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    本研究の目的は成人看護学実習における実習の不安と生活環境が与える影響の関係性を明らかにすることである.対象はK短期大学看護学科3年生80名に,実習開始前に自記述式質問用紙調査票と心理学的検査の日本版State Teait Inventory (以後STAI)について,質問用紙を用い行った.その結果臨地実習前は状態不安・特性不安は高かった.趣味と状態不安との間には,ストレスを感じた時に学生は,なんらかの趣味を行うことで気分転換を図り,ストレスに対応していることがわかった.性格と特性不安とのとの間には,学生自身が感じている性格で明るい・くらいでは,不安を感じていないと判断することは出来ないと考えることができた.親に悩みを相談と特定不安との間には,学生は親に相談することより,実習に関しては同じグループや友人に相談している傾向がみられた.学生にとって相談ができる相手がいるということがわかった.相談をすることで,臨地実習のストレスが軽減できると考える.すなわち不安やストレスを軽減・解消するには,生活環境の人間関係が関連していることが示唆された.The purpose of this survey is to clarify the relationship between the anxieties of student nurses having practical training in adult nursing and their living conditions. 80 nursing students in the third year of junior college K were surveyed using a self-report survey question sheet and a questionnaire about the Japanese version of the psychological study State Trait Inventory Åihereafter, STAIÅj before the practical training. Results show the values of state-anxiety and trait-anxiety were high before the clinical practice. Relationship between hobby and state-anxiety: When subjected to stress, students who enjoy a hobby for a change can cope effectively with the stress. Relationship between character and trait-anxiety: It is not possible to determine that students do not feel anxious by their cheerful or gloomy personality. Relationship between parental advice concerning problems and STAI-trait: The students tend to take advice from their group or friends more frequently than from their parents. It was found that the students have someone to turn to for advice. It is thought that stress relating to the clinical practice can be reduced by seeking advice. This survey suggests that the relieving of stress and anxiety is connected to human relations in a living environment


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    学生にとって患者とのコミュニケーションは緊張の連続であり,ストレスフルな悩みの一つである.アロマテラピーは,香りを嗅ぎながら患者の肌に直接触れて安心感を与えること,コミュニケーションを図る利点がある.今回,本研究において実習中,アロマテラピーを取り入れ,その効果を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象は看護短期大学3年生78名と成人看護学実習中に受け持った患者である.調査内容はアロマテラピーの方法・目的・内容・効果・学生自身の感想について行った.その結果,患者との関係が良くなり,コミュニケーションがとりやすくなった.リラックスできたなどがあった.つまり,アロマテラピーを通してアロマオイルの香りや,直接触れるということを契機にコミュニケーションがとりやすくなったのではないかと考えられる.また,実施者によるタッチングにおいて,患者の肌に直接触れることで安堵感を与えることも明らかになった.For students, making communication with patients is a stressful event and provokes unbroken tension. Aromatherapy is advantageous when making communication because it can relief patient's anxiety and give sense of relief by touching their skin directly in a soothing aromatic room. We decided to apply aromatherapy for this study during nursing practice. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of aromatherapy.78 seniors of junior nursing college and the patients who were charged by those seniors were subjected to this study. We investigated the method, purpose, contents, and effects of aromatherapy and the students' comments on aromatherapy. The students reported that they could establish good relationship with patients, which eased anxieties to communicate with patients and relieved their stress. That is considered due to that the scent of aromatic oil and direct touch through aromatherapy helped subjects making communication easier. The study also revealed that direct touching on patient's skin makes patient relax and feel relief

    実習前後の看護学生の不安の変化について : STAIXを用いての分析

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    臨地実習は,看護学生が学内で学習した知識・技術を臨床の場において提供することで,看護の実践的能力を身につけるために行われている.3年次の各論実習は,学生にとって未知の世界であり,さまざまな不安を抱いている.今回STAIXを用いて学生の不安の程度を測定した結果,実習前は状態不安の高い学生が多く,実習後は減少していることが明らかとなり,自由記述での不安の要因については,「臨床の場」,「指導者について」,「実習記録について」「コミュニケーションについて」で,実習前はネガティヴであった反応が,実習後にはポジティヴな反応へと変化した.このことから,学生は実習に村して不安を抱えているが,STAIXで測定した,状態不安の結果から実習を繰り返すことで徐々に緊張もとれ,臨床の場という環境になれて,順応していることがわかった.しかし一方で順応できない学生は,実習が大きなストレスに変化してしまうことも明らかになった.そこで,実習開始時に学生自身が自分の不安の傾向を知ることが必要であることがわかった.学生が不安を抱えて実習に臨む時,指導方法として実習前のオリエンテーションの工夫や,演習でのかかわりで緊張を和らげることで不安が軽減できることがわかった.教員は,学生の不安傾向を知ることで実習中の学生への指導方法やメンタルケアに役立ち,学生が不安を感じながらも学習意欲を向上する指導が行えることが示唆された. To acquire practicing ability of nursing by offering knowledge and the technology that the student nurse studied in precincts in a clinical place, the Clinical practice is done. The itemized discussion practice at three annuals is the unknown worlds for the student, and various anxiety is held. Decreasing became clear, and it had changed into a positive reaction about the factor of anxiety in a free description after the reaction which was Negativ had practiced before it practiced by "Clinical place", "Leader", "Practice record", and "Communications" after the student with a high uneasy state had practiced a lot before it practiced since the level of student's anxiety was measured by using STAIX this time. It has been understood to be able to take the tension gradually by repeating the practice from the result in an uneasy state measured with STAIX, to be able to become an environment of clinical place, and to adapt oneself though the student is holding anxiety from this for the practice. However, it was clarified to change the student who was not able to adapt oneself on the other hand into the stress that independent is big. Then, it has been understood that it is necessary that the student know the tendency to my anxiety when beginning to practice. It has been understood that the student can reduce anxiety by softening the tension as a guidance method by the device of the orientation before it practices and relations in the maneuver when it faces the practice holding uneasiness. It has been anxiety that the teacher can do guidance which improves the willingness to learn though it is useful for the guidance method and the mental caring for the student who is practicing by knowing student's uneasy tendency, and the student feels anxiety


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    厚生労働省は,臨地実習において看護学生が行う基本的な看護技術の水準を具体的に示した.それを基に,本学でも,成人看護学実習で行う技術水準表を作成した.本研究に,学生が看護技術水準に基づいた体験ができているかを明らかにし,今後の体験率向上に向けての一助とすることを目的に行った.対象は,短期大学で成人看護学実習1及び成人看護学実習IIを終了した3年生78名である.調査内容は,成人看護学実習において,基本的な看護技術の水準表の体験率である.その結果,体験率が高いのはフィジカルアセスメント技術であった.バイタルサイン測定を患者とのコミュニケーションの一つと考えているため,毎日実施する項目として体験率が高いことが考えられる.また,技術水準1の食事・栄養技術,排泄技術,呼吸・循環調整技術,創傷管理技術については,体験率が低かった.実習中,実際に,体験している項目であるが,技術水準に対する学生の認識が低いため体験率として低くなってしまっていることが示唆された.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has specified standards for basic nursing techniques to be performed by nursing students in clinical nursing practices. Based on this standard, we have established our nursing technical standards to be acquired by students throughAdult nursing practice Accordingly, this study has conducted to clarify whether or not; the students underwent the training according to the standard for nursing techniques and contribute the findings to improve the rate of experience in future practices. Seventy-eight seniors who completed nursing practice II and I for adult patients in junior nursing college were subjected to this study. We investigated the experience rate of the standards for fundamental nursing technique ofAdult nursing practice nursing The result shows higher rate of experience with physical assessment technique. It is assumed because students considered vital sign measurement as one of communication processes and frequently exercised it as daily routine, which led to the higher experience rate. On the other hand, meals, nutrition, urination and defecation care techniques, respiratory and circulation adjustment techniques and wound care management technique included in the technical standard I resulted in lower experience rate.The findings suggest that the lower rate of experience with abovementioned items is resulted from the fact that the students less recognized the technical standard although those items were actually experienced through nursing practice