCA application experience in the production of foamy Polylactic Acid (PLA) trays for fresh-food packaging applications.The study highlighted that the highest environmental impacts come from the production and transport of the granules, so remarking the need to search for alternative biopolymers. In this regard, the results of this study will form the base for another one regarding the assessment of second-generation PIA granules, namely those produced by processing both wastes and wastewaters from starchy crop cultivation systems and processing plants. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Il controllo a distanza realizzato mediante Social network

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    L\u2019autore esamina l\u2019impatto che la riforma dell\u2019istituto del controllo a distanza potr\ue0 avere, con particolare riferimento ai casi in cui il mezzo di controllo sia un social network. Ed infatti, a causa della versatilit\ue0 e della plurifunzionalit\ue0 che il social network possiede esso pu\uf2 essere utilizzato sia come strumento di lavoro dal prestatore sia come strumento di controllo dal datore. L\u2019autore evidenzia come a seguito delle modifiche apportate all\u2019art. 4 St. lav. dal Jobs Act il lavoratore che sia solito accedere al social in orario di lavoro o per sfogare opinioni e talvolta frustrazioni dovr\ue0 prestare particolare attenzione alla informativa che ricever\ue0, alla quale \ue8 attribuito il compito di rendere trasparenti le modalit\ue0 con cui \ue8 esercitato il potere di controllo datoriale

    La legittimità costituzionale dell’art. 452-quaterdecies, ult. co., c.p. e il suo rapporto con l’art. 452-undecies c.p.

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    The paper aims at analysing a recent Supreme Court decision concerning the objection of constitutional legitimacy related to the compulsory confiscation provided for by the last subsection of the art. 452-quaterdeciesc.p. (Organized activities of illegal traffic of wastes). The abovementioned confiscation acts in a broader way if compared to the one provided by the art. 452-undeciesc.p. Indeed, the latter does not operate if the defendant realises restoring or remedial conducts related to the aftercare of the involved site. The Supreme Court justifies the different regulation between the two confiscation just evoking the dissimilarity of the two provisions and therefore rejected the objection, probably in a such a short time for an issue that has so many consequences on the practical plai

    Metastatic seeding of colon adenocarcinoma manifesting as synchronous breast and chest wall localization: report of a case.

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    Colon carcinoma rarely metastasizes to the breast and it is usually associated with a poor prognosis. Even rarer is metastatic seeding of colon cancer cells in an intramammary location after surgery. Including a primary breast malignancy in the differential diagnosis of such cases is mandatory. We report a rare case of double seeding implantation of colon adenocarcinoma inside the breast parenchyma and intercostal muscles 6 years after resection of a pulmonary metastasis from colon adenocarcinoma. The metastasis was revealed by the presence of bone metaplasia in the intercostal muscles. We discuss how negative immunostaining for estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and HER-2, along with the immunohistochemical pattern of cytokeratin (CK) 20+/7-/5- and CDX2-positive immunostaining, excludes a primary breast malignancy, namely, a "matrix-producing" carcinoma, from the differential diagnosis. We also present the hypothesis of a paracrine pathogenetic mechanism to explain the bone metaplasia

    Data-Driven management e strategie collettive di coinvolgimento dei lavoratori per la tutela della privacy

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    Il contributo analizza diversi casi aziendali nei quali il lavoro \ue8 organizzato secondo i dettami del cd. data-driven management. I flussi di dati rielaborati dalle nuove tecnologie algoritmiche consentono anche di assumere decisioni automatizzate che si pongono l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare le prestazioni aziendali e ottimizzare l\u2019organizzazione. In questo scenario, l\u2019Autrice si domanda se il GDPR, ossia la normativa europea posta a protezione dei dati delle persone fisiche, possa costituire una \u201cleva\u201d per sviluppare una contrattazione finalizzata a creare modelli partecipativi, che coinvolgano i lavoratori e i loro rappresentanti nella strutturazione delle architetture digitali. Facendo propria la logica preventiva che informa il GDPR il contributo propone l\u2019istituzione di una rappresentanza dei lavoratori specializzata in privacy, l\u2019RLP
