14 research outputs found

    Monitoring the degradation of partly decomposable plastic foils

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    Abstract We have monitored the behaviour of different polyethylene foils including virgin medium density polyethylene (MDPE), MDPE containing pro-oxydative additives (238, 242) and MDPE with pro-oxydative additives and thermoplastic starch (297) in the soil for a period of one year. A foil based on a blend of polyester and polylactic acid (BASF Ecovio) served as degradable control. The experiment was carried out by weekly measurements of conductivity and capacity of the soil, since the setup was analogous to a condenser, of which the insulating layer was the foil itself. The twelve replications allowed monthly sampling; the specimen taken out from the soil each month were tested visually for thickness, mechanical properties, morphological and structural changes, and molecular mass. Based on the obtained capacity values, we found that among the polyethylene foils, the one that contained thermoplastic starch extenuated the most. This foil had the greatest decrease in tensile strength and elongation at break due to the presence of thermoplastic starch. The starch can completely degrade in the soil; thus, the foil had cracks and pores. The polyethylene foils that contained pro-oxydant additives showed smaller external change compared to the virgin foil, since there was no available UV radiation and oxygen for their degradation. The smallest change occurred in the virgin polyethylene foil. Among the five examined samples, the commercially available BASF foil showed the largest extenuation and external change, and it deteriorated the most in the soil.</jats:p

    Felszínalatti vízáramlások hatása a Pannon-medence közép-dunavölgyi régiójában tanulmányozható aktuogeológiai folyamatokra = Groundwater as a geological agent. Study of groundwater flow related actuogeological processes in the Kiskunság sector of the Danube valley

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    Kutatásain révén a Duna-Tisza közére érvényes "hidrogeológiai típusszelvényt" vezettünk le. A területre domborzati magasság-különbségek által vezérelt, csapadék eredetű vizeket és túlnyomások révén felfelé szivárgó, magas sótartalmú vizeket különítettünk el. A felső gravitációs vízrendszert a túlnyomásos alsó vízrezsim hidraulikusan alátámasztja. A felszálló vizek pályáit a medencealjzat geometriája, a vízfogók vastagsági heterogenitása és szerkezeti tagoltsága befolyásolja. Az aljzatból kiinduló vetők, átvágva a vízfogó rétegeket, rövidzáras kapcsolatot teremthetnek a legfölső víztartókkal. Ugyanakkor a vízfogókon történő átszivárgás sem zárható ki. A medence Ny-i részén a gravitációs rendszerek energiája nem elegendő ahhoz, hogy vizüket a Dunáig eljuttassák, így már a Duna?völgyben megcsapolódnak. Ezen a területen a feláramló sós vizek és a csapadékból beszivárgott vizek együttesen szállítódnak a felszínközeli kavicsos-homok vízvezető révén, előidézve a vizsgált Kelemenszék magas sótartalmát. Ez a hidraulikai kép megmagyarázza a kémiai és a vegetációs mintázat különbségeit az édesvízi és sós vízi élőhelyek között a Duna-Tisza közén. A szikesedés sóforrásaként a területen az aljzati eredetű NaCl-os víz tekinthető. Kutatásaink eredményeit egy összefüggő képbe helyezve értelmeztük, amely kép reményeink szerint kiterjeszthető az Alföld egészére és új hidrogeológiai paradigmaként kezelhető. | A Hydrogeological Type Section was proposed for the Duna-Tisza Interfluve. On this section a gravity-driven meteoric fresh water and an over-pressured saline water regime were identified. The gravity-flow pattern conforms to the topography. These systems are hydraulically perched by the ascending over-pressured water. The pathways of ascending waters are influenced by the geometry of the basement, and the variable thickness and tectonic structure of the aquitards. Faults originated from the basement disect the aquitards providing direct hydraulic connections with the upper aquifers. Otherwise cross-formational flow through aquitards can not be excluded. The energy of gravitational systems is not enough to push the fresh waters as far as the Duna in the western part of the basin. Accordingly their water is discharged in the Duna-valley. In this area deep saline waters and the meteoric waters are conveyed together by a sandy-gravel aquifer causing the examined Kelemenszék to be saline. This hydraulic picture explains the contrasting chemistry and vegetational pattern between fresh water and saline wetlands of the Duna-Tisza Interfluve. As the origin of the surface salinization on the area the NaCl-type water of the basement was found. The results of the present study are summarized into a coherent schematic, which we consider to be representative not only for the Duna-Tisza Interfluve but it can be extended to the entire Great Hungarian Plain as a new hydrogeological paradigm

    Behavior of Polyethylene Films in Soil

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    A true-to life experiment on the behaviour of polyethylene films in soil was carried out. Commercial middle density polyethylene (MDPE) film, MDPE films containing pro-oxidative additives and thermoplastic starch and a commercially available biodegradable film (Ecovio, BASF) have been buried in soil and monitored monthly for one year. Bags made out of the films were filled with and surrounded with brown forest soil and electrodes were put into the soil inside the bag and into the soil surrounding the bag. The soil served as capacitor. Degradation could be monitored weekly by measuring the capacity and conductivity of the soil without removing the bags from it. Visual, mechanical (Instron), structural (FTIR, ESR) and morphological (POM, SEM) changes in the films and the change in molecular mass were tested monthly. The polyethylene films suffered only some physical degradation and not biodegradation. Our life-like experiments suggest that biopacking will be the future of plastics waste disposal

    Behavior of Polyethylene Films in Soil

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    A true-to life experiment on the behaviour of polyethylene films in soil was carried out. Commercial middle density polyethylene (MDPE) film, MDPE films containing pro-oxidative additives and thermoplastic starch and a commercially available biodegradable film (Ecovio, BASF) have been buried in soil and monitored monthly for one year. Bags made out of the films were filled with and surrounded with brown forest soil and electrodes were put into the soil inside the bag and into the soil surrounding the bag. The soil served as capacitor. Degradation could be monitored weekly by measuring the capacity and conductivity of the soil without removing the bags from it. Visual, mechanical (Instron), structural (FTIR, ESR) and morphological (POM, SEM) changes in the films and the change in molecular mass were tested monthly. The polyethylene films suffered only some physical degradation and not biodegradation. Our life-like experiments suggest that biopacking will be the future of plastics waste disposal

    What the NATO Alliance Is Currently Advocating and Delivering in the Counter Terrorism Arena

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    The fight against terrorism is still based on the nation-state framework, but international organizations have a greater focus on the prevention of terrorist acts. The European Union is not a military organization, it is involved mainly in prevention and combating crime and terrorism financing operations, and to resolve the consequences of an attack. In contrast, NATO is mainly focused on the fight against terrorism from a military perspective. It is important to emphasize that the fight against global terrorism can only be successful if comprehensive, international, multilateral action is taken, which includes military operations, in addition to political, economic, legal, diplomatic and social tools.This analysis will seek to determine how those facts influence the NATO Counter Terrorism (CT) task and whether they are sufficient to justify making it a NATO core responsibility

    Production impact of 3 weeks batch management as an element of the PRRS eradication program Case study

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    Summary Background and Objectives: Many commercial swine farms cannot implement all-in-all-out (AIAO) because of different capacities of farrowing, nursery and finishing units. However, breaking the infection cycle is essential in disease eradications, thus creation of a sustainable batch management system (BMS) gives an opportunity to implement AIAO. This study surveyed production impact of a 3 weeks BMS implementation as an element of a PRRS Eradication Plan (PEP). Materials and Methods: The farrow-to-finish Topigs genetics swine farm had 800 sows and their progeny. The farm was obliged to set up PEP following initiation of a mandatory national PRRS eradication program. Due to the different capacities of consecutive farm production units, a 3 weeks BMS was launched with oestrus synchronization for grouping sows starting in August 2015. The farm production indices were surveyed from August 2014 to July 2016 (one year before and after BMS launch) to measure its impact. The data were processed with Microsoft Excel© program. Results: After launching BMS monthly farrowing (F) decreased by 10%, artificial insemina tion (AI) by 11%, but AI/F increased by 2% with an extra 0.4 live piglets/litter. Although litters/ sow/year and weaned piglets/sow/year indices slightly decreased, the number of slaughter pigs/sow/year increased by 1.37. Mortality and culling rate were improved; in the farrowing unit the combined index decreased from 9.6% to 6.5%; in the nursery from 6.9% to 1.6%, and for finishers from 10.5% to 7.5%. Feed conversion ratio has improved in the nursery from 2.27 to 2.17 and for finishers from 4.33 to 3.88. Total drug cost per slaughter pig decrea sed by 23.8% (form €12.4 to €9.5), of which antibiotics by 38.4% and vaccination by 22.0%, contrary to an increased cost of disinfections by 150.9%. Discussion and Conclusions: The results support that a 3 weeks BMS as element of PEP is an inevitable tool for the implementation of AIAO. BMS helps to break the PRRSV infection cycle, thus, accelerates PRRS eradication and improves swine production indices

    Hatvanéves a szakkönyvtár : A repülőszakember-képzés és a repüléstudomány szolgálatában

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    A Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár Hadtudományi és Honvédtisztképző Kar Kari Könyvtár Repülőműszaki Gyűjteménye hatvan éve áll az olvasók rendelkezésére Szolnokon. A könyvtári állomány közel felét a repüléssel foglalkozó magyar és angol nyelvű szakirodalom alkotja. A gyűjtemény gerincét a Jobbik István Szakkönyvtár 5000 kötetes anyaga, és Fekecs Gábor hajómérnök egykori magángyűjteménye képezi. A dokumentumok főként a hadtudomány és a katonai műszaki tudomány köréből kerülnek ki. Emellett a könyvtár szépirodalmi állománnyal is rendelkezik