135 research outputs found

    KANDUNGAN BAHAN KERING DAN KONDISI FISIK LIMBAH PERTANIAN YANG MENDAPAT TEKNOLOGI APLIKATIF Trichoderma sp SEBAGAI PAKAN RUMINANSIA: Dry Matter Content and Physical Condition of Agricultural by-product with Aplicative Technology Trichoderma sp. as Ruminats Feed

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    Food crops and plantation waste can potentially be a source of ruminant feed. The problem faced is generally low quality. This study aims to analyze the dry matter content and physical condition of several agricultural by-products that received the applicative technology of Trichoderma sp as ruminant feed. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD) with a 5x3x3 factorial pattern. The first factor is agricultural by-products, including corn straws, sago dregs, banana stalks, rice straws, and cocoa husks. The second factor is the level of Trichoderma sp of 2.5%, 5.0%, and 7.5%. The variance showed that the type of agricultural by-products and the level of Trichoderma sp had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the dry matter content. In contrast, the interaction between the type of by-products and the level of Trichoderma sp had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the dry matter content. It concluded that the higher level of Trichoderma sp increased dry matter, and corn straw had the highest dry matter content

    KANDUNGAN BAHAN KERING DAN KONDISI FISIK LIMBAH PERTANIAN YANG MENDAPAT TEKNOLOGI APLIKATIF Trichoderma sp SEBAGAI PAKAN RUMINANSIA: Dry Matter Content and Physical Condition of Agricultural by-product with Aplicative Technology Trichoderma sp. as Ruminats Feed

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    Food crops and plantation waste can potentially be a source of ruminant feed. The problem faced is generally low quality. This study aims to analyze the dry matter content and physical condition of several agricultural by-products that received the applicative technology of Trichoderma sp as ruminant feed. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD) with a 5x3x3 factorial pattern. The first factor is agricultural by-products, including corn straws, sago dregs, banana stalks, rice straws, and cocoa husks. The second factor is the level of Trichoderma sp of 2.5%, 5.0%, and 7.5%. The variance showed that the type of agricultural by-products and the level of Trichoderma sp had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the dry matter content. In contrast, the interaction between the type of by-products and the level of Trichoderma sp had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the dry matter content. It concluded that the higher level of Trichoderma sp increased dry matter, and corn straw had the highest dry matter content

    Kandungan Tanin, VFA dan Amonia pada Sistem Rumen in Vitro Daun Maja (Aegle marmelos) dan Daun Gamal (Gliricidia sepium)

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    Tanin adalah zat antinutrisi yang terdapat pada tanaman hijauan, tetapi memiliki dampak positif dalam proses pencernaan ternak yaitu meningkatkan bypass protein. VFA (volatile fatty acids) adalah hasil perombakan dari karbohidrat dimana karbohidrat diperlukan oleh tubuh ternak sebagai sumber energi dan amonia adalah hasil perombakan dari protein dalam proses fermentasi dalam rumen ternak yang dipengaruhi oleh tanin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi perbandingan kandungan VFA dan amonia daun maja (Aegle marmelos) dan daun gamal (Gliricidia sepium) sebagai bahan pakan alternatif secara in vitro. Penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji T dengan 2 bahan daun maja (Aegle marmelos) dan daun gamal (Gliricidia sepium). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan tanin rata-rata untuk daun maja (1.11%) dan daun gamal (0.82%). Kandungan amonia daun gamal (39.8 mM) dan daun maja (35.82 mM), dan kandungan VFA daun maja (103.28 mM) dan daun gamal (93.42 mM). Disimpulkan bahwa kandungan tanin lebih tinggi pada daun maja dibanding dengan daun gamal, kandungan VFA daun maja lebih tinggi daripada daun gamal dan masih pada kisaran normal. Kandungan amonia daun gamal lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun maja dan berada di atas kisaran normal

    Graphene-based nanocarbons for catalytic degradation of aqueous contaminants

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    This study focuses on catalytic oxidation of organic pollutants, phenol and nitrobenzene (NB), in wastewater. Various carbons were used for adsorption and catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and persulfate (PDS) for phenol and NB degradation. It was observed that free radicals, hydroxyl (•OH) and sulfate (SO4•–) radicals, were generated in catalytic activation of PMS and PDS and reaction temperature, aqueous pH and catalyst properties played significant roles in catalytic oxidation

    Effects of oxygen and hydrogen on tensile and internal friction properties of niobium-vanadium alloys

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    The effect of additions of up to 10 at% vanadium on the oxygen Snoek peak in niobium was investigated by an internal friction technique. Vanadium-oxygen interaction peaks were identified at approximately 500 K and 650 K. For the Nb-0.24 at% V and the Nb-0.42 at% V alloys, at an oxygen/vanadium ratio greater than one, the 400 K unperturbed oxygen Snoek peak in niobium appears, thus providing strong evidence for oxygen trapping in these alloys. The 500 K peak is interpreted as a stress induced reorientation of oxygen associated with a single vanadium atom in a type n = 1 cell, whereas the 650 K peak is due to oxygen associated with two or more vanadium atoms in type n = 2 and n = 3 cells. The observed results are discussed in terms of the elastic and chemical interaction models for substitutional-interstitial solute interactions in a bcc lattice;Internal friction results do not provide evidence of an oxygen-hydrogen interaction. Hydrogen has no observable effect on the oxygen Snoek peak in unalloyed niobium and oxygen has no effect on the peak temperature or activation enthalpy for hydrogen relaxation in the Nb-10 at% V alloy;The effects of oxygen and hydrogen on the tensile properties of the Nb-10 at% V alloy were also studied. The addition of oxygen increases both the thermal and athermal stress components, although the effect is more pronounced on the thermal than on the athermal stress component. The 0.2% tensile yield stress is proportional to concentration as is predicted for a concentrated solid solution. For the Nb-10 at% V alloy containing hydrogen, alloy softening is observed at (TURN)125 K regardless of the presence of oxygen. This behavior is explained by the stress-induced ordering of hydrogen atoms in this temperature range. The effect of hydrogen on the strengthening and ductility of this alloy is much more pronounced in the presence of oxygen than in the low oxygen alloy

    Effects of nitrogen-, boron-, and phosphorus-doping or codoping on metal-free graphene catalysis

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    Graphene-based materials have been demonstrated as excellent alternatives to traditional metal-based catalysts in environmental remediation. The metal-free nature of the nanocarbons can completely prevent toxic metal leaching and the associated secondary contamination. In this study, nitrogen doped graphene (NG) at a doping level of 6.54 at.% was prepared at mild conditions. Moreover, B- and P-doping or codoping with N in graphene were also achieved by a simple route. The modified graphene can efficiently activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) to produce sulfate radicals to oxidize phenol solutions. Kinetic studies indicated that initial phenol concentration, PMS dosage, and temperature presented significant influences on the degradation rates. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis provided further insights into the evolution of active radicals during the activation of PMS and SO4•− was believed to be the primary radicals in the oxidation reactions. This study demonstrated a metal-free material for green catalysis in environmental remediation

    The Influence of Subjective Norms on Farmers' Behavior in Handling Goat Waste

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    Waste treatment (WT) was one way to increase the income of small-scale goat farmers. Many factors influence breeders to adopt technology, including the subjective norm (SN) factor. This study aims to determine the effect of subjective norms (SN) consisting of the influence of informal leaders (IL), Family (F), extension (E) /Training Officer (TO), and peer groups (FG) or farmer neighbors (FN) on the behavior of farmers in feces waste treatment (WT). The research was carried out in West Sulawesi Province, precisely in Polman and the Majene Regencies, which were goat farming centers. The respondents were 50 in the Majene district and 100 in the Polman district. The determination of the sample was carried out randomly at the location of the goat breeding center (GBC). The research variable consisted of the behavior of farmers in adopting technology (AT), which consisted of five levels: feces disposed of (score 1), not processed and used alone (score 2), not processed and sold (score 3), processed and used alone (score 4). It was processed and sold (score 5). Independent variables consisted of subjective norms, including the Community Leader (CL) (X1), Family (F) (X2), Extension Workers (EW) or Technical Officers (X3), and Neighbors (N) or colleagues (C) influence (X4). The linear regression model was used to predict the F-test and t-test. The results showed that SN affects breeders’ behavior in processing goat livestock waste (GLW). The variable influence of EW, F, and N was a component of SN that influenced the behavior of breeders, to increase the adoption of WT technology, the role of EW must be increased in assisting farmers in adopting WT technology. Keywords: Goat, subjective norm, adoption, extension officer, Family membe

    Distribution of Bali Cattle Farmers and Break-Even Analysis: Case in Barru Regency South Sulawesi

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    Barru Regency is an area of high indigenous Bali cattle population in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic analysis and mapping analysis of the location of smallholder Bali cattle farming. The research location is at Tanete Riaja District, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Purposive sampling was used to select 121 respondents, 75 from the breeding systems and 46 from the Bali cattle fattening systems. Observation and interviews are used to collect data. Data collection included the profiles of farmers, reproduction and production performance, and inputs and outputs of smallholder Bali cattle farming. Along with the interview, the location of farmers was recorded using a GPS receiver. The economic analysis used four criteria: Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP). The overlay method is used to map the farmers' locations. The results showed that the breeding system was feasible with the value of NPV of IDR 10,640,251, BCR of 1.30, IRR of 19.20%, and PP of 4.34 years. The fattening system was feasible with the value of NPV of IDR 34,569,548, BCR of 1.21, IRR of 36.91%, and PP of 2.64 years. Farmers' location maps showed that all farmers, both breeding and fattening, are located on low elevation land which is considered more suitable for Bali cattle farming because of good land fertility, suitable forage areas, and an abundant supply of food crops waste

    Dampak Transformasi Kewirausahaan melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi sebagai Keberlanjutan Bisnis di Era Digital

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    This article discusses how business is changing due to the use of digital technology as a key factor in achieving successful business operations in the digital era. In the increasingly rapidly developing digital era, business intelligence no longer only depends on individual abilities in launching new businesses, but also encourages the application of digital technology for innovation, growth and development. This article explains how digital technology impacts several aspects of business operations, such as sales, operations management, product development, and customer relationships. In addition, this article discusses the challenges business owners face in implementing digital technology, such as data security, system integration, and organizational culture transformation. This article highlights the potential benefits of utilizing digital technology in business operations, including increased operational efficiency, increased competitiveness, and reduced market volatility, through relevant research studies and findings. As well as challenges and risks that must be overcome with good strategy and flexibility to achieve business sustainability who are successful in the digital era


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    Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses pengubahan sikap serta prilaku seseorang ataupun kelompok dalam upaya pendewasaan manusia melalui sebuah pembelajaran dan pelatihan pada projek profil pelajar Pancasila adalah salah satu bentuk dari berbagai esensi nyata kurikulum merdeka. Esensi dari kurikulum merdeka merupakan pemberi ruang seluas luasnya pada peserta didik untuk menambah bertumbuh kembangnya dengan sesuai dengan fitrah sebagai manusia Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi literatur sehingga dalam usaha memberi suatu gagasan tentang pentingnya mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai kearifan local bali pada penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila pada pembelajaran guna menguatkan karakter bangsa dan negara. Maka penganalisisan data ini lebih difokuskan pada penelitian kepustakaan seperti dengan membaca,menelaah, serta mengkaji buku-buku maupun jurnal online dan sumber tulisan yang erat kaitannya dengan masalah yang terkandung pada jurnal iniProfile pelajar Pancasila merupakan kapabilitas atau karakter serta kompetensi ysng perlu di miliki oleh semua peserta didik di Indonesia Projek penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila dinyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan kokurikuler yang berbasis projek yang di rancang untuk menguatkan upaya pencapaian kompetensi dan karakter sesuai dengan profil pelajar Pancasila sehingga Dengan semangat profil pelajar Pancasila peserta bisa menjadi care pada lingkungan baik di sekolah maupun pada lingkungan sekitar agar lebih sadar akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian alam dan lingkungan. Profile Pancasila juga menyatakan bahwa peserta didik di Indonesia wajib melaksanakan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang begitu menyeluruh sehingga apabils individu dapat menerapkan secara konsisten maka akan berpeluang besar dampaknya akan berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan social secara kolektif. pendidik dapat melibatkan masyarakat serta pada instansi lainnya untuk dapat merancang serta menyelenggarakan projek penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila dalam ngeksplorasikan pada pembelajaran
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