108 research outputs found

    Gene expression in diapausing rotifer eggs in response to divergent environmental predictability regimes

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    In unpredictable environments in which reliable cues for predicting environmental variation are lacking, a diversifying bet-hedging strategy for diapause exit is expected to evolve, whereby only a portion of diapausing forms will resume development at the first occurrence of suitable conditions. This study focused on diapause termination in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis s.s., addressing the transcriptional profile of diapausing eggs from environments differing in the level of predictability and the relationship of such profiles with hatching patterns. RNA-Seq analyses revealed significant differences in gene expression between diapausing eggs produced in the laboratory under combinations of two contrasting selective regimes of environmental fluctuation (predictable vs unpredictable) and two different diapause conditions (passing or not passing through forced diapause). The results showed that the selective regime was more important than the diapause condition in driving differences in the transcriptome profile. Most of the differentially expressed genes were upregulated in the predictable regime and mostly associated with molecular functions involved in embryo morphological development and hatching readiness. This was in concordance with observations of earlier, higher, and more synchronous hatching in diapausing eggs produced under the predictable regime

    Cambio de actitud y comunicación persuasiva: claves para comprender los procesos de captación y conversión a sectas

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    Referencia de la publicación original: Carmona Gallego, A., Marco Macarro, M.J., Paz Rodríguez, J.I., & Sánchez Medina, J.A. (1989). Cambio de actitud y comunicación persuasiva: claves para comprender los procesos de captación y conversión a sectas. Apuntes de Psicología, 28-29, 33-37.En este trabajo se considera a las sectas como un problema de salud pública. Para comprender esta idea es necesario romper con la noción clásica de que su peligrosidad viene dada por su ideología. El problema radica más bien en su organización y en las técnicas que emplean. Vistas desde esta perspectiva son fácilmente abordables por la psicología, ya que ésta posee desarrollos teóricos que nos permiten su estudio

    On the presence of a complex hybrid fish (Squalius alburnoides Steindachner, 1866) in a cave system located in southern of Spain

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    Ponencia Invitada Inaugural del Congreso de Espeleología "EspeleoMeeting Ciudad de Villacarrillo" (Villacarrillo (Jaén), 13, 14 y 15 de agosto de 2016).[ES] En este trabajo se describe a través de la citología, histología y secuenciación del gen de la rodopsina, la única población de peces encontrada en una cueva de la Península Ibérica. Esta población pertenece a la especie Squalius alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866) (Cyprinidae) y tiene la particularidad de tener un origen híbrido con individuos y poblaciones de diferentes ploidias (2n=50; 3n=75 y 4n=100) y distintos mecanismos de reproducción. Los peces de la cueva de Peal del Becerro I presentaron una degeneración incipiente de la retina, con menor cantidad de fotorreceptores y pigmentación que los peces de la misma especie situados en el exterior de la cueva (Embalse de La Bolera). Todos resultaron ser tetraploides simétricos AAPP lo que sugiere que este biotipo favorece de algún modo la viabilidad de poblaciones de esta especie permitiendo recuperar la bisexualidad y un genoma balanceado. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios en profundidad desde la genómica y transcriptómica y tener un mejor conocimiento de la biología y ecología de esta población cavernícola.[EN] In this study we described through a multidisciplinary approach (cytology, histology and rhodopsin gene sequencing) the only cave population of freshwater fish found in the Iberian Peninsula. This population belong to the species Squalius alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866) (Cyprinidae), which has the singularity of being a species of hybridogenetic origin with individuals and populations of different ploidies (2n=50; 3n=75 y 4n=100) and diverse mechanisms of reproduction. The individuals of S. alburnoides found in the Peal del Becerro I cave showed an incipient degeneration of the retina, with lower amount of photoreceptor cells and pigmentation relative to individuals outside the cave (de la Bolera reservoir). All individuals from the cave were symmetric tetraploids AAPP, which suggests that this biotope is favouring the viability of this population through the recovery of bisexuality and a balanced genome. Nonetheless, further deeper studies using genomics and transcriptomics approaches are required to achieve a better understanding of the biology and ecology of this cave-dweller population.Peer reviewe

    Análisis de buenas prácticas coeducativas en el marco del proyecto Teón XXI : un enfoque sociocultural

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    El proyecto Teón XXI surge como iniciativa para la creación y difusión de recursos digitales en red sobre coeducación. Esta tarea implica la puesta en marcha de diversas fases de trabajo de investigación, que se agrupan en tres grandes momentos: diseño de instrumentos de medición y seguimiento on-line de la cultura de género en los centros educativos, estudio etnográfico para la detección de buenas prácticas coeducativas, y difusión de hallazgos a través de producción científica y técnica. El trabajo que aquí se expone se sitúa en la segunda de las fases, y se centra en el análisis de buenas prácticas coeducativas en institutos de secundaria y colegios andaluces. Asumimos algunos presupuestos como la relación entre mente y cultura o entre procesos psicológicos y escenarios de actividad, una visión constructivista de la realidad y de las personas como agentes activos, y una concepción de cultura como fenómeno dinámico formado por un conjunto de significados y prácticas que se transmiten mediante instrumentos en contextos socioculturales. En este marco elaboramos un procedimiento analítico para las buenas prácticas coeducativas que se articula en base a tres ejes: ámbitos de aplicación, niveles de análisis y criterios de calidad, y se presentan datos empíricos de las mismas

    Quantitative comparison of DNA methylation assays for biomarker development and clinical applications

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    DNA methylation patterns are altered in numerous diseases and often correlate with clinically relevant information such as disease subtypes, prognosis and drug response. With suitable assays and after validation in large cohorts, such associations can be exploited for clinical diagnostics and personalized treatment decisions. Here we describe the results of a community-wide benchmarking study comparing the performance of all widely used methods for DNA methylation analysis that are compatible with routine clinical use. We shipped 32 reference samples to 18 laboratories in seven different countries. Researchers in those laboratories collectively contributed 21 locus-specific assays for an average of 27 predefined genomic regions, as well as six global assays. We evaluated assay sensitivity on low-input samples and assessed the assays' ability to discriminate between cell types. Good agreement was observed across all tested methods, with amplicon bisulfite sequencing and bisulfite pyrosequencing showing the best all-round performance. Our technology comparison can inform the selection, optimization and use of DNA methylation assays in large-scale validation studies, biomarker development and clinical diagnostics

    Education Via the Educational Discourse. Educational Practices and Discursive Building of Knowledge in the Classroom

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    El marco teórico en el que se sitúa nuestra investigación es el de los principios y las estrategias metodológicas desarrollados por la psicología histórico-cultural, las perspectivas constructivistas, el análisis del discurso (DA) y el análisis conversacional (CA). El objeto del trabajo que aquí se presenta es el de describir y analizar las estrategias de comunicación y la naturaleza del discurso utilizado por profesores y alumnos en las actividades del aula, específicamente respecto a dos cuestiones principales: la descripción de los procesos por medio de los cuales se crea la intersubjetividad en el discurso educativo y los procesos por los que se construye una versión legítima del conocimiento en las aulas. En nuestro trabajo, adoptamos un enfoque cualitativo y etnográfico. La actividad del aula se registra mediante la grabación en vídeo del desarrollo de unidades temáticas completas. El análisis de los datos se realiza sobre la transcripción de las sesiones de trabajo del aula, y consiste en la búsqueda de patrones sistemáticos en el discurso educativo, y el análisis de sus funciones y consecuencias. Este análisis nos ha permitido no sólo identificar un conjunto de dispositivos y recursos semióticos que utilizan los profesores y los alumnos, sino también comprender y mostrar cómo las acciones orientadas a la instrucción que se plasman en un conocimiento escolar específico, se llevan a cabo mediante el discurso. Nuestras conclusiones indican que existe una relación entre el tipo de discurso del profesor de un aula y el discurso que promueve en sus alumnos, y, por lo tanto, en los recursos que los alumnos emplean en el proceso de socialización científica en un aula.The theoretical framework of our work is that offered by the principles and methodological strategies developed by cultural and historical psychology, constructivist perspectives, discourse analysis (DA) and conversational analysis (CA). The paper sets out to describe and analyze the strategies for communication and the nature of the discourse used by teachers and students in classroom activities, specifically those related to two main aspects: the description of the processes involved in creating inter-subjectivity in the educational discourse and the processes taking part in the construction of a legitimated version of knowledge in the classroom. A qualitative and ethnographic perspective has been adopted for this study. Classroom activity is registered by videotaping complete thematic sessions of work. Data analysis is made from the transcription of the sessions of classroom work and it consists in looking for systematic patterns in the educational discourse and analyzing its functions and its consequences. This analysis allowed us to identify several devices and semiotic resources used by teachers and students, and also to understand and show how the instructional actions that construct a specific educational knowledge are developed by means of discourse. Our conclusions show that there exists a relationship between the kind of discourse used by a teacher in the classroom and the discourse it leads to in the students and, therefore, in the resources that students use in the process of scientific socialization in the classroom.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BSO2000-0474Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BSO2003-0360

    La participación de alumnos en Comunidades de Aprendizaje

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    Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer la actividad “Prácticas de Intervención Psicoeducativa en Comunidades de Aprendizaje” que ha sido ofrecida en el curso 2013-14 de manera interdepartamental, con la participación de profesores de los Departamentos de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación y de Didáctica y Organización Educativa, de la Universidad de Sevilla. Se propuso para todos los alumnos de la Universidad como actividad de libre configuración, de reconocimiento de créditos o de voluntariado para los que no optasen por ninguna de las dos posibilidades primeras. La participación en Grupos Interactivos, Tertulias Dialógicas o en otras actividades llevadas a cabo por los estudiantes en los centros que forman parte de la Red de Comunidades de Aprendizaje de Sevilla está siendo gratificante personalmente para ellos y muy productiva desde un punto de vista académico para implicar a los estudiantes en actuaciones educativas de éxito y de superación del fracaso escolar.Our aim is to publicize the internships “Intervention in Educational Learning Communities” that has been offered in the academic year 2013-2014 with the participation of professors from the Departments of Psychology and Education and Teaching and Educational Organization, University of Seville. It has been offered to all university students and they will earn free-elected credits, recognition of credits or, at least, volunteerism for those who do not select the previous two options. The collaboration in Interactive Groups, Discussion Groups or other activities developed by the students in schools that are taken part in the Learning Community Network of Seville has being personally rewarded for them and really productive from the academic perspective. With this programme, students have been involved in successful practical experiences, overcoming school failure

    Sentiment Analysis on Twitter: Role of Healthcare Professionals in the Global Conversation during the AstraZeneca Vaccine Suspension

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    The vaccines against COVID-19 arrived in Spain at the end of 2020 along with vaccination campaigns which were not free of controversy. The debate was fueled by the adverse effects following the administration of the AstraZeneca-Oxford (AZ) vaccine in some European countries, eventually leading to its temporary suspension as a precautionary measure. In the present study, we analyze the healthcare professionals’ conversations, sentiment, polarity, and intensity on social media during two periods in 2021: the one closest to the suspension of the AZ vaccine and the same time frame 30 days later. We also analyzed whether there were differences between Spain and the rest of the world. Results: The negative sentiment ratio was higher (U = 87; p = 0.048) in Spain in March (Med = 0.396), as well as the daily intensity (U = 86; p = 0.044; Med = 0.440). The opposite happened with polarity (U = 86; p = 0.044), which was higher in the rest of the world (Med = −0.264). Conclusions: There was a general increase in messages and interactions between March and April. In Spain, there was a higher incidence of negative messages and intensity compared to the rest of the world during the March period that disappeared in April. Finally, it was found that the dissemination of messages linked to negative emotions towards vaccines against COVID-19 from healthcare professionals contributed to a negative approach to primary prevention campaigns in the middle of the pandemicThis research was funded by Fundación Banco Santander and Fundación Alfonso X el Sabio, grant number 1012031. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Service Learning: to learn from experience and reflection

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    El proyecto desarrolla y consolida el trabajo en red entre el aula universitaria y colectivos sociales de Córdoba mediante la realización de proyectos de Aprendizaje-Servicio en los Grados de Educación Infantil, Primaria, Social y el Máster en Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos. Además, profundiza en la reflexión sobre la propia práctica del grupo de docentes. Con esta metodología se busca la interactuación con colectivos y organizaciones sociales, promoviendo la transferencia y el compromiso social y cívico de la comunidad universitaria. Ese posicionamiento ha sido fruto del proceso reflexivo y coordinado del profesorado desde el curso 2014/15, el apoyo de la Unidad de Voluntariado y la colaboración de distintos colectivos que se implican con el alumnado en el desarrollo de tareas de aprendizaje. La metodología es experiencial, investigadora y dialógica. Los resultados alcanzados han favorecido la formación de los y las estudiantes mediante la incorporación de una perspectiva global-local y la adquisición de pautas para la interpretación y toma de decisiones en contextos educativos. Se espera, además, haber aumentado el compromiso cívico y promovido la responsabilidad social de la Universidad. El profesorado ha visto favorecida la coordinación y de desarrollo profesional al compartir dilemas didácticos y propósitos formativos.The project develops and consolidates the network between the university classroom and social groups of Córdoba through the realization of Service-Learning projects in the Primary Education, Early Childhood Education and Social Education degrees and the Master in Culture of Peace, Conflicts, Education and Humans Rights. In addition, it deepens in the reflection on the own practice of the group of teachers. With this methodology, interaction with social groups and organizations is sought, promoting the transfer and the social and civic engagement of the university community. This methodology has been the fruit of the reflective and coordinated process of the teaching staff since 2014/15, the support of the Volunteering Unit and the collaboration of different groups that are involved with the students in the development of learning tasks. The methodology is experiential, researcher and dialogical. The results achieved have favored the students training through the incorporation of a global-local perspective and the acquisition of guidelines for interpretation and decision-making in educational contexts. It is expected, in addition, to have increased the civic commitment and promoted the social responsibility of the University. The teaching staff has had the opportunity of coordination and professional development to share dilemmas and training purposes

    Met signaling in cardiomyocytes is required for normal cardiac function in adult mice.

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor, Met, are key determinants of distinct developmental processes. Although HGF exerts cardio-protective effects in a number of cardiac pathologies, it remains unknown whether HGF/Met signaling is essential for myocardial development and/or physiological function in adulthood. We therefore investigated the requirement of HGF/Met signaling in cardiomyocyte for embryonic and postnatal heart development and function by conditional inactivation of the Met receptor in cardiomyocytes using the Cre-α-MHC mouse line (referred to as α-MHCMet-KO). Although α-MHCMet-KO mice showed normal heart development and were viable and fertile, by 6 months of age, males developed cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, associated with interstitial fibrosis. A significant upregulation in markers of myocardial damage, such as β-MHC and ANF, was also observed. By the age of 9 months, α-MHCMet-KO males displayed systolic cardiac dysfunction. Mechanistically, we provide evidence of a severe imbalance in the antioxidant defenses in α-MHCMet-KO hearts involving a reduced expression and activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase, with consequent reactive oxygen species accumulation. Similar anomalies were observed in females, although with a slower kinetics. We also found that Met signaling down-regulation leads to an increase in TGF-β production and a decrease in p38MAPK activation, which may contribute to phenotypic alterations displayed in α-MHCMet-KO mice. Consistently, we show that HGF acts through p38α to upregulate antioxidant enzymes in cardiomyocytes. Our results highlight that HGF/Met signaling in cardiomyocytes plays a physiological cardio-protective role in adult mice by acting as an endogenous regulator of heart function through oxidative stress control.Comunidad de Madrid/Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Association Française contre les Myopathies; Seventh Framework Programme; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale; Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Fondation Bettencourt Schueller; European Regional Development Fund; Junta de Andalucía; Junta de Castilla y Leó