61 research outputs found

    Determinación del estado hídrico del suelo mediante sensores FDR en vid CV. Moscatel de Alejandría regada por goteo

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    [ES] El uso de sensores capacitivos en la determinación del estado hídrico del suelo para la programación del riego en agricultura está ampliamente extendido. En el cultivo de la vid para vinificación resultan de especial interés para la aplicación de riegos deficitarios controlados que puedan mejorar la calidad de los mostos. No obstante, estas mediciones, especialmente sin una calibración específica para cada suelo, son inexactas y por tanto, se precisa la estimación de su error para el cálculo de balances hídricos (metodología utilizada para la programación del riego). Este trabajo persigue estudiar la fiabilidad de las medidas de sondas del tipo FDR sin calibración específica del suelo en unas condiciones agronómicas y climatológicas determinadas y además analizar su utilidad como indicadores del estado hídrico de las cepas. Para ello se monitoreó la humedad del suelo hasta 1,5 m de profundidad en 6 cepas de dos tratamientos de riego de una parcela de la variedad Moscatel de Alejandría regada por goteo y se desarrolló una metodología de cálculo del balance hídrico. También se determinó el estado hídrico del viñedo midiendo el potencial hídrico de tallo a medio día solar. Los datos del contenido de agua del suelo mostraron una gran variabilidad entre sondas y por ello una baja precisión para el cálculo del balance hídrico. Sin embargo, del análisis de sus tendencias se puede extraer provechosa información para la programación del riego. De la elevada variabilidad espacial observada en las medidas de potencial hídrico de tallo se advirtió que el riego es solo uno de los factores que influyen sobre el estado hídrico de las cepas, y que su relación con el estado hídrico del suelo es prácticamente inexistente y no significativo.[EN] The use of capacitive sensors on the determination of soil water status for irrigation scheduling in agriculture is widely used. In vineyard for wine-making is particularly interesting for the application of regulated deficit irrigation that can improve the quality of musts. Nevertheless, these measurements, especially without specific calibration for each soil, are inaccurate and therefore its error estimation is required for the calculation of water balances (methodology used for irrigation scheduling). This work aims to study the reliability of the FDR-probes measurements without soil specific calibration in specific agronomic and climatic conditions, as well as analyze its utility as water status indicators of the grapevines. To do this, soil moisture was monitored up to 1.5 m depth in 6 vines of two irrigation treatments in a drip irrigated orchard of Muscat of Alexandria variety and a methodology of calculating the water balance was developed. The water status of the vineyard was also determined by measuring the stem water potential at solar noon. Soil water content data showed a large variability between probes and therefore low accuracy for the calculation of the water balance. However, the analysis of its trends could be very useful for irrigation scheduling. From the high spatial variability observed in the measurements of stem water potential was noted that irrigation is only one of the factors influencing the water status of the vines, and its relationship with soil water status is almost nonexistent and not significant.Buesa Pueyo, I. (2013). Determinación del estado hídrico del suelo mediante sensores FDR en vid CV. Moscatel de Alejandría regada por goteo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36451Archivo delegad

    Estrelato como mitologia da era digital: a hiperculturalidade e "El mal querer" de Rosalía

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    Stardom is a paradigmatic example of contemporary mythology. Through their function as semiotic-cultural and somatic-emotional receptacles, the stars serve as referents and mirror of the social collective that engenders them. Within digital communities and through interactive technology, celebrity liturgy, fan rituals, and the symbolism of this massive secular religion reach its zenith. Our first goal is to analyze the parallels between stardom and religion. To do this, we will place idols in a theoretical framework and describe the transformations that digital fan communities are undergoing. Our second objective is to interrelate the transmedia phenomenon of Rosalía's album El mal querer with the notion of "hyperculturality" proposed by Byung-Chul Han. We will expose how the conceptual universe generated by the Catalan artist reflects the transformations that identities attend in the globalized, hyper-connected and digital culture. The article concludes by developing the idea of ​​stardom as modern mythology and the importance of interactive digital technology in the transformation of online audiences. Likewise, the global and intergenerational dissemination of Rosalía's work is symptomatic of the non-fundamentalist model of globalized culture, as well as the prominence of the traditional, the consumption of the aesthetic-cultural and the active role of audiences in the configuration of contemporary cultural identity.El estrellato constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de mitología contemporánea. A través de su función como receptáculos semiótico-culturales y somático-emocionales, las estrellas sirven como referentes y espejo del colectivo social que las engendra. En el seno de las comunidades digitales y a través de la tecnología interactiva, la liturgia de las celebrities, los rituales de los fans y la simbología de esta religión secular masiva alcanza su cénit. Nuestro primer objetivo es analizar el paralelismo entre el estrellato y la religión. Para ello, situaremos a los ídolos en un marco teórico y describiremos las transformaciones que las comunidades digitales de fans están experimentando. Nuestro segundo objetivo es interrelacionar el fenómeno transmedia del álbum El mal querer de Rosalía con la noción de "hiperculturalidad" propuesta por Byung-Chul Han. Expondremos cómo el universo conceptual generado por la artista catalana refleja las transformaciones a la que asisten las identidades en la cultura globalizada, hiperconectada y digital. El artículo concluye desarrollando la idea del estrellato como mitología moderna y la importancia de la tecnología digital interactiva en la transformación de los públicos en red. Así mismo, la difusión global e intergeneracional de la obra de Rosalía es sintomática del modelo no fundamentalista de la cultura globalizada, así como de la prominencia de lo tradicional, el consumo de lo estético-cultural y el papel activo de las audiencias en la configuración de la identidad cultural contemporánea.O estrelato é um exemplo paradigmático da mitologia contemporânea. Por sua função de receptáculos semiótico-culturais e somático-emocionais, as estrelas servem como referentes e espelho do coletivo social que as engendra. Dentro das comunidades digitais e por meio de tecnologia interativa, liturgia de celebridades, rituais de fãs e o simbolismo dessa religião secular massiva atingem seu apogeu. Nosso primeiro objetivo é analisar o paralelismo entre estrelato e religião. Para isso, colocaremos os ídolos em uma estrutura teórica e descreveremos as transformações pelas quais as comunidades de fãs digitais estão passando. Nosso segundo objetivo é inter-relacionar o fenômeno transmídia do álbum mal querido de Rosalía com a noção de "hiperculturalidade" proposta por Byung-Chul Han. Vamos expor como o universo conceitual gerado pela artista catalã reflete as transformações que as identidades assistem no mundo globalizado , cultura hiperconectada e digital. O artigo conclui desenvolvendo a ideia do estrelato como mitologia moderna e a importância da tecnologia digital interativa na transformação do público online. Da mesma forma, a difusão global e intergeracional da obra de Rosalía é sintomática do modelo não fundamentalista da cultura globalizada, bem como da proeminência do tradicional, do consumo do estético-cultural e do papel ativo do público na configuração do contemporâneo. identidade cultural

    Testing field adaptation strategies for delaying grape ripening and improving wine composition in a cv. Macabeo Mediterranean vineyard

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    Under semiarid and warm climates, field practices for climate change adaptation have to be defined in order to modulate grape composition according to the desired wine styles. Under this context, the present study investigated several viticulture practices in cv. Macabeo for Cava production. The experiment was carried out over 3 years in a commercial vineyard located in the province of Valencia (eastern Spain). The techniques tested were (i) vine shading, (ii) double pruning (bud forcing), and (iii) the combined application of soil organic mulching and shading, all of them tested against a control. Double pruning significantly modified phenology and grape composition, improving the wine alcohol-to-acidity ratio and reducing the pH. Similar results were also achieved by shading. However, the shading strategy did not significantly affect yield, unlike double pruning, which reduced vine yield even in the year following its application. Shading alone or in combination with mulching significantly improved the vine water status, suggesting that these techniques can also be used to alleviate water stress. Particularly, we found that the effect of soil organic mulching and canopy shading on stem water potential was additive. Indeed, all the techniques tested were useful for improving wine composition for cava production, but double pruning is only recommended for premium Cava production

    Efectos del acolchado orgánico del suelo y la fertilización mineral en la variedad Bobal bajo secano y riego: relaciones hídricas, rendimiento y composición de la uva

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    La sostenibilidad y tipicidad de la viticultura depende del cultivo de variedades locales y de las prácticas agrícolas empleadas. En este sentido, este estudio busca evaluar la eficacia de diferentes técnicas de manejo de los recursos: agua, suelo y abonado, en un viñedo de Bobal sobre 110-R ubicado en Requena (Valencia). Se estudió durante dos campañas la respuesta agronómica frente a dos tipos de i) gestión del suelo: laboreo y acolchado a base de restos de poda triturados, y de ii) la aplicación o no de fertilización inorgánica suplementaria a la orgánica; en todos los casos bajo condiciones de secano y de riego por goteo. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que el acolchado afectó positivamente al estado hídrico de las cepas en ambos regímenes hídricos y tendió a incrementar el peso medio del racimo, sin llegar a afectar significativamente la producción. La aplicación suplementaria de una fertilización mineral no provocó ningún efecto sobre la producción y sus componentes, ni sobre la composición de la uva. Sin embargo, el contenido en sólidos solubles totales del mosto y la concentración de compuestos fenólicos se redujo por efecto del acolchado orgánico, seguramente debido a los efectos de dicho manejo del suelo sobre el estado hídrico de las cepas. Estos ensayos siguen actualmente en curso para cuantificar los efectos más a largo plazos tanto sobre la respuesta agronómica sobre las características edáficas del viñedo

    Influence of water regime on grape aromatic composition of Muscat of Alexandria in a semiarid climate

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    Irrigation effects in relation to the environmental conditions on grape aromas are still unknown. This study aims to clarify the effects of water regime on the aromatic composition of “Muscat of Alexandria” grapes under the semiarid climate conditions of eastern Spain and over three seasons. The relationships between total volatile composition in free and glycosidically-bound fractions, vine performance, and grape composition were also assessed. The watering treatments studied were: sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) at 50% of the estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc); early deficit (EDI), where pre-veraison water deficit was imposed; late deficit (LDI), in which a water shortage was applied during post-veraison; and control (C), irrigated at 100% of ETc during the entire season. The effects of water regimes on volatile and glycosidically-bound composition were different between seasons due to the predominant effect of the environmental conditions on aromatic composition. The seasons with the greater yield were associated to a lower grape aromatic composition, however, this effect at the crop level was less pronounced in the most irrigated treatment. In drier seasons, irrigation delayed ripening and increased the terpene concentration of “Muscat of Alexandria” grapes, showing a high treatment and season interaction. Specific water regimes have the potential to buffer the effects of environmental conditions on the aromatic composition of “Muscat of Alexandria” grapes in a semi-arid climate, as the result of the complex relationships between climatic factors, vine performance and grape maturity

    Interactive effects of warming and water deficit on Shiraz vine transpiration

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    Anticipating vineyard irrigation requirements in future climates is of strategic importance to maintain sustainability and wine regional identity. In the context of worldwide warming and climate-driven shifts in amount and seasonality of rainfall, we investigate the interactive effects of warming and water deficit on vine transpiration. Transpiration of Shiraz vines was measured with thermal dissipation sap flow probes in a factorial experiment combining two thermal (heated with open-top chambers and control at ambient temperature) and two water regimes (wet and dry). Increased vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and canopy size in heated vines led to higher transpiration rates in irrigated vines during the first season. However, faster depletion of soil water by highly transpiring vines, followed by insufficient soil water replenishment by rain and irrigation, resulted in a negative feedback on vine transpiration the following season when heated vines were more water stressed than controls. The effect of warming was thus reversed the second season, with higher transpiration under ambient temperature. Therefore, dry soil, we suggest, could over-ride the effect of warming on the other variables driving transpiration (VPD, canopy size, and possibly stomatal conductance). Water scheduling will need to incorporate increased water demand under elevated temperature to maintain grapevine production in the long term

    Efecto de la inclinación de la espaldera en la eficiencia del consumo de agua en la vid

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    En viñedos en espaldera y con orientación de las filas norte-sur se puede modificar la pauta diaria de radiación interceptada por las cepas inclinando la espaldera con respecto a la vertical y reducir así la radiación interceptada durante las primeras horas de la tarde (cuando la demanda evaporativa es mayor) e incrementar así la eficiencia en el uso del agua. En este trabajo se trató de corroborar dicha hipótesis comparando el consumo de agua y la respuesta agronómica de plantas de vid cv. Bobal plantada en maceta con espaldera vertical (Control) o inclinadas hacia el oeste. Se llevaron a cabo medidas de crecimiento vegetativo (madera de poda), producción y calidad de uva. Los resultados muestran que la espaldera inclinada al oeste presentó un consumo de agua ligeramente inferior al control durante la tarde, aunque por las mañanas la pauta era inversa. A nivel diario no se encontraron diferencias en el consumo de agua entre ambas disposiciones de la cubierta vegetal. En cuanto a la calidad de la uva, el efecto de la inclinación de la espaldera fue diferente en los dos años de estudio y por lo tanto no pueden derivarse conclusiones sólidas al respecto. En resumen, la espaldera con inclinación hacia el oeste no permite reducir el consumo de agua de la vid. Se requieren más años de estudio para dilucidar la conveniencia agronómica de la inclinación de la espaldera hacia el oeste en viñedos con orientación de las filas norte-sur

    Effect of delaying winter pruning of Bobal and Tempranillo grapevines on vine performance, grape and wine composition

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    Background and Aims: Climate change is advancing grapevine phenology, decoupling berry technological and phenolic maturity. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of late winter pruning for delaying grape ripening. Methods and Results: In two Bobal and Tempranillo vineyards located in eastern Spain, vines pruned at dormancy were compared with a delayed winter pruning (late pruning) carried out just before the basal buds burst (BBCH 05). In both cultivars, late pruning delayed grape ripening, resulting in grapes with higher anthocyanin concentration for similar TSS at harvest. In general, the resulting wines had a higher colour intensity and lower hue angle. These effects were more noticeable in Tempranillo, an earlier ripening cultivar, than in Bobal. Despite late pruning improving vine water status, the yield was steadily reduced by 10%. Conclusions: Late pruning is a useful strategy for delaying grape ripening, thus adapting grapevine production to climate change. The small detrimental effects on yield and compression of pruning dates within a few days may limit the application of this practice. Significance of the Study: Delaying winter pruning can be used to improve grape and wine composition when facing changes in the meteorological conditions experienced during berry ripening

    Ecophysiological responses of grapevine rootstocks to water deficit

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    The use of rootstocks tolerant to soil water deficit is an interesting strategy to face the challenges posed by limited water availability. Currently, several nurseries are breeding new genotypes aiming to improve the water stress tolerance of grapevine, but the physiological basis of its responses under water stress are largely unknown. For this purpose, an ecophysiological assessment of the conventional 110-Richter (110R) and SO4, and the new M1 and M4 rootstocks was carried out in ungrafted potted plants. During one season, these Vitis genotypes were grown under greenhouse conditions and subjected to two water regimes, well-watered (WW) and deficit irrigation (DI). Water potentials of plants under DI down to <-1.4 MPa, and net photosynthesis (AN) <5 μmol CO2m-2s-1 did not cause leaf oxidative stress damage compared to WW conditions in all genotypes. The antioxidant capacity was sufficient to neutralize the mild oxidative stress suffered. Under both water regimes, gravimetric differences in daily water use were observed among genotypes, leading to differences in the biomass of roots and shoots. Under WW conditions, SO4 and 110R were the most vigorous and M1 and M4 the least. However, under DI, SO4 exhibited the greatest reduction in biomass, while 110R showed the lowest. Remarkably, under these conditions, SO4 reached the least negative stem water potential and showed the highest hydraulic conductance values. Conversely, M1 reduced the most stomatal conductance, transpiration and AN. Overall, 110R achieved the highest biomass water use efficiency in response to DI, and SO4 the lowest, while M-rootstocks showed intermediate values. Our results suggest that there are differences in water use regulation among genotypes attributed not only to differences in stomatal regulation but also to plant hydraulic conductance. Therefore, it is hypothesized that differences in genotype performance may be due to root anatomical- morphological differences and to several physiological processes such as growth inhibition, osmotic adjustment, antioxidant production, nutrient translocation capacity, etc. Further studies are needed to confirm these differential ecophysiological responses of Vitis species under water stress, particularly under field and grafted conditions