515 research outputs found

    Frequency down conversion through Bose condensation of light

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    We propose an experimental set up allowing to convert an input light of wavelengths about 12μm1-2 \mu m into an output light of a lower frequency. The basic principle of operating relies on the nonlinear optical properties exhibited by a microcavity filled with glass. The light inside this material behaves like a 2D interacting Bose gas susceptible to thermalise and create a quasi-condensate. Extension of this setup to a photonic bandgap material (fiber grating) allows the light to behave like a 3D Bose gas leading, after thermalisation, to the formation of a Bose condensate. Theoretical estimations show that a conversion of 1μm1 \mu m into 1.5μm1.5 \mu m is achieved with an input pulse of about 1ns1 ns with a peak power of 103W10^3 W, using a fiber grating containing an integrated cavity of size about 500μm×100μm2500 \mu m \times 100 \mu m^2.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    Enhancement of electron spin coherence by optical preparation of nuclear spins

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    We study a large ensemble of nuclear spins interacting with a single electron spin in a quantum dot under optical excitation and photon detection. When a pair of applied laser fields satisfy two-photon resonance between the two ground electronic spin states, detection of light scattering from the intermediate exciton state acts as a weak quantum measurement of the effective magnetic (Overhauser) field due to the nuclear spins. If the spin were driven into a coherent population trapping state where no light scattering takes place, then the nuclear state would be projected into an eigenstate of the Overhauser field operator and electron decoherence due to nuclear spins would be suppressed: we show that this limit can be approached by adapting the laser frequencies when a photon is detected. We use a Lindblad equation to describe the time evolution of the driven system under photon emission and detection. Numerically, we find an increase of the electron coherence time from 5 ns to 500 ns after a preparation time of 10 microseconds.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Teleportation from a Propagating Photon to a Solid-State Spin Qubit

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    The realization of a quantum interface between a propagating photon used for transmission of quantum information, and a stationary qubit used for storage and manipulation, has long been an outstanding goal in quantum information science. A method for implementing such an interface between dissimilar qubits is quantum teleportation, which has attracted considerable interest not only as a versatile quantum-state-transfer method but also as a quantum computational primitive. Here, we experimentally demonstrate transfer of quantum information carried by a photonic qubit to a quantum dot spin qubit using quantum teleportation. In our experiment, a single photon in a superposition state of two colors -- a photonic qubit is generated using selective resonant excitation of a neutral quantum dot. We achieve an unprecedented degree of indistinguishability of single photons from different quantum dots by using local electric and magnetic field control. To teleport a photonic qubit, we generate an entangled spin-photon state in a second quantum dot located 5 meters away from the first and interfere the photons from the two dots in a Hong-Ou-Mandel set-up. A coincidence detection at the output of the interferometer heralds successful teleportation, which we verify by measuring the resulting spin state after its coherence time is prolonged by an optical spin-echo pulse sequence. The demonstration of successful inter-conversion of photonic and semiconductor spin qubits constitute a major step towards the realization of on-chip quantum networks based on semiconductor nano-structures.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Comments welcom

    Topology by dissipation

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    Topological states of fermionic matter can be induced by means of a suitably engineered dissipative dynamics. Dissipation then does not occur as a perturbation, but rather as the main resource for many-body dynamics, providing a targeted cooling into a topological phase starting from an arbitrary initial state. We explore the concept of topological order in this setting, developing and applying a general theoretical framework based on the system density matrix which replaces the wave function appropriate for the discussion of Hamiltonian ground-state physics. We identify key analogies and differences to the more conventional Hamiltonian scenario. Differences mainly arise from the fact that the properties of the spectrum and of the state of the system are not as tightly related as in a Hamiltonian context. We provide a symmetry-based topological classification of bulk steady states and identify the classes that are achievable by means of quasi-local dissipative processes driving into superfluid paired states. We also explore the fate of the bulk-edge correspondence in the dissipative setting, and demonstrate the emergence of Majorana edge modes. We illustrate our findings in one- and two-dimensional models that are experimentally realistic in the context of cold atoms.Comment: 61 pages, 8 figure

    Iterated Elliptic and Hypergeometric Integrals for Feynman Diagrams

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    We calculate 3-loop master integrals for heavy quark correlators and the 3-loop QCD corrections to the ρ\rho-parameter. They obey non-factorizing differential equations of second order with more than three singularities, which cannot be factorized in Mellin-NN space either. The solution of the homogeneous equations is possible in terms of convergent close integer power series as 2F1_2F_1 Gau\ss{} hypergeometric functions at rational argument. In some cases, integrals of this type can be mapped to complete elliptic integrals at rational argument. This class of functions appears to be the next one arising in the calculation of more complicated Feynman integrals following the harmonic polylogarithms, generalized polylogarithms, cyclotomic harmonic polylogarithms, square-root valued iterated integrals, and combinations thereof, which appear in simpler cases. The inhomogeneous solution of the corresponding differential equations can be given in terms of iterative integrals, where the new innermost letter itself is not an iterative integral. A new class of iterative integrals is introduced containing letters in which (multiple) definite integrals appear as factors. For the elliptic case, we also derive the solution in terms of integrals over modular functions and also modular forms, using qq-product and series representations implied by Jacobi's ϑi\vartheta_i functions and Dedekind's η\eta-function. The corresponding representations can be traced back to polynomials out of Lambert--Eisenstein series, having representations also as elliptic polylogarithms, a qq-factorial 1/ηk(τ)1/\eta^k(\tau), logarithms and polylogarithms of qq and their qq-integrals. Due to the specific form of the physical variable x(q)x(q) for different processes, different representations do usually appear. Numerical results are also presented.Comment: 68 pages LATEX, 10 Figure