29 research outputs found

    XPL the Extensible Presentation Language

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    The last decade has witnessed a growing interest in the development of web interfaces enabling both multiple ways to access contents and, at the same time, fruition by multiple modalities of interaction (point-and-click, contents reading, voice commands, gestures, etc.). In this paper we describe a framework aimed at streamlining the design process of multi-channel, multimodal interfaces enabling full reuse of software components. This framework is called the eXtensible Presentation architecture and Language (XPL), a presentation language based on design pattern paradigm that keeps separated the presentation layer from the underlying programming logic. The language supplies a methodology to expedite multimodal interface development and to reduce the effort to implement interfaces for multiple access devices, by means of using the same code. This paper describes a methodology approach based on Visual Design Pattern (ViDP) and Verbal Design Pattern (VeDP), offering examples of multimodal and multichannel interfaces created with the XPL Editor

    Paliperidone to treat psychotic disorders

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    Purpose of Review: This is a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the use of paliperidone in the treatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. It covers the background and presentation of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, as well as the mechanism of action and drug information for paliperidone. It covers the existing evidence of the use of paliperidone for the treatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Recent Findings: Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder lead to significant cognitive impairment. It is thought that dopamine dysreg-ulation is the culprit for the positive symptoms of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Similar to other second-generation antipsychotics, paliperidone has affinity for dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. Paliperidone was granted approval in the United States in 2006 to be used in the treatment of schizophrenia and in 2009 for schizoaffective disorder. Summary: Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder have a large impact on cognitive impairment, positive symptoms and negative symptoms. Patients with either of these mental illnesses suffer from impairments in everyday life. Paliperidone has been shown to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder

    SIMS: An Ontology-based Multi-source Knowledge ManagementSystem

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    In the networked society, innovation projects are carried out through collaboration among wide communities of workers which interact via internet in order to gain knowledge from their collaborators. Moreover as a huge quantity of electronic information is already available on the web, workers look for knowledge items also in web information systems. Organizational web platforms have to support, therefore, cooperation through collaborative applications that integrate both knowledge publishing and sharing. In this paper a technological platform is presented. It enables a uniform and semantic based access to information items belonging to different information systems which are connected to the platform itself through specific modules, called wrappers. SIMS (Semantic Information Management System) is based both on collecting Dublin Core Medatada, which describes information items, structured in a JSR-170 compliant repository, and on the semi-automatic description of the same items based on domain ontologies, expressed in a formal language, such as OWL (Ontology Web Language). A SIMS component, called Semantic Content Navigator, allows users to navigate and access the entire knowledge base managed within the SIMS platform, using Semantic Web technologies. This work is part of the Italian research project DISCoRSO (Distributed Information Systems for CooRdinated Service Oriented interoperability)

    A Semantic Similarity Measure for the SIMS Framework

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    The amount of currently available digital information grows rapidly. Relevant information is often spread over different information sources. An efficient and flexible framework to allow users to satisfy ef- fectively their information needs is required. The work presented in this paper describes SIMS (Semantic Information Management System), a ref- erence architecture for a framework performing semantic annotation, search and retrieval of information from multiple sources. The work pre- sented in this paper focuses on a specific SIMS module, the SIMS Semantic Content Navigator, proposing an algorithm and the related implementa- tion to calculate a semantic similarity measure inside an OWL ontology. This measure is based on ontology structure and on the information pro- vided by attributes and relations that are defined inside the ontology. This work is the result of a collaborative effort between the DINFO (Depart- ment of Computer Science and Engineering) and the research team of En- gineering - Ingegneria Informatica

    Toward a collaborative vocabulary management system

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    In the age of knowledge-based economy, the always-growing necessity of an effective means to share concepts and their representation frequently leads to the development of domain specific vocabularies. However, vocabu-laries may fail to capture the real common understanding of a community, mostly because of its low involve-ment in the development phase. The paper gives a first set of considerations about a collaborative approach to vocabulary development and outlines the main issues that such approach would imply. Finally some collabora-tion use cases are proposed for solving some integrity issues that collaboration implicitly entails

    XPL, a Presentation Language based on User Interface Design Pattern

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    The great diversity of presentations in software applications deals with fulfillment of various type of graphic interface constructions related to different programming Languages. Moreover, in the Internet era html pages play a main role because of the increasing complexity of Web applications. In Software Engineering, the use of design patterns is proven remarkable for the design and reuse of software components. Visual Design. Patterns (ViDP) are useful to define interaction schemas between. user and computer. By the some token, visual design. patterns are useful to incorporate common interfaces of interaction, schemas between user and computer. This paper describes the eXtensible Presentation Language (XPL), a presentation Language based on visual pattern. XPL framework implementation will be discussed in, details and a case study showing the benefits of employing XPL will be presented

    The eXtensible Dynamic Presentation Manager for content adaptation

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    Human Computer Interaction studies deals with systems and tools that are able to improve user experience during interaction with computer. For this purpose, modern web application are expected to supply multimodal and multi-channel access, adaptivity and transcoding features. We will present in this work the eXtensible Dynamic Presentation Manager (XDPM) which is a set of innovative tools that support the eXtensible Presentation Language (XPL) in the adaptation of contents to different working contexts. The adaptation is performed according to the delivery context information which have been formalized by means of a profiler system. A profile holds information about the specific access device, the user preferences and the device working conditions