3,169 research outputs found

    The Dwarf Galaxy Population of the Dorado group down to Mv=-11

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    We present V and I CCD photometry of suspected low-surface brightness dwarf galaxies detected in a survey covering ~2.4 deg^2 around the central region of the Dorado group of galaxies. The low-surface brightness galaxies were chosen based on their sizes and magnitudes at the limiting isophote of 26.0V\mu. The selected galaxies have magnitudes brighter than V=20 (Mv=-11 for an assumed distance to the group of 17.2 Mpc), with central surface brightnesses \mu0>22.5 V mag/arcsec^2, scale lengths h>2'', and diameters > 14'' at the limiting isophote. Using these criteria, we identified 69 dwarf galaxy candidates. Four of them are large very low-surface brightness galaxies that were detected on a smoothed image, after masking high surface brightness objects. Monte Carlo simulations performed to estimate completeness, photometric uncertainties and to evaluate our ability to detect extended low-surface brightness galaxies show that the completeness fraction is, on average, > 80% for dwarf galaxies with −17<MV<−10.5-17<M_{V}<-10.5 and 22.5<\mu0<25.5 V mag/arcsec^2, for the range of sizes considered by us (D>14''). The V-I colors of the dwarf candidates vary from -0.3 to 2.3 with a peak on V-I=0.98, suggesting a range of different stellar populations in these galaxies. The projected surface density of the dwarf galaxies shows a concentration towards the group center similar in extent to that found around five X-ray groups and the elliptical galaxy NGC1132 studied by Mulchaey and Zabludoff (1999), suggesting that the dwarf galaxies in Dorado are probably physically associated with the overall potential well of the group.Comment: 32 pages, 16 postscript figures and 3 figures in GIF format, aastex v5.0. To appear in The Astronomical Journal, January 200

    The role of authorial context in mathematicians’ evaluations of proof

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    We report on a series of task-based interviews in which nine mathematicians were asked to evaluate a series of six mathematical arguments, purportedly produced either by fellow mathematicians or undergraduate students. In this paper, we attend to the role of context in mathematicians’ responses, leading to four themes in expectations when evaluating the proofs that they read. First, mathematicians’ evaluations of identical arguments were sensitive to researchers’ manipulation of authorship, with most accepting arguments purportedly produced by a colleague while taking a more critical view of that same argument if produced by an undergraduate student. Our thematic analysis of interview responses led to three context-based factors influencing mathematicians’ responses when evaluating student-produced texts: course goals, instructors’ expectations, and assessment type. In the final section, we consider implications for researchers focused on understanding common practice amongst mathematicians as well as the pedagogic consequences of our findings for practice in the classroom

    RCS043938-2904.9: A New Rich Cluster of Galaxies at z=0.951

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    We present deep I, J_s, K_s imaging and optical spectroscopy of the newly discovered Red-Sequence Cluster Survey cluster RCS043938-2904.9. This cluster, drawn from an extensive preliminary list, was selected for detailed study on the basis of its apparent optical richness. Spectroscopy of 11 members places the cluster at z=0.951 +- 0.006, and confirms the photometric redshift estimate from the (R-z) color-magnitude diagram. Analysis of the infrared imaging data demonstrates that the cluster is extremely rich, with excess counts in the Ks-band exceeding the expected background counts by 9 sigma. The properties of the galaxies in RCS043938-2904.9 are consistent with those seen in other clusters at similar redshifts. Specifically, the red-sequence color, slope and scatter, and the size-magnitude relation of these galaxies are all consistent with that seen in the few other high redshift clusters known, and indeed are consistent with appropriately evolved properties of local cluster galaxies. The apparent consistency of these systems implies that the rich, high-redshift RCS clusters are directly comparable to the few other systems known at z ~ 1, most of which have been selected on the basis of X-ray emission.Comment: 12 pages, 1 color figure. Accepted for publication on The ApJ Letter

    Amyloid beta and diabetic pathology cooperatively stimulate cytokine expression in an Alzheimer's mouse model

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    Background Diabetes is a risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, the mechanism by which diabetes can promote AD pathology remains unknown. Diabetes results in diverse molecular changes in the brain, including dysregulation of glucose metabolism and loss of cerebrovascular homeostasis. Although these changes have been associated with increased A beta pathology and increased expression of glial activation markers in APPswe/PS1dE9 (APP/PS1) mice, there has been limited characterization, to date, of the neuroinflammatory changes associated with diabetic conditions. Methods To more fully elucidate neuroinflammatory changes associated with diabetes that may drive AD pathology, we combined the APP/PS1 mouse model with either high-fat diet (HFD, a model of pre-diabetes), the genetic db/db model of type 2 diabetes, or the streptozotocin (STZ) model of type 1 diabetes. We then used a multiplexed immunoassay to quantify cortical changes in cytokine proteins. Results Our analysis revealed that pathology associated with either db/db, HFD, or STZ models yielded upregulation of a broad profile of cytokines, including chemokines (e.g., MIP-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta, and MCP-1) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1 alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-3. Moreover, multivariate partial least squares regression analysis showed that combined diabetic-APP/PS1 models yielded cooperatively enhanced expression of the cytokine profile associated with each diabetic model alone. Finally, in APP/PS1xdb/db mice, we found that circulating levels of A beta 1-40, A beta 1-42, glucose, and insulin all correlated with cytokine expression in the brain, suggesting a strong relationship between peripheral changes and brain pathology. Conclusions Altogether, our multiplexed analysis of cytokines shows that Alzheimer's and diabetic pathologies cooperate to enhance profiles of cytokines reported to be involved in both diseases. Moreover, since many of the identified cytokines promote neuronal injury, A beta and tau pathology, and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, our data suggest that neuroinflammation may mediate the effects of diabetes on AD pathogenesis. Therefore, strategies targeting neuroinflammatory signaling, as well as metabolic control, may provide a promising strategy for intervening in the development of diabetes-associated AD

    Quasars Clustering at z approx 3 on Scales less sim 10 h^{-1} Mpc

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    We test the hypothesis whether high redshift QSOs would preferentially appear in small groups or pairs, and if they are associated with massive, young clusters. We carried out a photometric search for \Ly emitters on scales ≲10h−1\lesssim 10 h^{-1} Mpc, in the fields of a sample of 47 z≈3z\approx3 known QSOs. Wide and narrow band filter color-magnitude diagrams were generated for each of the 6′.6×6′.66'.6\times6'.6 fields. A total of 13 non resolved objects with a significant color excess were detected as QSO candidates at a redshift similar to that of the target. All the candidates are significantly fainter than the reference QSOs, with only 2 of them within 2 magnitudes of the central object. Follow-up spectroscopic observations have shown that 5, i.e., about 40% of the candidates, are QSOs at the same redshift of the target; 4 are QSOs at different z (two of them probably being a lensed pair at z = 1.47); 2 candidates are unresolved HII galaxies at z∼\sim0.3; one unclassified and one candidate turned out to be a CCD flaw. These data indicate that at least 10% of the QSOs at z∼\sim3 do have companions. We have also detected a number of resolved, rather bright \Ly Emitter Candidates. Most probably a large fraction of them might be bright galaxies with [OII] emission, at z≈\approx 0.3. The fainter population of our candidates corresponds to the current expectations. Thus, there are no strong indication for the existence of an overdensity of \Ly galaxies brighter than m ≈\approx 25 around QSOs at z≈z\approx 3.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, tar gzip LaTex file, accepted to appear in Ap

    Spin and lattice excitations of a BiFeO3 thin film and ceramics

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    We present a comprehensive study of polar and magnetic excitations in BiFeO3 ceramics and a thin film epitaxially grown on an orthorhombic (110) TbScO3 substrate. Infrared reflectivity spectroscopy was performed at temperatures from 5 to 900 K for the ceramics and below room temperature for the thin film. All 13 polar phonons allowed by the factor-group analysis were observed in theceramic samples. The thin-film spectra revealed 12 phonon modes only and an additional weak excitation, probably of spin origin. On heating towards the ferroelectric phase transition near 1100 K, some phonons soften, leading to an increase in the static permittivity. In the ceramics, terahertz transmission spectra show five low-energy magnetic excitations including two which were not previously known to be infrared active; at 5 K, their frequencies are 53 and 56 cm-1. Heating induces softening of all magnetic modes. At a temperature of 5 K, applying an external magnetic field of up to 7 T irreversibly alters the intensities of some of these modes. The frequencies of the observed spin excitations provide support for the recently developed complex model of magnetic interactions in BiFeO3 (R.S. Fishman, Phys. Rev. B 87, 224419 (2013)). The simultaneous infrared and Raman activity of the spin excitations is consistent with their assignment to electromagnons

    Determination of picloram in waters by sequential injection chromatography with UV detection

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    This paper describes a sequential injection chromatography procedure for determination of picloram in waters exploring the low backpressure of a 2.5 cm long monolithic C18 column. Separation of the analyte from the matrix was achieved in less than 60 s using a mobile phase composed by 20:80 (v v-1) acetonitrile:5.0 mmol L-1 H3PO4 and flow rate of 30 &#956;L s-1. Detection was made at 223 nm with a 40 mm optical path length cell. The limits of detection and quantification were 33 and 137 &#956;g L-1, respectively. The proposed method is sensitive enough to monitor the maximum concentration level for picloram in drinking water (500 &#956;g L-1). The sampling frequency is 60 analyses per hour, consuming only 300 &#956;L of acetonitrile per analysis. The proposed methodology was applied to spiked river water samples and no statistically significant differences were observed in comparison to a conventional HPLC-UV method.Este trabalho descreve um procedimento de cromatografia por injeção seqüencial para a determinação de picloram em águas explorando a baixa pressão de uma coluna monolítica C18 de 2,5 cm de comprimento. A separação do analito da matriz foi obtida em menos de 60 s usando como fase móvel uma mistura de acetonitrila e H3PO4 5,0 mmol L-1 na proporção 20:80 (v v-1) e vazão de 30 &#956;L s-1. Detecção foi feita a 223 nm com uma cela de 40 mm de caminho óptico. O limite de detecção do método é adequado para monitorar o nível de concentração máximo permitido para picloram em água potável (500 &#956;g L-1). A frequência de amostragem é de 60 análises por hora, consumindo 300 &#956;L de acetonitrila por análise. A metodologia foi aplicada a águas de rio fortificadas, não sendo observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em comparação com a metodologia convencional de HPLC-UV.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
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