99 research outputs found

    Liver and brain differential expression of one-carbon metabolism genes during ontogenesis

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    One-carbon metabolism (1C metabolism) is of paramount importance for cell metabolism and mammalian development. It is involved in the synthesis or modification of a wide variety of compounds such as proteins, lipids, purines, nucleic acids and neurotransmitters. We describe here the evolution of expression of genes related to 1C metabolism during liver and brain ontogeny in mouse. The level of expression of 30 genes involved in 1C metabolism was quantified by RT-qPCR in liver and brain tissues of OF1 mice at E9, E11, E13, E15, E17, P0, P3, P5, P10, P15 developmental stages and in adults. In the liver, hierarchical clustering of the gene expression patterns revealed five distinct clades of genes with a first bifurcating hierarchy distinguishing two main developmental stages before and after E15. In the brain most of the 1C metabolism genes are expressed but at a lower levels. The gene expression of enzymes involved in 1C metabolism show dramatic changes during development that are tissue specific. mRNA expression patterns of all major genes involved in 1C metabolism in liver and brain provide clues about the methylation demand and methylation pathways during embryonic development

    Body composition in patients with classical homocystinuria: body mass relates to homocysteine and choline metabolism

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    Introduction: Classical homocystinuria is a rare genetic disease caused by cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency, resulting in homocysteine accumulation. Growing evidence suggests that reduced fat mass in patients with classical homocystinuria may be associated with alterations in choline and homocysteine pathways. This study aimed to evaluate the body composition of patients with classical homocystinuria, identifying changes in body fat percentage and correlating findings with biochemical markers of homocysteine and choline pathways, lipoprotein levels and bone mineral density (BMD) T-scores.Methods: Nine patients with classical homocystinuria were included in the study. Levels of homocysteine, methionine, cysteine, choline, betaine, dimethylglycine and ethanolamine were determined. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in patients and in 18 controls. Data on the last BMD measurement and lipoprotein profile were obtained from medical records.Results: of 9 patients, 4 (44%) had a low body fat percentage, but no statistically significant differences were found between patients and controls. Homocysteine and methionine levels were negatively correlated with body mass index (BMI), while cysteine showed a positive correlation with BMI (p < 0.05). There was a trend between total choline levels and body fat percentage (r = 0.439, p = 0.07). HDL cholesterol correlated with choline and ethanolamine levels (r = 0.757, p = 0.049; r = 0.847, p = 0.016, respectively), and total cholesterol also correlated with choline levels (r = 0.775, p = 0.041). There was no association between BMD T-scores and body composition.Conclusions: These results suggest that reduced fat mass is common in patients with classical homocystinuria, and that alterations in homocysteine and choline pathways affect body mass and lipid metabolism. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Research Incentive Fund (Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa, FIPE) of HCPAPRONEM/FAPERGSConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Postgrad Program Genet & Mol Biol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHosp Clin Porto Alegre, BRAIN Lab Basic Res & Adv Invest Neurosci, BR-90035003 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHosp Clin Porto Alegre, Med Genet Serv, BR-90035003 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Reference Ctr Inborn Errors Metab, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Physiol, Hosp Clin Porto Alegre, Gynecol Endocrinol Unit,Div Endocrinol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Food & Nutr Res Ctr, Hosp Clin Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilRobert Debre Hosp, AP HP, Biochem Hormonol Lab, Paris, FranceUniv Med Ctr Freiburg, Dept Gen Pediat, Lab Clin Biochem & Metab, Freiburg, GermanyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Reference Ctr Inborn Errors Metab, São Paulo, BrazilResearch Incentive Fund (Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa, FIPE) of HCPA: 11-0386PRONEM/FAPERGS: 11/2043-0CNPq: 308816/2013-7CNPq: 301742/2010-3CAPES: 12785-11Web of Scienc

    1-C metabolism : pathophysiology beyond folate

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    Résumé : Le métabolisme monocarboné ou métabolisme 1-C désigne l’ensemble des voies métaboliques permettant la synthèse et / ou le recyclage de molécules donneur de groupement monocarboné au cours des réactions de méthylation. L’objectif de ce travail était d’évaluer l’implication des métabolismes de la choline, de la phosphatidylcholine (PC) et de la bétaïne dans la physiopathologie des désordres impliquant le métabolisme 1-C en période prénatale et postnatale. Nous avons montré une augmentation progressive de l’expression de la majorité des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme 1-C au cours de l’ontogénèse hépatique murine, tandis que les leur expression était plus faible avec des profils plus variable au niveau cérébral. Chez l’homme, les valeurs normales des concentrations des intermédiaires du métabolisme 1-C dans le liquide amniotique (LA) en fonction du terme gestationnel ont été déterminées pour tous les paramètres et les concentrations de S-adénosyl-homocystéine et de méthionine étaient augmentées dans les LA du groupe affecté par des défauts de fermeture du tube neural (DFTN) suggérant que certains cas de DFTN pourraient être associés à des déséquilibres du métabolisme 1-C. En post natal, nous avons montré à la fois chez l’homme et l’animal, que les hyperhomocystéinémie d’origine nutritionnelles ou génétiques induisaient une déplétion en bétaïne, épargnant uniquement le rein où elle est un osmolyte majeur. Dans un modèle murin de déficit en cystathionine–beta synthase induisant une hyperhomocystéinémie, une technique de lipidomique ciblée a montré au niveau hépatique des modifications qualitatives des phospholipides (PLs) avec une diminution des PC contenant des acides gras insaturés et des phosphatidyléthanolmines contenant de l’acide arachidonique. Ces modifications des PLs pourraient jouer un rôle dans la constitution de la stéatose hépatique observée dans l’histoire naturelle de cette maladie. En conclusion, ce travail a permis de montrer que la choline, la bétaïne et les PC sont des acteurs indissociables du métabolisme 1-C qui pourraient être impliqués dans la physiopathologie des DFTN et dans les hyperhomocystéinémies. Ils pourraient également être impliqués dans la physiopathologie des stéatoses hépatiques non alcooliques ou des déficits cognitifs, dans lesquels des désordres du métabolisme 1-C ont été observés.Abstract: One carbon metabolism or 1C metabolism includes all metabolic pathways for the synthesis and / or recycling of molecules involved in methylation reactions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the involvement of choline, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and betaine metabolisms in the pathophysiology of diseases with impaired 1-C metabolism in prenatal and postnatal period. We showed a progressive increase of the expression of the majority of genes involved in 1-C metabolism during the mouse liver ontogeny while their gene expression was at lower levels and with more variable patterns during brain ontogeny. In humans, amniotic fluid concentrations of all intermediates of 1-C metabolism according to gestational term were determined and we observed increased concentrations of S-adenosyl-homocysteine and methionine in pregnancies affected by neural tube defects (NTD) suggesting that some NTDs cases could be associated with an imbalance in 1-C metabolism. In the postnatal period we showed that both in animal and humans and both in nutritional and genetic hyperhomocysteinemia, that betaine pools were decreased, only sparing the kidney betaine concentrations, where betaine acts as an essential osmolyte. In a mouse model of cystathionine-beta synthase deficiency inducing hyperhomocysteinemia, a technic of targeted lipidomic revealed qualitative changes in the liver phospholipids composition, in particular a decrease of PC containing unsaturated fatty acids and of phosphatidylethanolamine containing arachidonic acid and an increase of phosphatidylethanolamine containing docosohaexaenoic acid. This phospholipids remodelage may participate in the development of the steatosis observed in the natural history of this disease. In conclusion, this study has shown that choline, betaine and phosphatidylcholine are essential actors of 1-C metabolism that could be involved in the pathogenesis of NTD and hyperhomocystéinemia. They could also be involved in the pathophgysiology of non alcoholic fatty liver disease or cognitive decline, in which disorders of 1-C metabolism were observed

    Neural Tube Defects, Folic Acid and Methylation

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common complex congenital malformations resulting from failure of the neural tube closure during embryogenesis. It is established that folic acid supplementation decreases the prevalence of NTDs, which has led to national public health policies regarding folic acid. To date, animal studies have not provided sufficient information to establish the metabolic and/or genomic mechanism(s) underlying human folic acid responsiveness in NTDs. However, several lines of evidence suggest that not only folates but also choline, B12 and methylation metabolisms are involved in NTDs. Decreased B12 vitamin and increased total choline or homocysteine in maternal blood have been shown to be associated with increased NTDs risk. Several polymorphisms of genes involved in these pathways have also been implicated in risk of development of NTDs. This raises the question whether supplementation with B12 vitamin, betaine or other methylation donors in addition to folic acid periconceptional supplementation will further reduce NTD risk. The objective of this article is to review the role of methylation metabolism in the onset of neural tube defects

    A global ocean mesh to overcome the North Pole singularity

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    Tombeaux de Louis XII et de François Ier

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    dessinés et gravés par E.- F. Imbar

    Neural Tube Defects, Folic Acid and Methylation

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common complex congenital malformations resulting from failure of the neural tube closure during embryogenesis. It is established that folic acid supplementation decreases the prevalence of NTDs, which has led to national public health policies regarding folic acid. To date, animal studies have not provided sufficient information to establish the metabolic and/or genomic mechanism(s) underlying human folic acid responsiveness in NTDs. However, several lines of evidence suggest that not only folates but also choline, B12 and methylation metabolisms are involved in NTDs. Decreased B12 vitamin and increased total choline or homocysteine in maternal blood have been shown to be associated with increased NTDs risk. Several polymorphisms of genes involved in these pathways have also been implicated in risk of development of NTDs. This raises the question whether supplementation with B12 vitamin, betaine or other methylation donors in addition to folic acid periconceptional supplementation will further reduce NTD risk. The objective of this article is to review the role of methylation metabolism in the onset of neural tube defects
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