2 research outputs found

    Early Growth Response of Azanza garckeana (Exell & Hillc) as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

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    Thespesia garckeana (also known by its synonym Azanza garckeana) is a tree in the family Malvaceae, found throughout the warmer parts of Southern Africa. The use of organic and inorganic fertilizer is a way of providing adequate nutrition to growing seedlings, while improving their quality, resistance and adaptation. The study was carried out at the screen house and laboratory of the Department of Soils and Tree Nutrition of the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Ibadan (FRIN). The experiment was a completely randomized design (CRD), with sixteen (16) treatments and replicated 4 times. The data collected include; stem girth (mm), plant height (cm) and number of leaves at interval of 2 weeks for a period of 16 weeks, while plant dry matter were obtained at the 16th week. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) using GenStat 9th Edition, while significant different means were separated using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% probability level. The result showed that the experimental soil was loamy sand with low nutrient status, while the combination of compost and NPK 15:15:15 at ratio 1:2 (T13) in the soil showed a significantly higher mean height at the end of the study. Treatment T6 (NPK 15:15:15 at 125kgNha-1) maintained the widest stem diameter of 7.33mm among all the treatments and was significantly wider than that of T14 (NPK 15:15:15 at 33.3kgNha-1 + AC at 66.6kgNha-1) with 5.24mm stem diameter, which was the least. The dry matter yield for the plant’s stem showed a significant higher influence from treatment T13 (NPK 15:15:15 at 66.6kgNha-1 + AC at 33.3kgNha-1) with 1.84g, while treatment T6 significantly influenced root production (6.80g) compared to those of treatments T14 and T16 (0.39 and 0.12g respectively) with a combination of  both organic and inorganic fertilizers. As shown in this study, a combination of NPK 15:15:15 at 66.6kgNha-1 + AC at 33.3kgNha-1 (T13) significantly increased plant height and stem dry matter yield compared to all other treatment combinations. Likewise, higher rate of inorganic fertilizer as seen in treatment T6 also significantly increased plant’s stem growth and root dry matter yield, while NPK 15:15:15 at 50 kgNha-1 + AC at 50kgNha-1 also increased plant leaves dry matter yield. Therefore, for a productive early growth response of Azanza garckeana, the use of the combinations of NPK 15:15:15 and Aleshinloye compost is recommended

    Response of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.) Grown in an Alfisol and Inceptisol to Different Organic Fertilizers and Mycorrhizal Inoculation in Nigeria

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    Background and Objective: The use of organic fertilizers in soil usually upsurge the infection rate of mycorrhizal in a plant, thereby increases the nutrients content, uptake and promotes the vegetative growth of  the host plant. This experiment was conducted to assess the influence of different organic fertilizers and mycorrhizal inoculation on Corchorus olitorius growth and yield in an Alfisol and Inceptisol in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: The experiment was set up at the screenhouse of the Department of Agronomy, Ibadan. 2 x 2 x 5 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design was conducted with two levels of soil (Alfisol and Inceptisol); two levels of mycorrhizal inoculation (with and without) and five levels of organic fertilizers (organic fertilizers; poultry manure, cattle manure, Moringa, Tithonia and control) in two-kilogram soil under three replications. Results: Soil supplemented with organic fertilizers significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the growth and yield of Corchorus olitorius. The height, leaf area and number of leaves of Corchorus olitorius in soil supplemented with organic fertilizers were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than control. Higher leaf area and number of leaves were obtained in C. olitorius influenced by mycorrhizal (+AM) than without mycorrhizal (-AM) under poultry manure application in Alfisol. Inceptisol without fertilizers and mycorrhizal inoculation was also high in the leaf area of C. olitorius compared to Alfisol corresponding treatment with about 31.1%. Number of leaves of C. olitorius without mycorrhizal (-AM) inoculation and Tithonia can be compared with mycorrhizal (+AM) inoculation and cattle manure at 7 weeks after transplanting in both soils. Plants height obtained was highest in C. olitorius grown in Alfisol without mycorrhizal and cattle manure with about 12.2% higher over Inceptisol. Shoots and roots observed under mycorrhizal inoculation were also significantly different from those observed without mycorrhizal inoculation in both soils under different fertilizers application. Conclusion: Integration of different fertilizer types (organic fertilizers and mycorrhizal inoculation) can be efficiently used as a suitable nutrient management system due to positive responses observed in this investigation