167 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur Pengaruh Iklim Etika Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Guru dan Keterikatan dalam Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada Guru SMP di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru yang berstatus PNS yang berjumlah 81 responden. Peralatan pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuisioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Total ampling Sebanyak 81 kuisioner dapat terkumpulkan. Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) digunakan sebagai metode analisis untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari semua variabel-variabel yang terlibat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Iklim Etika Organisasi positif terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar. 2) Iklim Etika Organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap Keterikatan Dalam Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan Guru SMP di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar. 3) Keterikatan Dalam Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan berpengaruh positif terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar. 4) Keterikatan Dalam Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan berpengaruh sebagai Pemediasi berpengaruh Negatif terhadap variabel Iklim Etika Organisasi dan Kinerja Guru SMP di Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar.Kata kunci: Iklim Etika Organisasi, Keterikatan Dalam Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Kinerja Gur

    Rotor Position Identification for Brushless DC motor

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    Permanent magnet BLDC motors are characterized by a central magnetic core, called the rotor, and fixed electric coils (usually six) equally spaced in a ring around the core, called the stator. Motor movement is controlled by alternately energizing and de-energizing the stator coils to create a rotating magnetic field that propels the rotor. In order for this process to work correctly, BLDC motors required a technology called electronic commutation, in which the coil currents must be very carefully synchronized to rotor position to ensure that the rotating field is correctly aligned with the permanent magnetic field in the rotor. Usually rotor position is measured by external sensors such as Hall-effect sensors and optical encoders and these external sensors increase the system cost and reduces reliability. In order to control the price and make it more reliable this thesis propose to infer the rotor position from voltage and current measurement of motor. The most common approaches to sensorless control are based on the measurement of the electromotive force (back-EMF), that is induced by the rotor motion. As the back-EMF is nearly zero at very low speed and at stationary position, and can not be measured. Therefore a separate algorithm is required for start-up and control at low speed. The other method of sensorless control involves the inference of rotor position from the variation in inductance caused by rotor position. This thesis presents a prototype system for sensorless control of BLDC motors over the entire speed range of the motor, including stall (zero speed) conditions using the voltage and current signals from the motor

    Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi dalam Pengolahan Data Sewa Gudang Kargo pada PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Didukung Bahasa Pemrograman Java (J2se)

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    Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang analisa dan perancangan sistem pada pengolahan data pada gudang kargo bandara dengan mengaplikasikan bahasa pemograman Java. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan pada Unit Bisnis Gudang Kargo (UBGK), PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem yang digunakan tidak efektif disebabkan rendahnya pemanfaatan teknologi. Setelah dilakukan penelitian pada gudang kargo PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data dengan metode wawancara dan metode lainnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis terhadap data yang telah dikumpulkan dengan alat bantu perancangan sistem. Kemudian dirancang disain output, disain input, disain file dan aliran program dari sistem yang baru. Hasil dari analisis tersebut diterapkan ke dalam suatu program aplikasi pengolahan data pengolahan data gudang kargo dengan bahasa pemograman Java. Dan sistem yang baru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas informasi dan unjuk kerja dari Unit Bisnis Gudang Kargo (UBGK) di masa yang akan datang

    Cardiovascular reflex

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    It is familiar to measure cardiovascular parameters, such as blood pressure and pulse rate, in health care practice. The importance of such measure in clinical practice is out of question. Those cardiovascular parameters, basically, are products of reflex. In this paper, we would like to describe the basic tenets of cardiovascular reflex limited to that governed by autonomic nervous system, but not to that exerted by mechanical and local factors. The cardiovascular reflexes to be discussed are arterial baroreflex, cardiopulmonary baroreflex, cardiovascular reflex of stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors, cardiovascular reflex associated to stimulation of exteroceptors, and interaction among those reflexes

    Cardivascular reactivity to earthquake

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    Gempa bumi merupakan suatu stressor mental yang terjadi secara alamiah. Belum diketahui bagaimana respon kardiovaskular terhadap gempa bumi, berapa lama respon tersebut berlangsung, dan seberapa jauh akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh gempa bumi terhadap sistem kardiovaskular. Tujuan penulisan naskah ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran dan durasi serta potensial dari pengaruh reaktivitas Kardiovaskuler terhadap gempa bumi. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur terhadap penelitian-penelitian mengenai efek gempa bumi terhadap sistem kardiovaskular yang telah dipublikasikan pada MEDLINE. Tekanan darah dan frekuensi denyut jantung mulai berubah pada awal gempa bumi, dan kemudian naik sebesar 20% untuk tekanan darah sistolik, 46% untuk tekanan darah diastolik, dan 79% untuk frekuensi denyutjantung. Tingginya tekanan darah tersebut bertahan 1-2 minggu pasca gampa bumi, kemudian turun secara bertahap dalam kurun waktu 2 minggu. Peningkatan tekanan darah memanjang hingga 2 bulan pada pasien-pasien dengan mikroalbuminuria. Sementara itu, peningkatan tekanan darah tidak begitu tajam pada pasien-pasien yang mengkonsumsi obat-obat a- dan P-bloker Frekuensi denyut jantung kembali ke nilai awal lebih cepat daripada tekanan darah. Kejadian infark miokard meningkat 3 kali lipat penduduk yang tinggal dekat dengan pusat gempa daripada penduduk yang tinggal jauh dari pusat gempa. Terdapat hiperreaktivitas kardiovaskular terhadap gempa bumi. Hiperreaktivitas kardiovaskular terhadap gempa bumi tersebut bersifat akut dan berpotensi menimbulkan komplikasi infark miokard.Earthquake is a naturally occurring mental challenge. It potentially exerts adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, thus may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. To know pattern and duration of the effect of earthquake on cardiovascular reactivity, and to know the potential effect of earthquake on the cardiovascular system. We did literature search on studies published in MEDLINE database that reported changes in cardiovascular parameters among subjects lived in earthquake affected area. The result of blood pressure and heart rate started to change at the initial trembling preceded the earthquake. Then at the strongest shock, systolic blood pressure increased 20%, diastolic blood pressure rose 46%, and heartbeat was up to 79%. Blood pressure remained high in 1-2 weeks after the quake. It then gradually returned to the baseline by 4 weeks (3 - 5 weeks) after the disaster. This increased blood pressure was prolonged for at least until 2 months aftermath in patients with microalbuminuria. However, it was less pronounced in patients who treated with a- and /3-blocker. The heart rate returned to the baseline level more promptly than the blood pressure. The events of myocardial infarction increased 3-fold in people who lived close to the epicentre. The conclution is cardiovascular hyperreactivity to earthquake has cardiac and vascular pattern. Exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity to earthquake is short term response. Cardiovascular reactivity to earthquake potentially leads to myocardial infarction


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    Traffic accidents often cause motorists and road users to suffer minor injuries or death. Based on the law, traffic violation cases should be resolved through legal channels. In reality, there is peace against traffic violations at the police level. This study is intended to determine the cause of the police allowing the peace of highway traffic crimes, to find out the peace made by the perpetrators of accidents related to victims of road traffic crimes. The research method used is normative research methods and empirical research methods. The data used are secondary data including primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials, which were obtained through field research. To complete the data, it is used. field research by interviewing respondents and informants. The data that has been collected, analyzed and processed using a qualitative approach. There have been several cases of violations, including 6192 cases of motorcycles, 1532 cases of trucks, and St. Wagon 882 cases, pick up 393 cases, bus 350 cases and sedan 55 cases. The increase in the number of accidents was also followed by an increase in the percentage of victims who died due to traffic accidents. In handling it, there are obstacles, both internal and external

    Sengketa Pembiayaan Akad Murabahah: Analisis Komparasi

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    This study aims to analyze comparation of the South Jakarta Religious Court in deciding cases no. 1957/Pdt.G/2018/PA.JS and no. 407/Pdt.G/2019/PA.JS. This research based on normative legal, known as doctrinal legal research. The approaches used in this study were the statute approach, case approach and comparative approach. The results of this study indicate that the two decisions are based on legal considerations by the judge by referring to legal arguments and related laws. The judge granted the plaintiff's request in decision no. 1957/Pdt.G/2018/Pa.Js. Otherwise the decision no. 407/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Js, the judge rejected the plaintiff's application in its entirety. Both of decisions are included in the case of deffered payment financing, but there are differences in the legal considerations by the judges of the South Jakarta Court so that there are different decision.  Keywords: Dispute Settlement; Deffered Payment Financing; Religious Court DecisionPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisis komparasi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan Nomor 1957/Pdt.G/2018/PA.JS dan Nomor 407/Pdt.G/2019/PA.JS. Berdasarkan sumber data, penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum normatif atau penelitian hukum doktrinal. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan tiga pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua putusan tersebut didasarkan pada pertimbangan hukum oleh hakim dengan mengacu pada dalil-dalil dan undang-undang yang terkait. Hakim mengabulkan permohonan penggugat dalam putusan no. 1957/Pdt.G/2018/Pa.Js. Sebaliknya, dalam putusan no. 407/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Js, hakim menolak permohonan penggugat untuk seluruhnya. Kedua putusan tersebut termasuk dalam perkara pembiayaan akad murabahah, namun terdapat perbedaan pada pertimbangan hukum oleh hakim Pengadilan Jakarta Selatan sehingga terjadi hasil putusal yang berbeda.   Kata kunci: Penyelesaian Sengketa; Pembiayaan Akad Murabahah; Putusan Pengadilan Agam

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Surgical Safety Checklist terhadap Kematian Pasien setelah Laparotomi Darurat di Kamar Operasi

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    This study aims to analyze articles about surgical safety checklists on patient deaths after emergency surgery in the operating room, especially in Indonesia. The literature database search method was carried out on Google Scholar and Pubmed. The literature used is literature that meets the inclusion criteria and was published in the last five years. The results showed that the use of the surgical safety checklist is highly expected to be applied to preoperative and postoperative procedures that reduce surgical complications and determine the evaluation of the use of the surgical safety checklist on patient mortality after emergency laparotomy in the operating room. In conclusion, the application of a surgical safety checklist in emergency laparotomy surgery will be very helpful in reducing the occurrence of errors in operating procedures and complications of emergency laparatomy operations.   Keywords: Patient mortality, Emergency Laparotomy, Surgical Safety Checklis

    Xenograft Models for Preclinical Assessment of Anticancer Therapies: A Comprehensive Review

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    Introduction: Xenograft models play a pivotal role in preclinical studies for assessing the efficacy of anticancer medications. In this comprehensive review, we present an overview of current advancements and future prospects in xenograft research, focusing on their significance in guiding drug development and clinical translation. Aim: Our aim is to conduct an in-depth review of xenograft models, their utility in evaluating anticancer drug effectiveness and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Methods We conducted an in-depth literature search using databases such as ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and PubMed with keywords including "xenograft model, cancer CDX PDX." We then reviewed and analyzed relevant studies that utilized xenograft models in order to highlight key findings and contributions made through such models. Results: Our analysis showcases the essential role of xenograft models in assessing the efficacy of anticancer drugs. We discuss the benefits and limitations of these models, emphasizing their importance in guiding drug development and clinical decision-making. Conclusion: Xenograft models remain invaluable tools in preclinical cancer research despite their inherent limitations, with researchers continually striving to refine and enhance these models to ensure their reliability in an ever-evolving field of cancer therapeutics. Utilizing xenograft models allows researchers to evaluate anticancer drug activity more accurately while striving for improved patient outcomes
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