892 research outputs found

    Dynamical stability of the Gliese 581 exoplanetary system

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    Using numerical methods we investigate the dynamical stability of the Gliese 581 exoplanetary system. The system is known to harbour four planets (b-e). The existence of another planet (g) in the liquid water habitable zone of the star is debated after the latest analyses of the radial velocity (RV) measurements. We integrated the 4 and 5-planet model of Vogt et al. (AN 333, 561-575, 2012) with initial circular orbits. To characterize stability, the maximum eccentricity was used that the planets reached over the time of the integrations and the LCI and RLI to identify chaotic motion. Since circular orbits in the RV fits seem to be a too strong restriction and the true orbits might be elliptic, we investigated the stability of the planets as a function of their eccentricity. The integration of the circular 4-planet model shows that it is stable on a longer timescale for even an inclination i = 5{\deg}. A fifth planetary body in the 4-planet model could have a stable orbit between the two super-Earth sized planets c and d, and beyond the orbit of planet d, although another planet would likely only be stable on circular or near-circular orbit in the habitable zone of the star. Gliese 581 g in the 5-planet model would have a dynamically stable orbit, even for a wider range of orbital parameters, but its stability is strongly dependent on the eccentricity of planet d. The low-mass planet e, which quickly became unstable in eccentric models, remains stable in the circular 4-planet model, but the stable region around its initial semi-major axis and eccentricity is rather small. The stability of the inner planets e and c is dependent on the eccentricity of the Neptune-size planet b. The outermost planet d is far away from the adjacent planet c to considerably influence its stability, however, the existence of a planet between the two super-Earth planets c and d constrains its eccentricity.Comment: 8 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hiperbolikus dinamikai rendszerek sztochasztikus tulajdonságai = Stochastic properties of hyperbolic dynamical systems

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    A projektet eredetileg 36 hónapra terveztük, de 12 hónap után egy külföldi post-doc pozíció miatt meg kellett szakítani. Emiatt az eredmények részlegesek. Konstruáltunk egy konkrét 3-dimenziós véges horizontú szóró biliárdot amiben a szingularitási szerkezet exponenciális komplexitása szigorúan bebizonyítható. Két dimenzióban bebizonyítottam, hogy tipikus sima görbékkel határolt szórótestek esetén a komplexitás korlátos. Randomizált itarációs algoritmusok megbízhatóságát vizsgáltuk hiperbolikus rendszerek számítógépes szimulációjában, empirikusan. Azt találtuk, hogy nagyon kicsi perturbációk alkalmazása esetén a szimuláció jobban tükrözi a rendszer ergodikus tulajdonságait, miközben a számolt invariáns mérték pontossága alig romlik. Olyan hővezetés-modellt vizsgáltam, amiben lokalizált biliárd korongok hatnak kölcsön konzervatív erők révén. A gyenge csatolás határesetben egy kölcsönható részecskerendszert sikerült leírni. Ennek a rendszernek a hidrodinamikai limeszét, vele a hővezetési együttható hőmérsékletfüggését sikerült meghatározni szigorú, heurisztikus és numerikus eszközök egy keverékével. A kapott eredmény meglepően realisztikus. Ez komoly eredmény egy nemzetközi érdeklődéssel kísért területen. Vizsgáltuk a preferenciális kapcsolódás modell szerint növekedő véletlen fák szerkezetét hosszú idő után leíró véletlen mértéket. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy a mérték Hausdorff-dimenziója majdnem biztosan konstans. Erre explicit formulát is adtunk. | This project was originally planned for 36 months, but it had to be terminated after 12 months due to a post-doc position abroad. As a consequence, results are partial. We constructed a specific 3-dimensional finite horizon dispersing billiard where exponential complexity of the singularity structure can be rigorously proven. I have proven that in two dimensions the complexity is bounded for a typical smoouth scatterer curves. The usability of randomized iteration algorithms in the computer simulation of hyperbolic systems was studied empirically. We found that using very small perturbations results in the ergodic properties of the system being better reflected, while causing little loss in the accuracy of the calculated invariant measures. I studied a heat conduction model with localized billiard disks interacting via conservative forces. An interacting particle system was found in the weak coupling limit. The hydrodynamic limit of this system, including the temperature dependence of the heat conductivity was established through a mixture of rigorous, heuristic and numerical methods, giving surprisingly realistic results. This is a serious achievement in an area that is in the center of international attention. We studied the random measure desribing the long-time structure of the growing tree in preferential attachment models. The Hausdorff dimension was proven to be constant almost surely. An explicit formula was also given

    Constantine and Patriarch Photius

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