15 research outputs found

    The Construction of Complex Networks from Linear and Nonlinear Measures – Climate Networks

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    AbstractDuring the last decade the techniques of complex network analysis have found application in climate research. The main idea consists in embedding the characteristics of climate variables, e.g., temperature, pressure or rainfall, into the topology of complex networks by appropriate linear and nonlinear measures. Applying such measures on climate time series leads to defining links between their corresponding locations on the studied region, whereas the locations are the network's nodes. The resulted networks, consequently, are analysed using the various network analysis tools present in literature in order to get a better insight on the processes, patterns and interactions occurring in climate system. In this regard we present ClimNet; a complete set of software tools to construct climate networks based on a wide range of linear (cross correlation) and nonlinear (Information theoretic) measures. The presented software will allow the construction of large networks’ adjacency matrices from climate time series while supporting functions to tune relationships to different time-scales by means of symbolic ordinal analysis. The provided tools have been used in the production of various original contributions in climate research. This work presents an in-depth description of the implemented statistical functions widely used to construct climate networks. Additionally, a general overview of the architecture of the developed software is provided as well as a brief analysis of application examples

    Towards improving numerical weather predictions by evolutionary computing techniques

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    Weather forecasting is complex and not always accurate, moreover, it is generally defined by its very nature as a process that has to deal with uncertainties. In a previous work, a new weather prediction scheme was presented, which uses evolutionary computing methods, particularly, Genetic Algorithms in order to find the most timely 'optimal' values of model closure parameters that appear in physical parametrization schemes which are coupled with numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Currently, these parameters are specified manually. Our hypothesis is that the NWP model forecast skill is sensitive to the specified parameter values. And thus, by finding 'optimal' values of these parameters, we aim to enhance prediction quality. In this work however, the same scheme is extended by introducing different ways of prediction evaluation during the process of searching closure parameter values. To verify our new scheme, we show prediction results of an experimental case using historical data of a well known weather catastrophe: Hurricane Katrina that occurred in 2005 in the Gulf of Mexico. Obtained results provide significant enhancement in weather prediction. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Qnoise: A generator of non-Gaussian colored noise

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    We introduce a software generator for a class of colored (self-correlated) and non-Gaussian noise, whose statistics and spectrum depend on two param- eters, q and τ. Inspired by Tsallis’ nonextensive formulation of statistical physics, the so-called q-distribution is a handy source of self-correlated noise for a large range of applications. The q-noise—which tends smoothly for q = 1 to Ornstein–Uhlenbeck noise with autocorrelation τ—is generated via a stochastic differential equation, using the Heun method (a second order Runge–Kutta type integration scheme). The algorithm is implemented as a stand-alone library in C++, and is made available as open source in the Github repository. Noise’ statistics can be specified handily; by only varying parameter q: it has compact support for q < 1 (sub-Gaussian regime) and finite variance up to q = 5/3 (supra-Gaussian regime). Once q is fixed, noise’ autocorrelation can be tuned independently by means of parameter τ. The presented qNoise generator provides a readily tool to modeling wide range of real-world noise types, and is suitable to study the effects of correlation and deviations from the normal distribution in systems of stochastic differen- tial equations, key to understand system dynamics in numerous applications. The effect of noises’ statistics on the response of a range of nonlinear systems is briefly discussed. In many of these examples, the systems’ response turns optimal for some q ̸= 1. Hence, this paper aims to introduce qNoise gen- erator for C++ at the class level and evaluate the kind of noise it generates, alongside their use in a range of applications

    Feature-based search space characterisation for data-driven adaptive operator selection

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    Combinatorial optimisation problems are known as unpredictable and challenging due to their nature and complexity. One way to reduce the unpredictability of such problems is to identify features and the characteristics that can be utilised to guide the search using domain-knowledge and act accordingly. Many problem solving algorithms use multiple complementary operators in patterns to handle such unpredictable cases. A well-characterised search space may help to evaluate the problem states better and select/apply a neighbourhood operator to generate more productive new problem states that allow for a smoother path to the final/optimum solutions. This applies to the algorithms that use multiple operators to solve problems. However, the remaining challenge is determining how to select an operator in an optimal way from the set of operators while taking the search space conditions into consideration. Recent research shows the success of adaptive operator selection to address this problem. However, efficiency and scalability issues still persist in this regard. In addition, selecting the most representative features remains crucial in addressing problem complexity and inducing commonality for transferring experience across domains. This paper investigates if a problem can be represented by a number of features identified by landscape analysis, and whether an adaptive operator selection scheme can be constructed using Machine Learning (ML) techniques to address the efficiency and scalability issues. The proposed method determines the optimal categorisation by analysing the predictivity of a set of features using the most well-known supervised ML techniques. The identified set of features is then used to construct an adaptive operator selection scheme. The findings of the experiments demonstrate that supervised ML algorithms are highly effective when building adaptable operator selectors

    AgroSupportAnalytics: A cloud-based complaints management and decision support system for sustainable farming in Egypt

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    Sustainable Farming requires up-to-date advice on crop diseases, patterns, and adequate prevention actions to face developing circumstances. Currently, in developing countries like Egypt, farmers’ access to such information is extremely limited due to the agriculture support being either not available, inconsistent, or unreliable. The presented Cloud-based Complaints Management and Decision Support System for Sustainable Farming in Egypt, named as AgroSupportAnalytics, aims to resolve the problem of both the lack of support and advice for farmers, and the inconsistencies in doing so by current manual approach provided by agricultural experts. Key contribution is the development of an automated complaint management and decision support strategy, on the basis of extensive research on requirement analysis tailored for Egypt. The solution is grounded on the application of knowledge discovery and analysis on agricultural data and farmers’ complaints, deployed on a Cloud platform, to provide farming stakeholders in Egypt with timely and suitable support. This paper presents the overall system architectural framework along with the information and storage services, which have been based on the requirements specifications phases of the project along with the historical data sets of past 10 year of farmers complaints and enquiries in Egypt

    Genetic Ensemble (G-Ensemble): An Evolutionary Computing Technique for Numerical Weather Prediction Enhancement

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es abordar el problema de precisión y tiempo de espera en la predicción meteorológica, la cual es habitualmente llevada a cabo por aplicaciones computaciones conocidas como modelos de predicción meteorológica numérica (Numerical Weather Prediction, NWP). Estos modelos han sido muy desarrollados en las últimas décadas y su rendimiento mejora constantemente con el aumento de la potencia de cómputo. Sin embargo, en la práctica, la comunidad científica aun esta dedicando considerables esfuerzos para reducir el problema ampliamente conocido como 'tiempo limitado de predicción' (weather limited predictability). Principalmente, los dos mayores retos son la voluntad de obtener predicciones meteorológicas más fiables y realizarlas más rápidamente. Como en muchas otras áreas de la modelización medioambiental, los modelos NWP, la mayoría de del software de simulación trabaja con modelos sólidos y ampliamente aceptados. Por lo tanto, la necesidad de optimización de los parámetros de entrada del simulador representa un problema conocido y tratado en numerosas ocasiones por la comunidad científica. En estos entornos en particular no se puede disponer de parámetros de entrada correctos a tiempo. Se requiere utilizar una estrategia de estimación y optimización computacionalmente eficiente para minimizar la desviación entre el escenario predicho y el comportamiento real del fenómeno. Basándose en lo mencionado previamente, esta tesis trata de: 1 Proveer un estudio de sensibilidad del efecto de los parámetros de entrada del modelo NWP en la calidad de la predicción. 2 Proponer un framework, el cual permita realizar búsquedas de los valores óptimos de los parámetros de entrada del modelo que, según nuestra hipótesis, proveerá una mejor calidad de predicción. 3 Reducir el tiempo de espera necesitado para obtener predicciones meteorológicas más fiables. Para cumplir los objetivos de la propuesta presentada, se ha introducido un nuevo esquema de predicción meteorológica. Este nuevo esquema implementa un algoritmo de cómputo evolutivo, el cual se centra en la calibración de los parámetros de entrada del modelo NWP. El esquema presentado se denomina Genetic Ensemble, compuesto por dos etapas: etapa de calibración y etapa de predicción. Mediante la etapa de calibración, esta aproximación aplica un Algoritmo Genético de forma iterativa, para encontrar los 'mejores' valores de los parámetros de entrada del modelo NWP que acto seguido, serán utilizados en la siguiente etapa de predicción. Han sido desarrolladas diversas estrategias del Genetic Ensemble, como la extensión para calibrar más de un nivel de parámetros de entrada, y también para evaluar estos valores utilizando diferentes estrategias. Por otro lado, el esquema propuesto es paralelizado utilizando un paradigma Master/Worker, y es apto para ser ejecutado en plataformas de computación de altas prestaciones (HPC) gracias a las cuales el tiempo total de ejecución se reduce. Este esquema ha sido evaluado ejecutando experimentos de predicción meteorológica correspondientes a una catástrofe muy conocida, el huracán Katrina en 2005. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una mejora en la calidad de la predicción meteorológica y una reducción significativa del tiempo de ejecución total.The main goal of the presented work is to tackle the problem of accuracy and waiting time in weather forecasting, which are normally conducted by computational applications known as Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. These models have been strongly developed in the last decades and their performance constantly increases with the advances in computational power. However, in practice, many serious are still gaining considerable efforts by the scientific community in order to reduce what is widely known as 'weather limited predictability'. Mainly, the major two challenges are the willingness to get more reliable weather predictions, and to do it faster. As in many other areas of environmental modeling, most simulation software works with well-founded and widely accepted models. Hence, the need for input parameter optimization to improve model output is a long¬known and often-tackled problem. Particularly, in such environments where correct and timely input parameters cannot be provided. Efficient computational parameter estimation and optimization strategies are required to minimize the deviation between the predicted scenario and the real phenomenon behaviour. Based on the before mentioned, this thesis intends to: 1. Provide a sensitivity study of the effect of NWP model input parameters on prediction quality. 2. Propose a valid framework, which allows to search for the most 'optimal' values of model input parameters which, in our hypothesis, will provide better prediction quality. 3. Reduce the waiting time needed to get more reliable weather predictions. To accomplish the objectives of the presented proposal, a new weather prediction scheme is introduced. This new scheme implements an evolutionary computing algorithm, which focuses on the calibration of input parameters in NWP models. The presented scheme is called Genetic Ensemble, which is composed of two-phases: calibration phase and prediction phase. Through the calibration phase, the presented approach applies Genetic Algorithm operators iteratively, in order to find 'best' values of NWP model input parameters, which consequently, will be used in the consequent prediction phase. Many strategies of the Genetic Ensemble have been developed, as such, it s extended to calibrate more than one level of input parameters, and also to evaluate their values using different strategies. On the other hand, the proposed scheme is paralleled using a Master/Worker programming paradigm, and is suitable to be executed in high performance computing (HPC) platforms, by which, execution time is intended to be reduced. The presented scheme has been evaluated by running weather prediction experiments over a well-known weather catastrophe; Hurricane Katrina 2005. Obtained results showed both significant improvement in weather prediction quality, and a considerable reduction in the over all execution time

    Classification of eye-state using EEG recordings: speed-up gains using signal epochs and mutual information measure

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    The classification of electroencephalography (EEG) signals is useful in a wide range of applications such as seizure detection/prediction, motor imagery classification, emotion classification and drug effects diagnosis, amongst others. With the large number of EEG channels acquired, it has become vital that efficient data-reduction methods are developed, with varying importance from one application to another. It is also important that online classification is achieved during EEG recording for many applications, to monitor changes as they happen. In this paper we introduce a method based on Mutual Information (MI), for channel selection. Obtained results show that whilst there is a penalty on classification accuracy scores, promising speed-up gains can be achieved using MI techniques. Using MI with signal epochs (3secs) containing signal transitions enhances these speed-up gains. This work is exploratory and we suggest further research to be carried out for validation and development. Benefits to improving classification speed include improving application in clinical or educational settings