175 research outputs found

    Enigmatic Text Poetics in the Poem "July" by Boris Pasternak

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    В статье представлен анализ стихотворения "Июль" Б. Л. Пастернака, целью которого является выявление приемов и принципов поэтики энигматического текста.The article presents an analysis of the poem "July" Boris Pasternak. The main purpose of this study is to identify the techniques and principles of the poetics of the enigmatic text, vividly implemented in it

    Encyclopedia of the Life of the Russian Village: To the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Vasilii Ivanovich Belov

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    В статье представлена рецензия на монографию, посвященная повести В. И. Белова "Привычное дело".This overview critical article presents an analysis of the collective monograph devoted to the novel by V. I. Belov "Privychnoe delo"

    The role of oxidative stress and antioxidant supplementation in pregnancy disorders

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    Oxidative stress is widely implicated in failed reproductive performance including infertility, miscarriage, diabetes-related congenital malformations and preeclampsia. Maternal obesity is a strong risk factor for preeclampsia, and recently, in an animal model of maternal obesity we have reported evidence of oxidative stress in the oocytes of obese animals prior to pregnancy as well as in early stage embryos. This adds to the growing evidence for a greater focus on the pre-conceptual period in prevention of pregnancy disorders including those related to oxidative stress. Our research has also focussed on the role of free radicals and antioxidant capacity in preeclampsia. Assessment by measurement of markers of lipid peroxidation or of antioxidant capacity has provided unequivocal evidence for oxidative stress in this disorder. Partial failure of the process of placentation has been implicated, with recent evidence proposing that ischaemia-reperfusion in the placenta may contribute to oxidative stress in trophoblast. Endoplasmic reticulum stress in the placenta may also play a role. We and others have performed randomised controlled trials to determine whether early supplementation with vitamins C and E in women at risk of preeclampsia may be beneficial but these studies have shown no evidence for prevention of preeclampsia. Whether this represents an inappropriate antioxidant strategy or whether supplementation has been too late in gestation to be beneficial is not known. Other potential approaches to prevention of preeclampsia through amelioration of oxidative stress include provision of supplements in the pre-conceptual period, selenium supplements, anti-peroxynitrite strategies and statins


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    The aim of this work is to study the possibility of gold microconcentration in organic phase for its subsequent determination by ETAAS. The calibration curves obtained in this work indicate the possibilities of using proposed method for the extraction and concentration of gold from ores and rocks.Работа выполнена в ЦКП «Геоаналитик» в рамках темы № АААА-А18-118053090045-8 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН

    Effects of Female Dietary Restriction in a Rabbit Growth Line During Rearing on Reproductive Performance and Embryo Quality

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    [EN] Maternal diet prior to mating has an effect on reproductive performance. We analysed the effect of maternal dietary restriction during rearing on reproductive performance, the embryo development and foetal growth. Females were categorized in two groups: (i) does with ad libitum access to feed or (ii) restricted. Two experiments were performed: (i) after 1 month, receptive females from both experimental groups were artificially inseminated and the reproductive performance was recorded during three reproductive cycles; at the first insemination, the body weight and perirenal fat thickness were recorded, and (ii) females from both experimental groups were inseminated, and 24 h later, embryos were recovered and transferred to recipient females from a maternal line. Later, embryonic implantation was assessed at day 14 by laparoscopy and foetal growth was monitored by ultrasound examination. In experiment 1, no differences in kindling rate was found, but prolificacy was showed to be higher in ad libitum does, which also were heavier than restricted ones. In experiment 2, no differences among does either in body weight, in perirenal fat thickness or in reproductive performance (ovulation rate and embryo recovery rate) were related to differences in feed intake. However, despite similar embryonic implantation losses, embryos from restricted females demonstrated higher foetal and gestational losses. Embryos from restricted does presented lower foetal growth than embryos from ad libitum does. Therefore, our results demonstrated that nutrition before first conception in a rabbit line selected for growth rate may impact on the embryo and results in a disturbance in gestational losses and foetal growth over all reproductive life.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Project (CICYT AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P). C. Naturil-Alfonso was supported by a research grant from Generalitat Valenciana (Programa VALI+d, ACIF/2013/296). R. Lavara acknowledges the partial support received from Generalitat Valenciana under VALid+ programme (APOST/2014/034) and from MICINN under the posdoctoral programme FPDI-2013-16707. English text version was revised by N. Macowan English Language Service.Naturil Alfonso, C.; Lavara García, R.; Vicente Antón, JS.; Marco Jiménez, F. (2016). Effects of Female Dietary Restriction in a Rabbit Growth Line During Rearing on Reproductive Performance and Embryo Quality. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 51(1):114-122. https://doi.org/10.1111/rda.12653S114122511Anguita, B., Paramio, M.-T., Jiménez-Macedo, A. R., Morató, R., Mogas, T., & Izquierdo, D. (2008). Total RNA and protein content, Cyclin B1 expression and developmental competence of prepubertal goat oocytes. 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Acute fasting before conception affects metabolic and endocrine status without impacting follicle and oocyte development and embryo gene expression in the rabbit. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 23(6), 759. doi:10.1071/rd10298Gosden, R., Krapez, J., & Briggs, D. (1997). Growth and development of the mammalian oocyte. BioEssays, 19(10), 875-882. doi:10.1002/bies.950191007Igosheva, N., Abramov, A. Y., Poston, L., Eckert, J. J., Fleming, T. P., Duchen, M. R., & McConnell, J. (2010). Maternal Diet-Induced Obesity Alters Mitochondrial Activity and Redox Status in Mouse Oocytes and Zygotes. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e10074. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010074Leroy, J. L. M. R., Valckx, S. D. M., Jordaens, L., De Bie, J., Desmet, K. L. J., Van Hoeck, V., … Bols, P. E. J. (2015). Nutrition and maternal metabolic health in relation to oocyte and embryo quality: critical views on what we learned from the dairy cow model. 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    Fat eggs shape offspring health.

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    How maternal diet influences offspring metabolism is unclear, as it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of the in utero environment and epigenetic factors contributed by the oocyte. In a mouse model of high-fat diet, a new study teases apart these mechanisms by using in vitro fertilization and shows that susceptibility of offspring to metabolic disorder can likely be attributed to epigenetic inheritance via the oocyte.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by Nature Publishing Group


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    The study describes the optimized protocol for the roasting of gold-bearing ore with sulfide carbonaceous matrix. STA 449F5 Jupiter thermal analyzer is used to record the DTA, TG and DTG curves in air. The proposed roasting protocol provides the full removal of sulfur and carbon after 3 hours.Работа выполнена в ЦКП «Геоаналитик» в рамках темы № 123011800012-9 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН

    Adverse Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes Associated with a Life-Long High Fat Diet: Role of Altered Development of the Placental Vasculature

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    Maternal obesity results in a number of obstetrical and fetal complications with both immediate and long-term consequences. The increased prevalence of obesity has resulted in increasing numbers of women of reproductive age in this high-risk group. Since many of these obese women have been subjected to hypercaloric diets from early childhood we have developed a rodent model of life-long maternal obesity to more clearly understand the mechanisms that contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese women. Female Sprague Dawley rats were fed a control diet (CON - 16% of calories from fat) or high fat diet (HF - 45% of calories from fat) from 3 to 19 weeks of age. Prior to pregnancy HF-fed dams exhibited significant increases in body fat, serum leptin and triglycerides. A subset of dams was sacrificed at gestational day 15 to evaluate fetal and placental development. The remaining animals were allowed to deliver normally. HF-fed dams exhibited a more than 3-fold increase in fetal death and decreased neonatal survival. These outcomes were associated with altered vascular development in the placenta, as well as increased hypoxia in the labyrinth. We propose that the altered placental vasculature may result in reduced oxygenation of the fetal tissues contributing to premature demise and poor neonatal survival

    Maternal Undernutrition Significantly Impacts Ovarian Follicle Number and Increases Ovarian Oxidative Stress in Adult Rat Offspring

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    BACKGROUND: We have shown recently that maternal undernutrition (UN) advanced female pubertal onset in a manner that is dependent upon the timing of UN. The long-term consequence of this accelerated puberty on ovarian function is unknown. Recent findings suggest that oxidative stress may be one mechanism whereby early life events impact on later physiological functioning. Therefore, using an established rodent model of maternal UN at critical windows of development, we examined maternal UN-induced changes in offspring ovarian function and determined whether these changes were underpinned by ovarian oxidative stress. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Our study is the first to show that maternal UN significantly reduced primordial and secondary follicle number in offspring in a manner that was dependent upon the timing of maternal UN. Specifically, a reduction in these early stage follicles was observed in offspring born to mothers undernourished throughout both pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, antral follicle number was reduced in offspring born to all mothers that were UN regardless of whether the period of UN was restricted to pregnancy or lactation or both. These reductions were associated with decreased mRNA levels of genes critical for follicle maturation and ovulation. Increased ovarian protein carbonyls were observed in offspring born to mothers UN during pregnancy and/or lactation and this was associated with peroxiredoxin 3 hyperoxidation and reduced mRNA levels; suggesting compromised antioxidant defence. This was not observed in offspring of mothers UN during lactation alone. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that maternal UN, particularly at a time-point that includes pregnancy, results in reduced offspring ovarian follicle numbers and mRNA levels of regulatory genes and may be mediated by increased ovarian oxidative stress coupled with a decreased ability to repair the resultant oxidative damage. Together these data are suggestive of maternal UN potentially contributing to premature ovarian ageing in offspring