6 research outputs found

    Utilização de métodos estatísticos multivariados na caracterização do mosaico sucessional em floresta semidecídual

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    O presente trabalho objetivou verificar a possibilidade da utilização de métodos estatísticos multivariados na caracterização das fases do desenvolvimento do mosaico sucessional de um trecho de floresta estacional semidecidual, através de variáveis estruturais. Foram alocadas parcelas de 10 m x 10 m, em que se procedeu à análise estrutural, ou seja, levantamento fitossociológico acrescido das variáveis Porcentagem de Cobertura (PC), Altura do Dossel (AD) e Cobertura por Lianas (CL). Os métodos estatísticos empregados foram Análise de Componentes Principais e Análise de Agrupamento, mais especificamente Classificação Hierárquica Ascendente. O primeiro componente principal explicou 43,96% da variância total, enquanto o segundo, 25,66%. As variáveis Área Basal (AB), Diâmetro Médio (DM) e Dominância Média (DOM) apresentaram correlações positivas entre si superiores a 0,75, podendo ser DM e DOM consideradas como um grupo de variáveis. As variáveis Número de Indivíduos (NI) e Número de Espécies (NE) apresentaram correlação 0,60, enquanto AD, CL e PC baixas correlações com as demais, indicando a importância da inclusão destas na análise. A classificação hierárquica e a partição dos grupos em quatro foram feitas considerando os dois primeiros eixos fatoriais. Os resultados indicaram dois comportamentos diferenciados: 1) valores baixos para AD e AB: Grupo 1, com valores baixos também para NI, NE e PC (fase de clareira); e Grupo 2, com valores elevados para NI e CL e baixos para DOM e DM (fase de construção); e 2) valores altos para AD e AB: Grupo 3, com valores altos também para NI, NE e PC e valor baixo para CL (fase madura); e Grupo 4, com valores elevados para DOM e DM e mais baixos para CL (fase de degradação). Os métodos estatísticos multivariados permitiram caracterizar as fases do desenvolvimento do mosaico sucessional, através das variáveis estruturais. A forma como foram estimadas as variáveis AD, CL e PC, porém, deve ser aprimorada, assim como é preciso incluir variáveis que discriminem melhor cada fase.The aim of this paper was to verify the feasibility of using multivariate statistical methods through structural variables for successional mosaic characterization in a semideciduous forest section. Plots measuring 10m x 10m were allocated for structural analysis (phytosociological survey plus the variables Coverage Percentage (CP), Canopy Height (CH) and Liana Cover (LC). The following statistical methods have been used: Principal Components Analysis and Cluster Analysis - more specifically, Ascending Hierarchical Classification. 43.96% of the total variance has been explained by the first principal component and 25.66% by the second one. The variables Basal Area (BA), Average Diameter (AD) and Average Dominance (ADOM) presented positive correlations (higher than 0.75) among themselves. Therefore, AD and ADOM may be considered as variable groups. The variables Number of Individuals (NI) and Number of Species (NE) showed a 0.60 correlation. The variables CH, LC and CP presented lower correlations. These findings show that their inclusion in this analysis was important. The hierarchical classification and the division of the groups in four parts have been performed considering two first factorial axes. Results showed two different types of behavior: 1) low values for CH and BA - Group 1 with low values also for NI, NE and CP (Gap Phase) and Group 2 with high values for NI and LC and low values for ADOM and AD (Building Phase); 2) high values for CH and BA - Group 3 with high values also for NI, NE and CP and low value for LC (Mature Phase) and Group 4 with high values for ADOM and AD, and lower for LC (Degradation Phase). The multivariate statistical methods allowed the forest mosaic developing phase characterization through structural variables. The estimative of CH, LC and CP variables must be improved. Other variables should be included in order to better differentiate the phases

    Root system distribution and sugar-cane production under vinasse treatments/ <br> Crescimento radicular e produtividade de cana-de-açúcar em função de doses de vinhaça em fertirrigação

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    The aim of this study was to measure the amount and distribution of sugar-cane roots, variety RB 785148, under vinasse treatments in a clayey Oxisol in Londrina – Paraná. The profile wall method was used. Roots were counted by analysis of digital images. Vinasse doses were: 0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 m3ha-1. A larger amount of roots was observed closer to the clump in all treatments. All vinasse treatments increased root amount, and 0 – 0.25 m layer presented more roots. An increase in total root amount was observed with increase of vinasse treatment, as a result of an effect on 0-0.25 m layer. Treatments 300 e 450 m3 ha-1 presented sugar cane yield significantly higher than control. Treatment 300 m3 ha-1 was considered economic interesting and had more roots on the 0.25 – 0.50 m soil layer.<p><p>Estudou-se a quantidade e a distribuição das raízes e a produção de cana-de-açúcar, cultivar RB 785148, em Latossolo Vermelho tratado com doses de vinhaça (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 m3ha-1), em Londrina – PR. Para avaliação das raízes, utilizou-se o método do perfil, sendo estas analisadas através de imagens digitais. Independentemente da dose, a aplicação de vinhaça aumentou a quantidade total raízes, sendo maior o enraizamento na camada de 0 a 0,25 m. Quanto à produtividade de colmos, as doses de 300 e 450 m3 ha-1 proporcionaram produtividades significativamente maiores que a testemunha (0 m3 ha-1). Além de mais econômica, a dose de 300 m3 ha-1 resultou em maior enraizamento na camada de 0,25 a 0,50 m de profundidade

    Six-minute walk test: functional capacity of severely obese before and after bariatric surgery

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    Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a well-known instrument for assessing the functional capacity of a variety of groups, including the obese. It is a simple, low-cost and easily applied method to objectively assess the level of exercise capacity. The aim of the present study was to study the functional capacity of a severely obese population before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 51 patients were studied. Of the 51 patients, 86.2% were women, and the mean age was 40.9 +/- 9.2 years. All 51 patients were evaluated preoperatively and 49 were evaluated 7-12 months postoperatively. The initial body mass index was 51.1 +/- 9.2 kg/m(2), and the final body mass index was 28.2 +/- 8.1 kg/m(2). All patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The 6MWT was performed in a hospital corridor, with patients attempting to cover as much distance as they could, walking back and forth for as long as possible within 6 minutes at their regular pace. The total distance, Borg Scale of perceived exhaustion, modified Borg dyspnea scale for shortness of breath, and physical complaints at the end of the test were recorded. In addition, the heart rate and respiratory frequency were assessed before and after the test. Results: The tolerance was good, and no injuries occurred at either evaluation. The patients` mean distance for the 6MWT was 381.9 +/- 49.3 m before surgery and 467.8 +/- 40.3 m after surgery (p < .0001). Similar results were observed for the other parameters assessed. Conclusion: The 6MWT provided useful information about the functional status of the obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. A simple, safe, and powerful method to assess functional capacity of severely obese patients, the 6MWT is an objective test that might replace the conventional treadmill test for these types of patients. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2009;5:540-543.) (C) 2009 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy Effort Laboratory, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PR, BrazilSchool of Physiotherapy, Health Sciences Unit (CCS)Hospital Universitario Regional Norte do Parana, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PR, Brazi

    Selection for grain yield and quality in segregating generations of wheat

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    The objective of the work was to combine simultaneous selection for grain yield and technological quality in elite segregating populations of wheat developed by the breeding program of IAPAR. Thirteen populations were chosen according to their potentiality of genetic variability in the F2 generation of the 1997 crop season. One hundred heads were selected from each population and sown as F3 head-rows in the following season. Visual selection of individual head-rows or lines was done for yield potential and maturity. Seeds of the selected lines were evaluated for Sedimentation Values as well as Protein Content. The populations were identified as C1 to C13, representing the different crosses. The number of F2:3 lines selected within populations varied from one to 12. The populations C6, C7, C9, and C13 were classified as early maturity. Two populations (C6 and C9) presented higher potential for grain yield. The populations C12, C3, C8, and C1 were better for mean and variance of sedimentation values. The populations C2, C3 and C11 had a good performance for mean, maximum values and variance of protein content. The data indicates a good potential to obtain advanced lines with higher grain yield associated with a better technological quality.<br>O objetivo do trabalho foi combinar seleção simultânea para produtividade e qualidade tecnológica em populações segregantes elite de trigo, desenvolvidas pelo programa de melhoramento genético do IAPAR. Treze populações foram escolhidas, de acordo com a potencialidade de variabilidade genética na geração F2. Procedeu-se a seleção de espigas individuais as quais foram semeadas no sistema de espigas por fileira. Na geração F3 realizou-se a seleção individual de linhas, para potencial produtivo. Características como número de dias para o espigamento e peso de parcela foram determinadas. Sementes das linhas selecionadas, foram avaliadas para qualidade tecnológica por meio da análise de Sedimentação e teor de Proteína. As populações foram denominadas de C1 a C13, representando os diferentes cruzamentos. O número de linhagens selecionadas dentro de cada população variou de um a doze. As populações C6, C7, C9 e C13 foram classificadas como de maturação precoce. Duas populações (C6 e C9) apresentaram maior potencial de produtividade de grãos. Quatro populações C12, C3, C8 e C1 destacaram-se para a média e variância de sedimentação. As populações C2, C3 e C11 destacaram-se para teores médio, máximo e também variância de proteína. Os resultados obtidos indicam condições favoráveis de obter-se linhagens com elevado rendimento de grãos associados com melhor qualidade tecnológica

    Guidance on mucositis assessment from the MASCC Mucositis Study Group and ISOO: an international Delphi studyResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Mucositis is a common and highly impactful side effect of conventional and emerging cancer therapy and thus the subject of intense investigation. Although common practice, mucositis assessment is heterogeneously adopted and poorly guided, impacting evidence synthesis and translation. The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) Mucositis Study Group (MSG) therefore aimed to establish expert recommendations for how existing mucositis assessment tools should be used, in clinical care and trials contexts, to improve the consistency of mucositis assessment. Methods: This study was conducted over two stages (January 2022–July 2023). The first phase involved a survey to MASCC-MSG members (January 2022–May 2022), capturing current practices, challenges and preferences. These then informed the second phase, in which a set of initial recommendations were prepared and refined using the Delphi method (February 2023–May 2023). Consensus was defined as agreement on a parameter by >80% of respondents. Findings: Seventy-two MASCC-MSG members completed the first phase of the study (37 females, 34 males, mainly oral care specialists). High variability was noted in the use of mucositis assessment tools, with a high reliance on clinician assessment compared to patient reported outcome measures (PROMs, 47% vs 3%, 37% used a combination). The World Health Organization (WHO) and Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) scales were most commonly used to assess mucositis across multiple settings. Initial recommendations were reviewed by experienced MSG members and following two rounds of Delphi survey consensus was achieved in 91 of 100 recommendations. For example, in patients receiving chemotherapy, the recommended tool for clinician assessment in clinical practice is WHO for oral mucositis (89.5% consensus), and WHO or CTCAE for gastrointestinal mucositis (85.7% consensus). The recommended PROM in clinical trials is OMD/WQ for oral mucositis (93.3% consensus), and PRO-CTCAE for gastrointestinal mucositis (83.3% consensus). Interpretation: These new recommendations provide much needed guidance on mucositis assessment and may be applied in both clinical practice and research to streamline comparison and synthesis of global data sets, thus accelerating translation of new knowledge into clinical practice. Funding: No funding was received