12 research outputs found

    Características clínico-ecográficas pre y postquirúrgicas de niños intervenidos por criptorquidia en el Hospital Sabogal, Perú.

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    Objective: To determine the pre- and post-surgical clinical-ultrasound characteristics of children operated on for cryptorchidism. Material and methods: Descriptive and longitudinal study, data collected from medical records of the Hospital Sabogal, the variables were age at diagnosis, waiting time for orchidopexy, affected testicle, location of the testicle and testicular volume. Results: We included 34 children under 14 years with cryptorchidism, the age of diagnosis was 44 months and orchidopexy 49 months. The waiting time for orchidopexy was 4.72 months, the most affected testicle was the right (58.82%). 39 testicles were included, the primary canalith location (71.79 %), the final scrotal location (50.0%), the operative technique was inguinal (91.18%). The increase in testicular volume was 0.39 cm3, p = 0.0006, 95% CI (-0.62, -0.17). Conclusions: The age of orchidopexy was 49 months and testicular volume increased by 0.39 cm3 after orchidopexy.Objetivo: Determinar las características clínico- ecográficas pre y postquirùrgicas de niños intervenidos por criptorquidia. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal, los datos recolectados de historias clínicas del Hospital Sabogal, las variables fueron edad del diagnóstico, tiempo de espera de orquidopexia, testículo afectado, ubicación del testículo y volumen testicular Resultados: Se incluyeron 34 niños menores de 14 años con criptorquidia, la edad del diagnóstico fue  44 meses y de la orquidopexia  49 meses. El tiempo de espera para la orquidopexia fue 4,72 meses, el testículo más afectado fue el derecho (58,82%). Se incluyeron 39 testículos, la ubicación primaria  canalicular (71,79 %), la ubicación final escrotal (50,0%), la técnica operatoria fue inguinal (91,18%). El incremento de volumen testicular fue de 0,39 cm3, p = 0,0006, IC 95% (-0,62, -0,17). Conclusiones: La edad de la orquidopexia fue  49 meses y el volumen testicular aumentó en 0,39 cm3 después de la orquidopexia

    Vitamin B12 levels in thyroid disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and aims: Numerous studies have found an association between vitamin deficiency and thyroid disorders (TD). The presence of anti-parietal cell antibodies is indicative of reduced ability to absorb vitamin B12. Thus, this study reviewed the existing studies with the objective of assessing differences in the serum levels of vitamin B12 among patients with and without TD, the frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with TD, and the presence of anti-parietal cell antibodies in patients with TD. Methods: A meta-analysis of random-effects model was conducted to calculate pooled frequencies, mean differences (MD), and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CI). We identified 64 studies that met our inclusion criteria (n = 28597). Results: We found that patients with hypothyroidism had lower vitamin B12 levels than healthy participants (MD: −60.67 pg/mL; 95% CI: −107.31 to −14.03 pg/mL; p = 0.01). No significant differences in vitamin B12 levels were observed between healthy participants and patients with hyperthyroidism (p = 0.78), autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) (p = 0.22), or subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) (p = 0.79). The frequencies of vitamin B12 deficiency among patients with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, SH, and AITD were 27%, 6%, 27%, and 18%, respectively. Conclusions: Patients with hypothyroidism had lower levels of vitamin B12 than healthy participants. No significant differences were observed between vitamin B12 levels and hyperthyroidism, AITD, or SH. Systematic Review Registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=324422, identifier (CRD42022324422)

    Vitamin B12 levels in thyroid disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and aims: Numerous studies have found an association between vitamin deficiency and thyroid disorders (TD). The presence of anti-parietal cell antibodies is indicative of reduced ability to absorb vitamin B12. Thus, this study reviewed the existing studies with the objective of assessing differences in the serum levels of vitamin B12 among patients with and without TD, the frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with TD, and the presence of anti-parietal cell antibodies in patients with TD. Methods: A meta-analysis of random-effects model was conducted to calculate pooled frequencies, mean differences (MD), and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CI). We identified 64 studies that met our inclusion criteria (n = 28597). Results: We found that patients with hypothyroidism had lower vitamin B12 levels than healthy participants (MD: −60.67 pg/mL; 95% CI: −107.31 to −14.03 pg/mL; p = 0.01). No significant differences in vitamin B12 levels were observed between healthy participants and patients with hyperthyroidism (p = 0.78), autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) (p = 0.22), or subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) (p = 0.79). The frequencies of vitamin B12 deficiency among patients with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, SH, and AITD were 27%, 6%, 27%, and 18%, respectively. Conclusions: Patients with hypothyroidism had lower levels of vitamin B12 than healthy participants. No significant differences were observed between vitamin B12 levels and hyperthyroidism, AITD, or SH. Systematic Review Registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=324422, identifier (CRD42022324422). Copyright © 2023 Benites-Zapata, Ignacio-Cconchoy, Ulloque-Badaracco, Hernandez-Bustamante, Alarcón-Braga, Al-kassab-Córdova and Herrera-Añazco.Revisión por pare

    Una mezcla láctea fortificada con hierro y zinc mejora los niveles de hemoglobina en niños de 2 a 10 años en una comunidad andina en Perú: Ensayo controlado aleatorizado, doble ciego

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    Objetive: Previous research agrees that food fortification is the best long-term strategy for preventing iron deficiency. Our goal is to evaluate the effect of a dairy mixture fortified with iron and zinc on hemoglobin levels in children aged 2 to 10 years. Material and methods: A randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial was conducted in a community located 2,590 meters above sea level. Children with normal levels of hemoglobin or mild anemia were included. We assign participants to receive the iron-zinc-fortified dairy mixture or an unfortified dairy mixture. The supplement was administered five days a week for 24 weeks. Our main result was the corrected hemoglobin level taking into account the height above sea level and anthropometric indices were evaluated as a secondary result. The magnitude of the difference observed between the groups was estimated by the Student t-test. All analyzes were done with the intention to treat. Results: 67 children were randomly assigned, intervention: n=32 and control: n=35. The mean age was 5.8 years; 30 were women. Hemoglobin at the end of the follow-up was 13.1 g/dL (0.9) in the experimental group, while, in the control group, it was 12.1 g/dL (0.8); p <0.001. Likewise, a positive difference was evidenced in the anthropometric indicators in the experimental group. Conclusion: Dairy mixture fortified with iron and zinc increases hemoglobin levels and anthropometric indices in children from 2 to 10 years old.Introducción: Investigaciones anteriores coinciden en que el enriquecimiento de alimentos es la mejor estrategia a largo plazo en la prevención de la deficiencia de hierro. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar el efecto de una mezcla láctea fortificada con hierro y zinc sobre los niveles de hemoglobina en niños de 2 a 10 años. Material y métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado en una comunidad ubicada a 2,590 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Se incluyeron niños con niveles en el límite inferior de los rangos de normalidad o anemia leve. Asignamos a los participantes de manera aleatoria que recibieran la mezcla láctea fortificada con hierro y zinc o una mezcla láctea no fortificada. La mezcla láctea se administró cinco días a la semana durante 24 semanas. Nuestro resultado principal fue el nivel de hemoglobina corregida tomando en cuenta la altura sobre el nivel del mar y los índices antropométricos se evaluaron como resultado secundario. La magnitud de la diferencia observada entre los grupos se estimó mediante la prueba t de Student. Todos los análisis se realizaron por intención de tratar. Resultados: Se asignaron al azar 67 niños, intervención: n=32 y control: n=35. La edad media fue de 5,8 años; 30 eran mujeres. La hemoglobina al final del seguimiento fue 13,1 gr/dL (0,9) en el grupo experimental mientras que, en el grupo control, fue de 12,1 gr/dL (0,8); p <0,001. Asimismo, se evidenció una diferencia positiva en los indicadores antropométricos en el grupo experimental. Conclusión: La mezcla láctea fortificada con hierro y zinc aumenta los niveles de hemoglobina y los índices antropométricos en niños de 2 a 10 años

    Exclusive breastfeeding as a protective factor of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    La leucemia linfoblástica aguda representa más del 30% de todos los tipos de cáncer en niños entre 0 y 9 años a nivel global. En el Perú, no se ha evaluado si la lactancia materna exclusiva es un factor protector para la leucemia linfoblástica. Objetivo: Identificar los factores protectores y de riesgo asociados a la leucemia linfoblástica aguda en niños y adolescentes entre 0 y 13 años en un hospital nacional, Lima, Perú. Pacientes y Método: Estudio observacional, analítico, diseño caso-control. Se evaluaron 112 casos con diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica y 229 controles. Los datos fueron recogidos por entrevistas a las madres de ambos grupos. Se estimó la magnitud de la asociación entre la leucemia y la lactancia exclusiva mediante el odds ratio (OR) y regresión logística multivariado en Stata v 12. Resultados: El 50,9% (57/112) de los casos y el 51,5% (118/229) de los controles fueron del género masculino. La media de edad entre los casos fue 6,7 ± 3,2 años y entre los controles 5,7 ± 3,5 años. La media de edad de la madre entre los casos fue 35,9 ± 6,5 y entre los controles fue 34,1 ± 7,1 años. La lactancia materna exclusiva se asocia a menor riesgo de leucemia en un 44% respecto a aquellos que no tuvieron, OR 0,56, p = 0,017, IC 95% (0,35-0,90). La educación secundaria completa se asocia a menor riesgo de leucemia en un 62%, OR 0,38 IC 95% (0,15-0,61). Conclusiones: La lactancia materna exclusiva y la educación secundaria completa de la madre son factores asociados a menor riesgo de leucemia linfoblástica aguda en niños y en adolescentes.Globally, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), represents more than 30% of all types of cancers in children aged between 0 and 9 years. In Peru, it has not been evaluated whether exclusive breastfeeding (EB) is a protective factor for ALL. Objective: To identify the protective and risk factors associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children aged between 0 and 13 years in a national hospital in Lima, Peru. Patients and Method: Observational, analytical study, case-control design. 112 cases diagnosed with ALL and 229 controls were evaluated. The data were collected by interviews with the mothers of both groups. The magnitude of the association between ALL and EB was estimated using the odds ratio (OR) and multivariate logistic regression in Stata v 12. Results: 50.9% (57/112) of the cases and 51.5% (118/229) of the controls were male. The mean age of the cases was 6.7 ± 3.2 years and of the controls 5.7 ± 3.5 years. The mean age of the mothers of the cases was 35.9 ± 6.5 and of the controls was 34.1 ± 7.1 years. EB reduces the risk of ALL by 44% compared with those who did not receive it, OR 0.56, p = 0.017, 95% CI (0.35-0.90). Complete secondary education reduces the risk of ALL by 62%, OR 0.38 CI 95% (0.15-0.61). Conclusions: Exclusive breastfeeding and the mother’s complete secondary education are protective factors for the development of ALL in children and adolescents

    Analysis of adherence to a healthy lifestyle among vegetarian and non-vegetarian Peruvian university students: A cross-sectional survey.

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    BackgroundEvidence shows that a healthy lifestyle can promote physical and mental well-being in the general population. However, there are few studies that assess the adherence to a healthy lifestyle in vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences in adherence to a healthy lifestyle between vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students in Peru.MethodsA cross-sectional study was carried out considering data from 6,846 students selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The Diet and Healthy Lifestyle Scale (DEVS), the Peruvian validation of the Vegetarian Lifestyle Index (VLI), was used. In addition, sociodemographic and anthropometric data such as weight and height were collected. Body mass index (BMI) was also calculated.ResultsSemi-vegetarian and vegetarian students had a high healthy lifestyle score compared to non-vegetarians. In addition, vegetarian diets showed a significantly higher proportion among students with a lower BMI (normal and underweight). Students with excess body weight (overweight and obesity) were less likely to report healthy lifestyle. In the overall population analyzed, it was observed that the levels of health and lifestyle behaviors, such as daily exercise and sunlight exposure, were mostly moderate and low. Additionally, sweets intake was high, while healthy food consumption such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains was low.ConclusionThe current findings show that although vegetarians had better adherence to a healthy lifestyle, interventions in the university setting are needed to improve healthy lifestyle in university students

    Distribution of DEVS among Peruvian university students.

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    Note: Each color line shows the frequency of the lifestyle habit, as level of sunlight exposure, duration or consumption is represented as dark blue for "Low," light green for "Middle," and light blue for "High".</p