385 research outputs found

    Genetic Interactions Between The Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Gefmeso And Gtpase Signaling Components In The Drosophila Wing Reveal Microenvironment Dependent Variation Within Gtpase Signaling N

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    The Ras superfamily of GTPases are important regulators of morphogenesis involved in control of cytoskeletal dynamics, intracellular trafficking, apical-basal polarity and cell migration. Mis-regulation of GTPase signaling interferes with development and is linked to pathogenesis. Traditionally, GTPase signaling has been depicted as a series of independent linear pathways. However, recently it has become apparent that multiple GTPases can interact to regulate a single cellular process, functioning in poorly understood networks of cross talk between pathways during development. Jim Fristrom (unpublished data) identified a mutation (18-5) that interacts with components of the GTPases Rho1, Rala, and Cdc42 signaling in multiple developmental contexts. Genetic analysis, physical mapping studies, and sequencing of the mutant allele have indicated that the gene was an allele of GEFmeso (CG30115), which encodes guanine nucleotide exchange factor. To show that 18-5 is an allele of GEFmeso, I demonstrated that a GEFmeso transgene could functionally rescue developmental defects associated with the 18-5 mutation. I also investigated cross talk and network variation in signaling interactions between GEFmeso and other GTPase signaling components in the Drosophila wing. My data provide evidence for microenvironment-dependent variation in GTPase signaling networks in specific domains of the wing, and reveal intercellular variation in GTPase signaling within an otherwise uniform epithelium

    Study of “Confusion after the Entrance to Higher Education” Ⅱ : Practice of Psychological Support Service for Student

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      本稿は,学生が大学入学後に陥りがちな高等学校と大学とのギャップからくる戸惑いや困難の状態を「大1コンフュージョン」であると,その要因を踏まえた支援の在り方について,学校心理学における3段階の心理教育的援助サービスの枠組みを用いて分類しつつ論考するものである。「大1コンフュージョン」の予防と緩和に関する実践的研究を推進するにあたって,(1)全ての新入学生,(2)苦戦し始めた一部の学生,(3)苦戦が著しい状態にある特定の学生,以上のそれぞれを対象とした具体的な支援例について検討した。In this study, a gap between a high school and a university that new students tend to experience after entering the university is discussed. We call the strong bewilderment and difficulties caused by this gap “Confusion after the entrance to higher education “. Employing the concept of support service in the school psychology was thought to be a proper measure against these problems. As a practice to proceed with the study, some actual cases were examined

    Study of “Confusion after the Entrance to Higher Education” Ⅲ The Relationships among “Confusion after the entrance to Higher Education”, Life Skills, Passivity Area, and Psychological Stress Response.

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    Selected sequence signals in Japanese : a semantic analysis

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    This thesis is an attempt to analyze the meaning of four Japanese words which are generally used fo r summarizing, paraphrasing or c la rify in g what has been previously stated. The function of these four words is to re la te sentences in a discourse. Therefore, the meaning of the words cannot be discovered by considering a sentence in is o la tio n - they must be considered in the context of a discourse. This is one of the reasons why these words are d if f ic u lt fo r students when they are learning Japanese. N aturally th is problem does not concern beginners so much as advanced learners, because beginners are more engaged in fundamental sentence patterns than in competent discourse

    Task support system by displaying instructional video onto AR workspace

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    This paper presents an instructional support system based on aug-mented reality (AR). This system helps a user to work intuitively by overlaying visual information in the same way of a navigation system. In usual AR systems, the contents to be overlaid onto real space are created with 3D Computer Graphics. In most cases, such contents are newly created according to applications. However, there are many 2D videos that show how to take apart or build elec-tric appliances and PCs, how to cook, etc. Therefore, our system employs such existing 2D videos as instructional videos. By trans-forming an instructional video to display, according to the user’s view, and by overlaying the video onto the user’s view space, the proposed system intuitively provides the user with visual guidance. In order to avoid the problem that the display of the instructional video and the user’s view may be visually confused, we add var-ious visual effects to the instructional video, such as transparency and enhancement of contours. By dividing the instructional video into sections according to the operations to be carried out in order to complete a certain task, we ensure that the user can interactively move to the next step in the instructional video after a certain op-eration is completed. Therefore, the user can carry on with the task at his/her own pace. In the usability test, users evaluated the use of the instructional video in our system through two tasks: a task involving building blocks and an origami task. As a result, we found that a user’s visibility improves when the instructional video is transformed to display according to his/her view. Further, for the evaluation of visual effects, we can classify these effects according to the task and obtain the guideline for the use of our system as an instructional support system for performing various other tasks

    Effective Lagrangian with vector mesons : Linear response theory

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    The soliton breathing mode is investigated in the framework of linear response theory within a Skyrme model vector meson stabilized. The effective Lagrangian considered includes the ρ\rho (introduced following the standard prescription of nonlinear chiral symmetry) and the ω\omega mesons. The monopole response function is found to have a pronounced peak which is identified to the P11P11 (Roper) resonance. The results are compared to those obtained within the local approximation.Comment: 8 pages of plain Latex and 2 figures (available from the author), preprint LPN 93-12 and IPNO/TH 93-4

    Study of “Confusion after the Entrance to Higher Education” Ⅳ : Grasp of the Consultation Situation for Second-Year Undergraduates

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    Identificação das Oportunidades de Desenvolvimento de Alianças Estratégicas a partir da Análise dos Stakeholders: um estudo em uma IES paraense.

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar as oportunidades de desenvolvimento de alianças estratégicas a partir da analise dos stakeholders de uma IES que atua na Região Metropolitana de Belém desde o primeiro semestre do ano de 2000 e que, hoje, oferta cinco cursos superiores para esta região. Utilizou o método de estudo de caso do tipo qualiquantitativo (Yin, 2005) para identificar e classificar os stakeholders da IES estudada com base nos estudos de Mitchell, Agle e Wood (1997) e Yoshino e Rangan (1996); como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados entrevista semi-estruturada (para os dados qualitativos) e questionário (dados quantitativos). Os resultados identificaram três grupos de stakeholders passíveis de ser formada aliança estratégica (clientes institucionais, Fundação Getúlio Vargas e os Parceiros Técnico-Científicos) e dois tipos de alianças possíveis de ser formadas (pré-competitiva e pró-competitiva). A conclusão apresentada é que a IES sob análise tem oportunidade de desenvolver alianças estratégicas do tipo pré-competitiva (com os clientes institucionais e parceiros técnico-científicos) e pró-competitiva (Fundação Getúlio Vargas) com seus stakeholders definitivos com o intuito de melhorar a sua competitividade no mercado da região metropolitana de Belém