15 research outputs found

    Highlighting Incivility: How the News Media’s Focus on Political Incivility Affects Political Trust and News Credibility

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    Below you can find the two datasets of the two experiments conducted for the paper "Highlighting Incivility: How the News Media’s Focus on Political Incivility Affects Political Trust and News Credibility

    Highlighting Incivility: How the News Media’s Focus on Political Incivility Affects Political Trust and News Credibility

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    Below you can find the preregistration analysis plans, the datasets, the stimulus material and the questionnaires for the two experiments conducted for the paper "Highlighting Incivility: How the News Media’s Focus on Political Incivility Affects Political Trust and News Credibility

    Incivility and Distrust Towards Politics and Media: The Effect of Post- Debate Media Coverage

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    Uncivil Communication and Simplistic Argumentation: Decreasing Political Trust, Increasing Persuasive Power?

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    Below you can find the documents that relate to the article "Uncivil Communication and Simplistic Argumentation: Decreasing Political Trust, Increasing Persuasive Power?": - Datasets: The two datasets that supporting our analyses and results for the two experiments conducted for the article; - Experimental material: the four audio fragments of the fictional election debates that were created for experiment 2; - Preregistration: EGAP registration form and Pre-analysis Plan for the second experiment of the paper

    How Contextual Features Shape Incivility Over Time: An Analysis of the Evolution and Determinants of Political Incivility in Televised Election Debates (1985-2019)

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    Below you can find the dataset and do-file used to conduct the analyses for the paper "How Contextual Features Shape Incivility Over Time: An Analysis of the Evolution and Determinants of Political Incivility in Televised Election Debates (1985-2019)

    Uncivil Communication and Simplistic Argumentation: Decreasing Political Trust, Increasing Persuasive Power?

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    status: Published onlin

    Changing the subject : an analysis of candidates' issue emphasis in televised election debates, 1985-2019

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    Abstract: Election debates are key campaign events that allow citizens to compare politicians' issue positions side-by-side. While debate moderators try to keep candidates on-topic to contrast issue positions, candidates can try to shift the debate to off-topic issues instead. Election debates thus provide a unique setting to study candidates' issue emphasis. In this context, we study: who veers off-topic, on which issues, and when? Our theory-driven quantitative content analysis of 24 Belgian election debates (1985-2019) shows that different candidates are equally likely to veer off-topic, but when they do, they emphasize their party's core issues and follow previous off-topic speaking turns

    Drivers of support for the populist radical left and populist radical right in Belgium : an analysis of the VB and the PVDA-PTB vote at the 2019 elections

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    This study investigates how protest attitudes and ideological considerations affected the 2019 election results in Belgium, and particularly the vote for the radical right-wing populist party Vlaams Belang (VB) and for the radical left-wing populist party Partij van de Arbeid-Parti du Travail de Belgique (PVDA-PTB). Our results confirm that both protest attitudes and ideological considerations play a role to distinguish radical populist voters from mainstream party voters in general. However, when opposed to their second-best choice, we show that particularly protest attitudes matter. Moreover, in comparing radical right- and left-wing populist voters, the article disentangles the respective weight of these drivers on the two ends of the political spectrum. Being able to portray itself as an alternative to mainstream can give these parties an edge among a certain category of voters, albeit this position is also difficult to hold in the long run