4 research outputs found

    Despite the presence of UVB-induced DNA damage, HLA-DR+ cells from ex vivo UVB-exposed human skin are able to migrate and show no impaired allostimulatory capacity

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    In this study, we investigated the effect of ultraviolet B radiation on human Langerhans cell function. Normal human skin was irradiated ex vivo with single doses of ultraviolet B. For assessment of T-cell stimulatory function, cells that spontaneously migrated from epidermal sheets were used, whereas full-thickness skin biopsies were used to investigate alterations in migratory properties. The cells migrating from ultraviolet B-exposed epidermal sheets demonstrated a decrease in the percentage of HLA-DR positive Langerhans cells, as well as a reduced capacity to induce proliferation of allogeneic T cells, when compared with cells migrating from nonexposed sheets. When a correction was made for the decreased number of HLA-DR positive Langerhans cells migrating from ultraviolet B-exposed epidermis, however, it appeared that the capacity to induce T-cell proliferation was identical for Langerhans cells migrating from ultraviolet B-exposed and nonexposed epidermis. The presence of ultraviolet B-induced DNA damage could be demonstrated in the Langerhans cells from ultraviolet B-treated skin, indicating that the cells had received significant doses of ultraviolet B. As regards the effect of ultraviolet B on migratory properties of Langerhans cells, we found not only that reduced numbers of CD1a-positive Langerhans cells migrated from the ultraviolet B-exposed full-thickness skin, but also that there was a reduction in CD1a-positive Langerhans cells in the epidermis. This implies that ultraviolet B induces death of Langerhans cells as well as loss of cell surface molecules rather than altering Langerhans cells migration, whereas the Langerhans cells that were still able to migrate fully retained the capacity to activate allogeneic T cells