21 research outputs found


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    Abstract  PurposeThe purpose of this study is to build a model using the construct of a compensation package, work environment and development opportunities which are assumed to be used to increase retention efforts in Y generation.Design/Metodology/ApproachThis study uses partial least square analysis techniques to test the hypothesis proposed based on a questionnaire that has been filled in by respondents who were selected using purposive sampling method of 100 respondents. Questionnaires are distributed self-administered to workers born in 1980 - 2000 and domiciled in Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung and Surabaya.ResultThis study succeeded in proving that the better the compensation package offered and the more comfortable the work environment is felt, the retention of generation Y will increase.Novelty This study generates a new contradiction that providing opportunities for generation Y workers to develop through training, and opportunities to achieve personal goals are not significant enough to help organizational leaders in increasing retention of generation Y workers. Keywords: Y Generation, Retention, Compensation Package, Working Environmen


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    This study aims to examine the effect of work life integration as a new phenomenon in the middle of Covid  outbreak in Indonesia toward work exhaustion , and the mediating effect of work life balance. 100 samples recruited in this researh is came from workers with at least two year working experience since  Covid outbreak.  Data is done with an open-ended questionnaire, which processed by Smart PLS 3.0. The results of the study show that work life integration and work life balance have significant effect toward work exhaustion. Besides, work life balance is partially mediate between work life integration and work exhaustion. As the practical implication we suggest that employee should build priority activities to prevent two or more activities executed at the same time.This study aims to examine the effect of work life integration as a new phenomenon in the middle of Covid  outbreak in Indonesia toward work exhaustion , and the mediating effect of work life balance. 100 samples recruited in this researh is came from workers with at least two year working experience since  Covid outbreak.  Data is done with an open-ended questionnaire, which processed by Smart PLS 3.0. The results of the study show that work life integration and work life balance have significant effect toward work exhaustion. Besides, work life balance is partially mediate between work life integration and work exhaustion. As the practical implication we suggest that employee should build priority activities to prevent two or more activities executed at the same time. &nbsp

    Store Atmosphere, Word of Mouth, dan Price Perception terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

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    This study aims to describe the predictors of store atmosphere, word of mouth and price perception on purchasing decisions. This research method is descriptive quantitative. This study used 100 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. This study used the Smart LS version 4 program. The results showed that store atmosphere, word of mouth, and price perception were significant predictors of consumer purchasing decisions. In conclusion, the better the store atmosphere provided, the better the positive word of mouth given, and the better the price offered, the more likely consumers are to make purchases at the Barokah Sekopek Fishing in Semarang City. Keywords: Purchase Decision, Price Perception, Store Atmosphere, Word of Mout


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    The purpose of this study was to examine differences in perceptions of the use oforganizational politics on career development. The sample used in this study were97 respondents in Semarang and Jakarta. This study uses the Kruskal Wallis 1Sample method with a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that there wasno significant difference between female workers regarding the use oforganizational politics in career development. Almost all agreed to useorganizational politics at some point to improve their performance and career. Themanagerial implication of the results of this research is that there is still a need forthe application of organizational politics for women workers to improve theircareers, not solely relying on their professional competence

    Customer Satisfaction in Using Shopee Marketplace: Gender based Comparison

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    This study analyzes the information quality, perceived price, and system quality predictors of Shopee customer satisfaction. Also, in this research, we test gender as a moderator construct. This study used 100 samples. Using Smart PLS version 3, we can find that three latent constructs are significant predictors of Shopee customer satisfaction. However, gender as a moderator cannot have a significant effect. For further research, we suggest the additional construct, such as online review to be tested as a predictor. Keywords: information quality, perceived price, system qualit

    Pengaruh Sales Promotion, Content Marketing, Dan Shopping Lifestyle Content Creator Tiktok Terhadap Keputusan Impulse Buying Pada E-Commerce Shopee

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    The purpose of this study is to know effect of Sales Promotion, Content Marketing and Shopping Lifestyle content creator TikTok on Impulse Buying. Population in this study are students in the city of Semarang who have shopped at e-commerce Shopee and also have social media Tiktok then sample used in the study was 100 respondents who were taken by purposive sampling. In collecting data in this study using a questionnaire through Google Form, while secondary data using literature study. The tool used in this research is PLS. Based on the test results of the Sales Promotion (X1) variable on Impulse Buying (Y) there is a positive and significant effect with the magnitude of the effect being 0.250. The results of testing the effect of the variable Content Marketing (X2) with Impulse Buying (Y) is that there is a positive and significant effect with the magnitude of the effect is 0.390. The results of testing the effect of the Shopping Lifestyle (X3) variable with Impulse Buying (Y) is that there is a positive and significant effect with the magnitude of the effect being 0.32


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job insecurity and organizational citizenship behavior on the intention to become whistleblowing. To obtain sufficient statistical results, this research uses 48 respondents who have knowledge of cases of sexual harassment that occurred in the organization where they work. To examine the relationship between constructs and the potential differences in perceptions that exist, the researchers used a path analysis technique assisted by the Smart PLS version 3. The results showed that the constructs of job insecurity and organizational citizenship behavior had a significant impact in shaping intentions to become whistleblowers in cases of sexual harassment in Indonesia. organization where they work. However, there are differences in perception between male and female workers in reporting these acts of sexual harassment Keywords: sexual harassment; job insecurity; whistleblowing; organizational citizenship behavio


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    This research is aimed to examine the gender difference toward intention to use the mobile banking application in Semarang. Data is collected by self -  administered questionnaire, and pass over to bank customer which done their financial transaction by Automatic Teller Machine. The Sample used in this research is 50 respondents, consist of 30 male respondents and 20 female respondents who never have a mobile banking application before. The results of this study indicate that there is a gender difference in the intention to use mobile banking applications. On the other side, even it is easy to be used, female customers are not feeling the benefit offered, thus resistant to use mobile banking applications. This result brings another contradiction toward The Technological Acceptance Model. Data is examined by the SPSS application, and Mann – Whitney statistical model.Keywords: Mobile application; bank; gender differenc


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    This study aims to analyze the differences in attitudes between sandwich generations investing in precious metals in carrying out parenting patterns for parents and children. This research used 67 respondents who specifically consisted of 27 respondents who owned gold as the main investment tool, while the rest were groups of respondents who had investment tools other than gold precious metals through mutual funds.By using the Mann Whitney method, it can be concluded that there are different attitudes in the Sandwich generation who invest in gold and those who invest in other than precious metals in carrying out parenting patterns for parents and children. Furthermore, gold precious metal is not an appropriate investment tool for the sandwich generation because it requires a larger fundraiser and a high level of disciplin

    Etnis Tionghoa dan Jawa : Cara Pandang Mereka dalam Mempersiapkan Suksesor Bisnis Keluarga

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    This study aims to examine  the  difference attitude between Indonesian Chinese and Indonesian Javanese in term of family business successor planning.. Sample used in this researh is came from Javanese and Indonesian Chinese businessman in Semarang.  Data retrieval is done by using open-ended questionnaire, and being processed by SPSS ver 19.. The results of the study show that there is a significant difference between Indonesian Javanese and Indonesian Chinese in case of the way they prepare their family business successor