30 research outputs found


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    The evaluation of sport injuries and medical recovery methods based on the sport and its level of practice

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu-Mureș, RomaniaIntroduction. Sports injuries may occur when engaging physical activity due to over-training, lack of conditioning, improper form, technique or equipment. Aim of the study. To explore if practicing a sport changes predisposition of encountering one or another type of trauma. Seek for a link between the number of training hours/week or the amount of training years and the presence/absence of injuries. Finding which medical specialty has higher effect on sustaining the physical effort recovery. Material and methods. Cross-sectional study including a convenience sample of 62 voluntary students from the Physical Education and Sport Specialty of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Tîrgu Mureș and a number of 79 diagnostics. A questionnaire was administrated and statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and MedCalc 18.2.1 using a 0.05 level of significance. Results. There was no statistically significant association found between the environment of origin or practicing sports (football, basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, bodybuilding, parkour and free running) and any type of injury, p>0.05, as well as there was no statistically significant difference between age and the presence or absence of any kind of trauma, p>0.05. No significant statistic association was found, between practicing any type of sport (contact vs. non-contact, individual vs. team game, amateur vs professional) and the presence of sport injuries, p>0,05. Another result in regards to the training hours/week or the amount of training years, we couldn’t find any statistically significant difference between them and the presence/absence of sport injuries, p>0.05. Furthermore, although there wasn’t any statistically significant association between physiotherapy and effort recovery, p>0.05, we found a statistically significant association between orthopedic treatment and the recovery of exercise capacity, p<0.0001. Another important result would be that there is a statistically significant association between being treated in the public system and the effort recovery, p<0.0001. Conclusions. Our athletes’ sport injuries are not determined by either any sport in particular, from the ones we mentioned above, neither by the training hours/week or the amount of years of training. A very important factor in maintaining a good performance state is having a short recovery time. That would be possible if athletes would first consult an orthopedic doctor in order to have a good recovery plan

    Antibodies against GM1 Gangliosides Associated with Metastatic Melanoma

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    The aim was to analyze humoral immune response againstGM1 ganglioside expressed on the surface of melanocytic cells, and thepossible correlation between the level of antibodies against GM1 IgGand IgM class and melanoma progression. The study included 128 adultpatients with malignant melanoma, without paraneoplastic neurologicdisorders, 48 adults with dysplastic nevi and 48 healthy volunteers. Thepresence of IgM and IgG antibodies against GM1 was demonstrated byImmunodot method. Automatic evaluation of strips marked with GM1 antigenwas performed by EUROLineScan software. Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) activity was evaluated by spectrophotometry. Serum concentrationof gangliosides was determined using the method with resorcinol-HCl. IgGantibodies against GM1 gangliosides were identified in six patients withmelanoma (4.68%) and in none of the subjects from other groups. AntiGM1IgM class were observed in 20 (15.63%) melanoma patients, three (6.25%)dysplastic nevi patients and one healthy volunteer. No statistically significantdifference was observed when serum profile of GM1 IgM antibodies inpatients with localized melanoma was compared with that of other studysubjects. The levels of IgM antibodies varied with clinical stage of tumorand histopathologic features. Moreover, a statistically significant positivecorrelation was found between IgM antibodies and LDH (r=0.87; p=0.01;IC=95%). In conclusion, antibodies against GM1 ganglioside are frequentin patients with melanoma. Dysplastic nevi and early melanoma cannot bedifferentiated using the antiGM1 antibody profile. The synthesis of theseantibodies is characteristic for advanced stages of melanoma.</span

    Hypoxia-Nitric Oxide Axis and the Associated Damage Molecular Pattern in Cutaneous Melanoma

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    Hypoxia was intensively studied in cancer during the last few decades, being considered a characteristic of the tumor microenvironment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capacity of tumor cells to adapt to the stress generated by limited oxygen tissue in cutaneous melanoma. We developed a case&ndash;control prospective study that included 52 patients with cutaneous melanoma and 35 healthy subjects. We focused on identifying and monitoring hypoxia, the dynamic of nitric oxide (NO) serum metabolites and posttranslational metabolic disorders induced by NO signaling according to the clinical, biological and tumoral characteristics of the melanoma patients. Our study showed high levels of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) and hypoxia-inducible factor-2a (HIF-2a) in the melanoma patients. Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) control the capacity of tumor cells to adapt to low levels of oxygen. Hypoxia regulated the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and activity. In the cutaneous melanoma patients, disorders in NO metabolism were detected. The serum levels of the NO metabolites were significantly higher in the melanoma patients. NO signaling influenced the tumor microenvironment by modulating tumoral proliferation and sustaining immune suppression. Maintaining NO homeostasis in the hypoxic tumoral microenvironment could be considered a future therapeutic target in cutaneous melanoma

    Sialoglyco-Conjugate Abnormalities, IL-6 Trans-Signaling and Anti-Ganglioside Immune Response—Potential Interferences in Lupus Nephritis Pathogenesis

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    We have investigated glycoconjugates sialization profile, endogen synthesis rate of antiganglioside antibodies (AGA), IL-6 signaling pathways correlated with activity disease in systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) and lupus nephritis (LN). Material and methods. A case-control study was developed and included 109 patients with SLE with or without renal impairment, 32 patients with IgA nephropathy and 60 healthy volunteers, clinically and paraclinically monitored. The following parameters were evaluated in volunteers serum: total sialic acid (TSA), orosomucoids, lipid bound sialic acid (LSA), interleukin-6 (IL-6), soluble factors IL-6R, gp130, anti –GM1, -GM2, -GM3, -GD1a, -GD1b, -GT1b, -GQ1b antigangliosides antibodies of IgG and IgM type. Results. Experimental data analysis showed: increase in synthesis rhythm of sialoglyco-conjugated in SLE (TSA increased in SLE and LN compared to control), accelerated catabolism of LSA in LN (LSA/TSA ratio was higher in SLE and LN than in control group), overexpression of IL-6 mediated trans-signaling (sIL-6R/sgp 130 ratio was subunit in SLE and IgA nephropathy and superunit in LN), large AGA profile synthesis of IgM isotype (over 45.1% in SLE and over 20.7% in LN). Conclusions. Hypersialization, accelerated glycosphingolipids degradation, IL-6 trans-signaling amplify and AGA pattern could represent essential mechanisms in LN pathogenesis