143 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh salah satu program yang diselenggarakan di TK Al-Fithroh Cipaganti Kota Bandung, yakni program ekstrakurikuler. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini dirancang untuk meneliti bagaimana proses implementasi program ekstrakurikuler tersebut. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi serta kendala/hambatan yang dihadapi. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini meliputi pengajar ekstrakurikuler di TK Al-Fithroh Cipaganti Kota Bandung. Proses perencanaan program ekstrakurikuler dilakukan oleh seluruh pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler diantaranya Kepala Sekolah dan guru, kegiatan yang diselenggarakan dalam program esktrakurikuler di TK Al-Fithroh Cipaganti Kota Bandung diantaranya angklung, mewarnai dan seni tari, pelaksanaan program ekstrakurikuler dilaksanakan satu minggu sekali pada hari Jum’at pukul 10.00 s/d 11.45, teknik evaluasi yang digunakan dalam program ekstrakurikuler di TK Al-Fithroh Cipaganti Kota Bandung adalah dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, dan di dalam implementasinya tidak ada kendala yang berarti dalam proses perencanaan program maupun pelaksanannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Implementasi Program Ekstrakurikuler di TK Al-Fithroh Cipaganti Kota Bandung memiliki perencanaan yang terstruktur sehingga proses pelaksanaan program berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah tertera di dalam perencanaan program, adapun kendala serta hambatan yang dihadapi baik oleh pengajar meliputi sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia dirasa belum dapat mendukung jalannya program. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah agar pihak lembaga lebih memperhatikan sarana dan prasarana yang dapat menunjang proses berjalannya program ekstrakurikuler.;---This research is based on one program that being held in Al-Fithroh Kindergarten Cipaganti Bandung, which is Extracurricular Program. Based on that, this research is designed to examine how the implementation of Extracurricular Program. The goal of this research is to get complete view of planning, progress, evaluation, and also the difficulties on it. The research subject in this program is including the extracurricular teacher in Al-Fithroh Kindergarten Cipaganti Bandung. All of teacher is participated in this Extracurricular Program including the School Head Minister and teachers , the activity of Extracurricular Program that held in Al-Fithroh Kindergarten is like angklung, drawing, and dancing. The implementation of Extracurricular Program is being held once a week on Friday in 10.00 until 11.45 AM, the evaluation technique that used on Extracurricular Program in Al-Fithroh Kindergarten Cipaganti Bandung is using observation technique and on did not find any hard obstacles during the program planning and implementation thought. Based on those research, it can be concluded that the implementation of Extracurricular Program in Al-Fithroh Kindergarten is having structured plan on the process so the program can be done in the right direction as the planning program in the beginning. The obstacles here are the infrastructure is being not too supported for the implementation of the program. My recommendation based on this research is for the government including the school institution to pay more attention in the infrastructure of the school so it can help the student to get more experiences on the Extracurricular Program

    Evaluation and Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis

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    The enthusiasm of students to join online tuition centers is rising from time to time. It affects the number of tutors who have the important roles as the instructors. In the meantime, the students usually get information regarding the tuition centers from their colleagues or relatives. This affects the number of the students which is still minor. This indicates that the information about the existence of online tuition centers among societies has not been spread out widely. Mirroring on the lack, there is an idea appears. It is necessary to design a specific website for the online tuition centers. Besides its function as the promotion media, the website also provides access to learning materials. The learning materials which will be offered include theories, academic data manager and tabulation, and exercises with the tricks of how to finish them easily. This aims to help the students improve their achievements at school. The design of the application of these online tuition centers was constructed by the language program of PHP, MySQL basis data, and the methodology of waterfall. All stages of waterfall were started from analysis systems with business process, system design with DFD which includes diagram context, DFD Level 1, and DFD Level 2, ERD, and Data Dictionary. The process of managing and tabulating data which are in the system includes administrators, instructors, applicants and parents, where everyone has the access to the specific features. Through the Blackbox testing, it is concluded that all the features ran well, so they met the pla

    Pengaruh Eekstrak Delima (Punica granatum L.) Sebagai Antioksidan Terhadap Kekuatan Pelekatan Geser Resin Komposit Pasca Aplikasi Bleaching Hidrogen Peroksida 40%

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    Latar Belakang. Diskolorasi gigi dapat dirawat dengan bleaching gigi. In-office bleaching menggunakan hidrogen peroksida 40% dapat menurunkan kekuatan pelekatan geser resin komposit karena terdapat radikal bebas yang tertinggal pada permukaan gigi sehingga diperlukan penundaan restorasi. Radikal bebas dapat menganggu infiltrasi resin dan menghambat polimerisasi sempurna. Aplikasi antioksidan dapat mengeliminasi radikal bebas peroksida pasca prosedur bleaching dan meningkatkan kekuatan ikatan pelekatan resin komposit. Bahan antioksidan biasa yang digunakan adalah asam askorbat dan bahan alam seperti delima (Punica granatum L.). Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh gel ekstrak buah delima sebagai antioksidan terhadap kekuatan pelekatan resin komposit pasca aplikasi bleaching hidrogen peroksida 40%. Metode. Jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris dengan sampel sebanyak 32 gigi premolar pertama rahang atas dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Sampel dilakukan prosedur bleaching, preparasi labial dan diaplikasikan gel antioksidan, kelompok P1 gel ekstrak delima 5%, kelompok P2 gel ekstrak delima 10%, kelompok K1 kontrol positif gel asam askorbat 10% dan kelompok K2 sebagai kontrol negatif. Sampel dilakukan restorasi dengan resin komposit nanohibrida. Kekuatan pelekatan geser diuji dengan Universal Testing Machine. Data diuji dengan One Way Anova dilanjutkan uji Post Hoc LSD. Hasil. Pemberian gel ekstrak delima meningkatkan kekuatan pelekatan geser resin komposit pasca prosedur bleaching dengan hidrogen peroksida 40% jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok gel asam askorbat dan kontrol negatif. Uji One Way Anova menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05). Uji Post Hoc LSD menunjukkkan perbedaan bermakna antar kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Simpulan. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian gel ekstrak delima sebagai antioksidan terhadap kekuatan pelekatan geser resin komposit pasca aplikasi bleaching hidrogen peroksida 40%

    Nivel de conocimiento sobre triaje en la capacidad de respuesta frente a desastres, en el personal de enfermería en emergencia del Hospital Nacional Sergio e. Bernales de Collique 2019

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    Se realizó con el objetivo de determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre triaje influye en la capacidad de respuesta frente a desastres, en el personal de enfermería en emergencia del Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales de Collique, 2019. El trabajo fue de tipo cuantitativa, con diseño no experimental, descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal. La población fue 40 y la muestra también fue conformada por 40 enfermeras, a quienes se les aplico el instrumento: La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta con un cuestionario para cada instrumento. Los datos obtenidos a través de los cuestionarios fueron procesados con el programa Excel y SPSS. Los resultados indican que, hay un bajo nivel de conocimientos sobre triaje y capacidad de respuesta frente a desastres. Se demostró que la respuestas de la encuesta a los 40 enfermeras del Hospital Nacional Sergio Bernales de Collique nos muestra una tendencia marcada respecto a los CONOCIMIENTOS SOBRE TRIAJE en relación a la CAPACIDAD DE RESPUESTA FRENTE A DESASTRES, recogiendo un marcado porcentaje alto del 77,50% de bajos conocimientos, en tanto un 20% posee conocimientos medios, y apenas un 2,5 con conocimientos altos, lo que muestra una gran preocupación por la forma ideal en que deberían desempeñarse dicho personal de enfermería.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Iliofemoral Deep Vein Thrombosis Management and Treatment

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    The treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremity is dependent on the severity of symptoms. Mild symptoms may be treated with anticoagulation alone. However, moderate to severe symptoms in the setting of iliofemoral venous obstruction, that persist or worsen, should be treated surgically to prevent post-thrombotic syndrome. With current technological advances in vascular surgery, many novel endovascular devices have been developed with highly successful thrombolysis and thrombectomy outcomes. But if percutaneous methods fail, open surgical treatment remains an option with procedures such as open venous thrombectomy and vein bypass. This chapter reviews the workup, diagnosis, and management of acute lower extremity DVT with an emphasis on the surgical treatment of iliofemoral DVT

    Global Vascular Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia

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    Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI)is associated with mortality, amputation, and impaired quality of life. These Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG)are focused on definition, evaluation, and management of CLTI with the goals of improving evidence-based care and highlighting critical research needs. The term CLTI is preferred over critical limb ischemia, as the latter implies threshold values of impaired perfusion rather than a continuum. CLTI is a clinical syndrome defined by the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD)in combination with rest pain, gangrene, or a lower limb ulceration >2 weeks duration. Venous, traumatic, embolic, and nonatherosclerotic etiologies are excluded. All patients with suspected CLTI should be referred urgently to a vascular specialist. Accurately staging the severity of limb threat is fundamental, and the Society for Vascular Surgery Threatened Limb Classification system, based on grading of Wounds, Ischemia, and foot Infection (WIfI)is endorsed. Objective hemodynamic testing, including toe pressures as the preferred measure, is required to assess CLTI. Evidence-based revascularization (EBR)hinges on three independent axes: Patient risk, Limb severity, and ANatomic complexity (PLAN). Average-risk and high-risk patients are defined by estimated procedural and 2-year all-cause mortality. The GVG proposes a new Global Anatomic Staging System (GLASS), which involves defining a preferred target artery path (TAP)and then estimating limb-based patency (LBP), resulting in three stages of complexity for intervention. The optimal revascularization strategy is also influenced by the availability of autogenous vein for open bypass surgery. Recommendations for EBR are based on best available data, pending level 1 evidence from ongoing trials. Vein bypass may be preferred for average-risk patients with advanced limb threat and high complexity disease, while those with less complex anatomy, intermediate severity limb threat, or high patient risk may be favored for endovascular intervention. All patients with CLTI should be afforded best medical therapy including the use of antithrombotic, lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, and glycemic control agents, as well as counseling on smoking cessation, diet, exercise, and preventive foot care. Following EBR, long-term limb surveillance is advised. The effectiveness of nonrevascularization therapies (eg, spinal stimulation, pneumatic compression, prostanoids, and hyperbaric oxygen)has not been established. Regenerative medicine approaches (eg, cell, gene therapies)for CLTI should be restricted to rigorously conducted randomizsed clinical trials. The GVG promotes standardization of study designs and end points for clinical trials in CLTI. The importance of multidisciplinary teams and centers of excellence for amputation prevention is stressed as a key health system initiative. © 2019 Society for Vascular Surgery and European Society for Vascular Surger

    Cardiovasc Diabetol

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    Lower-extremity arterial disease (LEAD) is a major endemic disease with an alarming increased prevalence worldwide. It is a common and severe condition with excess risk of major cardiovascular events and death. It also leads to a high rate of lower-limb adverse events and non-traumatic amputation. The American Diabetes Association recommends a widespread medical history and clinical examination to screen for LEAD. The ankle brachial index (ABI) is the first non-invasive tool recommended to diagnose LEAD although its variable performance in patients with diabetes. The performance of ABI is particularly affected by the presence of peripheral neuropathy, medial arterial calcification, and incompressible arteries. There is no strong evidence today to support an alternative test for LEAD diagnosis in these conditions. The management of LEAD requires a strict control of cardiovascular risk factors including diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia. The benefit of intensive versus standard glucose control on the risk of LEAD has not been clearly established. Antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, and antiplatelet agents are obviously worthfull to reduce major cardiovascular adverse events, but few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have evaluated the benefits of these treatments in terms of LEAD and its related adverse events. Smoking cessation, physical activity, supervised walking rehabilitation and healthy diet are also crucial in LEAD management. Several advances have been achieved in endovascular and surgical revascularization procedures, with obvious improvement in LEAD management. The revascularization strategy should take into account several factors including anatomical localizations of lesions, medical history of each patients and operator experience. Further studies, especially RCTs, are needed to evaluate the interest of different therapeutic strategies on the occurrence and progression of LEAD and its related adverse events in patients with diabetes
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