35 research outputs found

    Fibronectin and Its Receptors in Hematopoiesis

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    Fibronectin is a ubiquitous extracellular matrix protein that is produced by many cell types in the bone marrow and distributed throughout it. Cells of the stem cell niche produce the various isoforms of this protein. Fibronectin not only provides the cells a scaffold to bind to, but it also modulates their behavior by binding to receptors on the adjacent hematopoietic stem cells and stromal cells. These receptors, which include integrins such as α4β1, α9β1, α4β7, α5β1, αvβ3, Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4), and CD44, are found on the hematopoietic stem cell. Because the knockout of fibronectin is lethal during embryonal development and because fibronectin is produced by almost all cell types in mammals, the study of its role in hematopoiesis is difficult. Nevertheless, strong and direct evidence exists for its stimulation of myelopoiesis and thrombopoiesis using in vivo models. Other reviewed effects can be deduced from the study of fibronectin receptors, which showed their activation modifies the behavior of hematopoietic stem cells. Erythropoiesis was only stimulated under hemolytic stress, and mostly late stages of lymphocytic differentiation were modulated. Because fibronectin is ubiquitously expressed, these interactions in health and disease need to be taken into account whenever any molecule is evaluated in hematopoiesis

    Blood clot formation does not affect metastasis formation or tumor growth in a murine model of breast cancer.

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    Cancer is associated with increased fracture risk, due either to metastasis or associated osteoporosis. After a fracture, blood clots form. Because proteins of the coagulation cascade and activated platelets promote cancer development, a fracture in patients with cancer often raises the question whether it is a pathologic fracture or whether the fracture itself might promote the formation of metastatic lesions. We therefore examined whether blood clot formation results in increased metastasis in a murine model of experimental breast cancer metastasis. For this purpose, a clot was surgically induced in the bone marrow of the left tibia of immundeficient mice. Either one minute prior to or five minutes after clot induction, human cancer cells were introduced in the circulation by intracardiac injection. The number of cancer cells that homed to the intervention site was determined by quantitative real-time PCR and flow cytometry. Metastasis formation and longitudinal growth were evaluated by bioluminescence imaging. The number of cancer cells that homed to the intervention site after 24 hours was similar to the number of cells in the opposite tibia that did not undergo clot induction. This effect was confirmed using two more cancer cell lines. Furthermore, no difference in the number of macroscopic lesions or their growth could be detected. In the control group 72% developed a lesion in the left tibia. In the experimental groups with clot formation 79% and 65% developed lesions in the left tibia (p = ns when comparing each experimental group with the controls). Survival was similar too. In summary, the growth factors accumulating in a clot/hematoma are neither enough to promote cancer cell homing nor support growth in an experimental model of breast cancer bone metastasis. This suggests that blood clot formation, as occurs in traumatic fractures, surgical interventions, and bruises, does not increase the risk of metastasis formation

    Infiltration of blood clots by cancer cells.

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    <p>(A) Induction of a blood clot in the left tibia does not result in an increase in the number of infiltrating cancer cells compared to the right control tibia (CT) in the same mouse when cancer cells are injected 1 minute before blood clot induction using three cell lines (Breast cancer selected to home to the bone marrow: MDA-MB-231B/luc+; prostate cancer able to form bone metastases: PC3/luc+; and hepatoma cells not reported to form bone metastases: Huh-7). Cancer cells were injected 1 minute before clot induction. 24 hours later the bone marrow was isolated from the upper third of both tibiae and the number of cancer cells was evaluated by quantitative PCR of a cancer cell specific sequence and corrected to the total number of murine cells in the sample. n = 4–5/group. (B) The number of MDA cancer cells evaluated by flow cytometry was similar between the CT and hematoma group. MDA cancer cells were injected 1 minute before clot induction. 24 hours later the bone marrow was isolated from the upper third of both tibiae, red cells lysed, stained with a labeled human-specific CD49e (integrin α5) antibody and at least 3 million bone marrow cells were counted. n = 10 mice. (C) The use of surgical wax in the tibia following clot induction does not affect homing of cancer cells. 1 minute before clot induction MDA cancer cells were injected. The hole performed in the tibia in order to induce the blood clot in the bone marrow was either closed with surgical wax or left until bleeding stopped spontaneously (3–5 minutes) before closing the wound. n = 4 pairs. (D) Injection of MDA cancer cells 15 minutes before, 1 minute before and 5 minutes after clot induction did not affect the number of cancer cells in the bone marrow detected after 24 hours. Samples were prepared as in A. p = ns for each time point. (E) Evaluation of cancer cell numbers when injected 1 minute before clot induction did not reveal a difference in the number of cancer cells detected in the bone marrow at different time points (1, 4, 24 and 48 hours after clot induction). p = ns and n = 4–5 per time point. (F) Evaluation of cancer cell numbers when injected 5 minutes after clot induction showed a significant decrease in the number of cancer cells detected in the bone marrow at 1 hour after clot induction (p<0.05) but not at later time points (4, 24 and 48 hours after clot induction) (p = ns). n = 4–8 per time point.</p

    Comparison of control and experimental groups.

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    <p>The number of macroscopic lesions detectable by bioluminescence imaging in the left tibia was similar between control animals that did not undergo clot induction and experimental animals with a blood clot in which cancer cells were injected 1 minute prior to (−1 min), or 5 minutes after clot induction (+5 min). Data from all mice (including those that already died) 7 weeks after cancer cell injection are shown. Data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test and no significant differences were detected in the CT/experimental group pairs.</p><p>*The percentage presented is calculated as follows: number of lesions at a specific site/total number of lesions in the group.</p