25 research outputs found

    The Overweight and Obesity spreading pecularities of People After the Miocard’s heard attack suffering on the dispensarial Stage of Rehabilitation.

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    Представлено аналіз основних факторів ризику серцевосудинної патології у 333 хворих, які лікувалися з приводу ІМ (з них чоловіків – 234, жінок – 99). Середній вік пацієнтів становив 62,5±10,0 роки. Дані проведеного аналізу свідчать, що надмірна маса тіла, гіперхолестеринемія, підвищений артеріальний тиск становлять найбільший відсоток серед факторів ризику серцевосудинної патології. Під час оцінки міжстатевих відмінностей поширеності ожиріння, як незалежного фактора ризику ускладнень кардіоваскулярної патології, у тому числі його абдомінальний тип, частіше воно реєструвалось у жінок. Cardiovascular risk factors assessment was performed in 333 patients (234 − men, 99 – women) after myocardial infarction. Overweight was detected as the most prevalent risk factor (prevalence 79,7 %). Women had higher prevalence overweight as well as obesity comparing to men. Very small number of responders to questionnaire were informed about importance of risk factors control. Less then half of overweight patients made efforts to reduce weight and most of them were not able to maintain this reduced weight for a long time. and in most of them body mass returned to previous level

    Probing the electronic transport on the reconstructed Au/Ge(001) surface

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    By using scanning tunnelling potentiometry we characterized the lateral variation of the electrochemical potential μec\mu _{ec} on the gold-induced Ge(001)-c(8 × 2)-Au surface reconstruction while a lateral current flows through the sample. On the reconstruction and across domain boundaries we find that μec\mu _{ec} shows a constant gradient as a function of the position between the contacts. In addition, nanoscale Au clusters on the surface do not show an electronic coupling to the gold-induced surface reconstruction. In combination with high resolution scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, we conclude that an additional transport channel buried about 2 nm underneath the surface represents a major transport channel for electrons

    The molecular basis of tRNA selectivity by human pseudouridine synthase 3

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    Pseudouridine (Ψ), the isomer of uridine, is ubiquitously found in RNA, including tRNA, rRNA, and mRNA. Human pseudouridine synthase 3 (PUS3) catalyzes pseudouridylation of position 38/39 in tRNAs. However, the molecular mechanisms by which it recognizes its RNA targets and achieves site specificity remain elusive. Here, we determine single-particle cryo-EM structures of PUS3 in its apo form and bound to three tRNAs, showing how the symmetric PUS3 homodimer recognizes tRNAs and positions the target uridine next to its active site. Structure-guided and patient-derived mutations validate our structural findings in complementary biochemical assays. Furthermore, we deleted PUS1 and PUS3 in HEK293 cells and mapped transcriptome-wide Ψ sites by Pseudo-seq. Although PUS1-dependent sites were detectable in tRNA and mRNA, we found no evidence that human PUS3 modifies mRNAs. Our work provides the molecular basis for PUS3-mediated tRNA modification in humans and explains how its tRNA modification activity is linked to intellectual disabilities

    Elektroosadzanie i charakterystyka nanokompozytowych powłok Ni/Al2O3

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    The composite coatings containing of nanocrystalline Ni matrix and hard nano-sized ?-Al2O3 were electrodeposited in a system with a rotating disk electrode. The bath composition (nickel salts and buffer concentration, presence of surface-active agents and inert particles) influence on kinetics of Ni electrodeposition as well as on structural properties (morphology, phase composition, texture, residual stresses) and microhardness of Ni/Al2O3 coatings has been investigated. SEM and TEM studies show more uniform arrangement of Al2O3 particles in the matrix, however a tendency to agglomeration is observed. Surfactant application to a saccharine containing bath effectively improves the dispersion of nanoparticles into the nickel matrix. The addition of Al2O3 particles results in decrease of the average Ni crystallite size. The introduction of additive into electrolyte solution resulted in change of stress character of composite coatings (from tensile to compressive). The microhardness of Ni matrix was enhanced (about 40%) due to incorporation of ceramic particles.Nanokrystaliczne powłoki kompozytowe z osnowa Ni zawierajace ceramiczna faze dyspersyjna w postaci -Al2O3 o rozmiarach nanometrycznych zostały elektroosadzone w układzie z wirujaca elektroda dyskowa. W pracy analizowano wpływ składu kapieli (zawartosc soli niklu, obecnosc zwiazków powierzchniowo-czynnych i czastek obojetnych) na kinetyke procesu elektroosadzania, jak równiez na własciwosci strukturalne (morfologie, skład fazowy, teksture, naprezenia własne) oraz mikrotwardosc powłok Ni/Al2O3. Badania wykonane za pomoca SEM i TEM wykazały, ze czastki Al2O3 sa w znacznym stopniu równomiernie rozmieszczone w osnowie, jednak z tendencja do aglomeracji. Dodanie srodka powierzchnio-czynnego do kapieli zawierajacej sacharyne zwiekszyło dyspersje nanoczastek w osnowie niklu. Stwierdzono, ze obecnosc czastek Al2O3 powoduje obnizenie wielkosci krystalitów osnowy Ni. Wprowadzenie dodatków do elektrolitu wpłyneło na zmiane charakteru naprezen własnych uzyskanych powłok, jak równiez na ich mikrotwardosc (wzrost o około 40%)

    How to prepare bacteria with adsorbed nanoparticles for SEM and TEM observations

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    Properties of electrodeposited Ni-Mo coatings

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    W artykule przedstawiono badania powłok Ni-Mo osadzanych metodą elektrochemiczną. Analizowano właściwości mechaniczne i tribologiczne powłok Ni-Mo wytwarzanych przy gęstościach prądu osadzania z zakresu 0,5–5 A/dm2. Badane powłoki charakteryzują się twardością od 6,4 do 7,8 GPa oraz modułem sprężystości Younga 180–260 GPa. W zależności od stosowanych parametrów prądowych podczas osadzania uzyskane powłoki znacząco różniły się charakterem deformacji występujących na skutek odkształceń sprężysto-plastycznych lub kruchego pękania oraz odpornością na zużycie. Duże różnice we właściwościach powłok tłumaczono ich różną mikrostrukturą, którą wyznaczono z użyciem mikroskopii SEM i TEM.Mechanical and tribological properties of electrodeposited Ni-Mo coating were studied. Coatings of 30 žm thickness were deposited under different cathodic current densities 0.5-5 A/dm2 on steel disc substrates. Microhardness and Young's modulus of electrodeposits were measured by Vickers instrumented microindentation method. Tested coatings have a hardness from 6.4 to 7.8 GPa and Young's modulus of 180-260 GPa. Coatings show significantly different characters of deformation from elastic-plastic to brittle fracture that were found from spherical indentation test results. Wear tests done on ball-on-disc tribometer indicate that coatings produced at a current density higher than 3 A/dm2 have a higher wear resistance of several times, which corresponds to the decrease of the coefficient of friction from 0.8 to 0.25. Large differences in hardness and wear resistance of Ni-Mo coatings were explained by significant differences in Mo content and the surface roughness of coatings obtained at different current densities. Microstructure and stresses of electrodeposits were performed using SEM and X-ray diffraction techniques. Properties of Ni-Mo coatings were compared with the hard chromium coating that is used in industry - WSK-PZL Rzeszow