23 research outputs found

    Screening of Durum Wheat Cultivars for Selenium Response under Contrasting Environments, Based on Grain Yield and Quality Attributes

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    In the literature, little information is available on the effect of Selenium (Se) on durum wheat yield and grain quality performances. A field investigation was conducted to explore the effect of exogenous Se foliar supply on two types of durum wheat germplasm; i.e., 16 advanced lines and nine modern varieties. The Se effect was assessed on grain yield as well as on technological quality traits (moisture, protein and gluten contents, Zeleny sedimentation index, and deformation energy) in two contrasting environments in Tunisia, namely Kef–Boulifa (semi-arid region) and Beja (sub-humid region). The results displayed significant effects of environments, Se foliar application, and cultivars on grain yield and quality attributes. For grain yield performance, the beneficial effect of Se was more pronounced under the Kef–Boulifa environment, and conversely for the grain quality. A genetic variation was observed within and among the two environments under both Se treatments (with and without Se). Notably, the Se-treated advanced lines displayed the highest grain yield under Kef–Boulifa and Beja conditions. Although these cultivars showed better grain quality in both sites, the modern varieties valorized the Se foliar application better. Cultivars that recorded the highest values for the studies attributes were not necessarily those that valorized the Se supply better. Interestingly, some advanced lines have noted superiority compared to the modern varieties. In this study, cultivars that combine both good yield and good grain quality were determined for semi-arid (L11, L1, Dhahbi, and Maali) and sub-humid (L2, L14, L6, L3, Salim, and INRAT 100) zones. The screening results provide genetic material that could be exploited in breeding programs to improve Se use efficiency

    Adoption of Durum Wheat Cultivar ‘Salim’ with a Technical Package and Its Resilience to Climate Change Impacts in Smallholders: Case of Nebeur/Kef Region, Tunisia

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    In recent years, there has been an urgent need for local strategies to ensure food sustainability in Tunisia, recognized as a climate change hotspot region. In this context, adaptation measures, including the adoption of high-yielding durum wheat cultivars with adequate agronomical practices, are an important avenue to improving the productivity of the smallholders that represent 80% of Tunisian farmers. Thus, this study highlights the impact of (i) the adoption of the recently marketed durum wheat cultivar ‘Salim’ as compared to the common cultivar ‘Karim’ and the transfer of a technical package to 11 farmers in the Nebeur delegation/Kef-Tunisia (semi-arid region) during the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 cropping seasons, and (ii) climate change on the expected mean grain yield and biomass by 2070, using the CropSyst agronomic cultivation model based on multi-year crop simulations run with a daily weather series (2020–2070). The adoption of ‘Salim’ with the recommended package, compared to ‘Karim’ with the farmer practices, significantly increased the grain yield (37.84%) and biomass (55.43%). Otherwise, the impact of the 0.8 °C temperature rise on the potential yields and biomass over the next 51 years was positive. Contrary to expectations, the yield increases for the two cultivars were very close, but the yield of ‘Salim’ (36.02 q ha−1) remains much higher than that of ‘Karim’ (23.34 q ha−1). On other hand, ‘Salim’ experienced a higher increase for biomass compared to that of ‘Karim’. These results indicate that the adoption of the ‘Salim’ cultivar with its technical package might be considered as a strategy of adaptation to Nebeur conditions and to future climate change events

    Use of Biostimulants: Towards Sustainable Approach to Enhance Durum Wheat Performances

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    The use of biostimulant (BS) holds a promising and environmental-friendly innovation to address current needs of sustainable agriculture. The aim of the present study is twofold: (i) assess the potential of durum wheat seed coating with microbial BS (‘Panoramix’, Koppert), a mix of Bacillus spp., Trichoderma spp., and endomycorrhiza, compared to two chemical products (‘Spectro’ and ‘Mycoseeds’) through germination bioassay, pot and field trials under semi-arid conditions, and (ii) identify the most effective method of BS supply (‘seed coating’, ‘foliar spray’, and ‘seed coating + foliar spray’) under field conditions. For this purpose, three modern durum wheat cultivars were tested. ‘Panoramix’ was the most efficient treatment and enhanced all germination (germination rate, and coleoptile and radicle length), physiological (relative water content, chlorophyll content, and leaf area), and agro-morphological (plant height, biomass, seed number per spike, thousand kernel weight, and grain yield) attributes. Unexpectedly, the individual application of ‘Panoramix’ showed better performance than the combined treatment ‘Panoramix + Spectro’. Considering the physiological and agro-morphological traits, the combined method ‘seed coating + foliar spray’ displayed the best results. Principal component analysis confirmed the superiority of ‘Panoramix’ treatment or ‘seed coating + foliar spray’ method. Among tested durum wheat cultivars, ‘Salim’ performed better especially under ‘Panoramix’ treatment, but in some case ‘Karim’ valorized better this BS showing the highest increase rates. Based on these study outcomes, ‘Panoramix’ might be used as promising sustainable approach to stimulate durum wheat performance

    Use of Wild Relatives in Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum Desf.) Breeding Program: Adaptation and Stability in Context of Contrasting Environments in Tunisia

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    In Mediterranean regions, the performance of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum Desf.) yield often varies due to significant genotype × environment interaction (GEI); therefore, yield stability is an important consideration in breeding programs. The aim of this research was to explore the GEI pattern and yield stability of 24 promising durum wheat lines, selected by ICARDA in several African countries (seven elites, four commercial varieties, and 13 durum wheat wide crosses, generated by hybridization of elites and Triticum dicoccoides Koern. ex Schweinf., Triticum araraticum Jakubz, and Aegilops speltoides Tausch) against a Tunisian local check variety ‘Salim’. Yield assessment was conducted across six environments under rainfed conditions, at the field station of Kef in a semi-arid region during four cropping seasons (2014–2015, 2015–2016, 2016–2017, and 2017–2018) and in a sub-humid region at the station of Beja during two cropping seasons (2015–2016 and 2018–2019). The analysis of variance showed that the environment is the main source of variation of grain yield (72.05%), followed by the interaction environments × genotypes (25.33%) and genotypes (2.62%). The genotype × genotype by environment model (PC) based on grain yield identified a mega-environment including Kef (2016–2017 and 2017–2018) and Beja (2015–2016 and 2018–2019) and elite line 22 as a widely adapted genotype. Combined analysis, computed using the average grain yield of lines and the yield stability wide adaptation index (AWAI), showed that elite lines 9 and 23 (2.41 and 2.34 t·ha−1, respectively), and wild relative-derived lines, 5, 1, and 10 (2.37, 2.31, and 2.28 t·ha−1, respectively) were more stable and better yielding than the national reference (2.21 t·ha−1). This finding supports the good yield potential of wild relative-derived lines. The five selections are recommended to be developed in multi-environments in several regions of Tunisia, especially in semi-arid area