4,267 research outputs found


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    De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, en promedio tanto las mujeres como los hombres presentan un propósito de vida definido y una resiliencia moderada. Respecto al rendimiento escolar se encontró que el propósito de vida en el grupo de adolescentes con bajo rendimiento tiende hacia la indefinición; mientras que los participantes con alto rendimiento escolar muestran un propósito de vida definido. En lo concerniente a la resiliencia los participantes con bajo y alto rendimiento escolar presentan una resiliencia moderada. En cuanto a las dimensiones que integran el Cuestionario de Resiliencia, se tuvo un alto índice de factores protectores internos y externos, así como una empatía moderada. En general se puede concluir que existe una clara tendencia por parte de los participantes hacia el propósito de vida y la resiliencia, esta última con mayor acentuación en los factores de protección interna y externa.Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general describir el nivel de propósito de vida y resiliencia en alumnos con alto y bajo rendimiento escolar del nivel medio superior de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Para ello se aplicó la Escala de Propósito de vida (PIL) de Crumbaugh y Maholick (2001) y el Cuestionario de Resiliencia de González Arratia (2010) a 80 estudiantes del nivel medio superior; 40 de ellos con alto rendimiento escolar y 40 con bajo rendimiento escolarUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Avances en el tratamiento del dolor crónico

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    El dolor crónico es una patología muy prevalente a nivel mundial que se encuentra tratada de manera subóptima en numerosos casos, produciendo un elevado sufrimiento en la población. A pesar de los avances realizados en la caracterización de los mecanismos precisos por los que se desencadena el dolor, el enfoque actual de tratamiento continúa siendo principalmente analgésico. El problema radica en la limitada eficacia de estos tratamientos en muchos pacientes, así como en los severos efectos adversos y la dependencia y tolerancia que generan. En este trabajo, se revisa el abordaje del tratamiento del dolor crónico desde un punto de vista multidimensional, teniendo en cuenta las terapias clásicas analgésicas y su relación con otro tipo de patologías a nivel psicológico (como la depresión), así como los avances en la identificación de sus mecanismos que han permitido descubrir nuevas dianas farmacológicas y, por tanto, la aparición de fármacos con mayor selectividad y eficacia. Además, se analiza también el papel del amplio e innovador campo de la terapia génica orientado al alivio del dolor crónico, que está aportando resultados prometedores

    Evaluación de varias fuentes nitrogenadas y una fuente de magnesio empleadas como refuerzo en la producción de maiz (Zea mays L.) en las condiciones agroclimaticas del distrito de Santa Marta

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    La presente investigación se planteó con el fin de observar el comportamiento del hibrido de maíz FunK’s G 5423 a diferentes mezclas de fertilizantes nitrogenados, Kieserita como fuente de magnesio y el fertilizante 15-4-23-4. Las dosis de fuentes nitrogenadas fueron iguales en donde se usaban (tratamientos 1 al tratamiento 9) y kieserita se utilizó en dosis iguales (en los tratamiento 5 al tratamiento 8). El diseño estadístico utilizado en esta investigación fue el de bloques al azar, el cual consistió en 10 tratamientos y 4 replicaciones incluyendo testigo absoluto y comercial cada parcela tuvo 3.2m de largo y 3.2m de ancho, para un área total por parcela 10.24m, el área total utilizada en parcelas fue de 409.60 m y el área total utilizada en el campo fue de 647.8m. Y estadísticamente se encontró que solo hubo diferencia para peso de mazorca, altura de la planta en metros y producción de grano seco/hectárea. El mejor tratamiento desde el punto de vista de producción fue el 6; pero desde el punto de vista de rentabilidad fue el 1

    Long-term prevention of renal insufficiency, excess matrix gene expression, and glomerular mesangial matrix expansion by treatment with monoclonal antitransforming growth factor-ß antibody in \u3ci\u3edb/db\u3c/i\u3e diabetic mice

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    Emerging evidence suggests that transforming growth factor-(TGF-β) is an important mediator of diabetic nephropathy. We showed previously that short-term treatment with a neutralizing monoclonal anti-TGF-antibody (αT) in streptozotocin-diabetic mice prevents early changes of renal hypertrophy and increased matrix mRNA. To establish that overactivity of the renal TGF-system mediates the functional and structural changes of the more advanced stages of nephropathy, we tested whether chronic administration of αT prevents renal insufficiency and glomerulosclerosis in the db/db mouse, model of type 2 diabetes that develops overt nephropathy. Diabetic db/db mice and nondiabetic db/m littermates were treated intraperitoneally with α or control IgG, 300 µg three times per week for 8 wk. Treatment with αT, but not with IgG, significantly decreased the plasma TGF-β1 concentration without decreasing the plasma glucose concentration. The IgG-treated db/db mice developed albuminuria, renal insufficiency, and glomerular mesangial matrix expansion associated with increased renal mRNAs encoding α 1(IV) collagen and fibronectin. On the other hand, treatment with α completely prevented the increase in plasma creatinine concentration, the decrease in urinary creatinine clearance, and the expansion of mesangial matrix in db/db mice. The increase in renal matrix mRNAs was substantially attenuated, but the excretion of urinary albumin factored for creatinine clearance was not significantly affected by α treatment. We conclude that chronic inhibition of the biologic actions of TGF-with neutralizing monoclonal antibody in db/db mice prevents the glomerulosclerosis and renal insufficiency resulting from type diabetes

    Geriatric assessment in hematology scale predicts treatment tolerability in older patients diagnosed with hematological malignancies: The RETROGAH study

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    Chemotherapy; Geriatric assessment; ToxicityQuimioterapia; Evaluación geriátrica; ToxicidadQuimioteràpia; Avaluació geriàtrica; ToxicitatIntroduction The GAH (Geriatric Assessment in Hematology) scale is a psychometrically valid tool aimed at identifying older patients with hematological malignancies at higher risk of treatment-related toxicity. Our objective in this study was to determine the weights for each dimension of the GAH scale and the cut-off point to reliably predict treatment tolerability in this population, estimated by a weighted receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and quantified by the area under the curve (AUC). Material and Methods The RETROGAH was a retrospective cohort study including 126 patients who had previously participated in the GAH study. Patients were ≥ 65 years old with newly diagnosed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/acute myeloid leukemia (AML), multiple myeloma (MM), or chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) and treated with standard front-line therapy within three months after having completed the GAH scale. Results The optimal cut-off value of the GAH total score to discriminate patients at higher risk of treatment toxicity was 42, with 68.5% sensitivity and 55.8% specificity. Using this value, 66.1% of patients evaluated were found to develop some type of toxicity. The AUC was 0.6259 (95% CI: 0.512–0.739; p = 0.035). Discussion The GAH scale not only would enable clinicians to individualize therapy based on individual risk of toxicity but also discriminate patients that will benefit most from intensive treatments from those requiring an adapted approach. While futures studies in clinical practice may improve the model and overcome its limitations, the GAH scale should not be used alone when making treatment decisions.This study was supported by Celgene España S.L

    Optimum quantum dot size for highly efficient fluorescence bioimaging

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    Semiconductor quantum dots of few nanometers have demonstrated a great potential for bioimaging. The size determines the emitted color, but it is also expected to play an important role in the image brightness. In this work, the size dependence of the fluorescence quantum yield of the highly thermal sensitive CdTe quantum dots has been systematically investigated by thermal lens spectroscopy. It has been found that an optimum quantum yield is reached for 3.8-nm quantum dots. The presence of this optimum size has been corroborated in both one-photon excited fluorescence experiments and two-photon fluorescence microscopy of dot-incubated cancer cells. Combination of quantum yield and fluorescence decay time measurements supports that the existence of this optimum size emerges from the interplay between the frequency-dependent radiative emission rate and the size-dependent coupling strength between bulk excitons and surface trapping states

    Clickable albumin nanoparticles for pretargeted drug delivery toward PD-L1 overexpressing tumors in combination immunotherapy

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    We present a simple methodology to design a pretargeted drug delivery system, based on clickable anti-programmed death ligand 1 (anti-PD-L1) antibodies (Abs) and clickable bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanoparticles (NPs). Pretargeted drug delivery is based on the decoupling of a targeting moiety and a drug-delivering vector which can then react in vivo after separate injections. This may be key to achieve active targeting of drug-delivering NPs toward cancerous tissue. In pretargeted approaches, drug-delivering NPs were observed to accumulate in a higher amount in the targeted tissue due to shielding-related enhanced blood circulation and size-related enhanced tissue penetration. In this work, BSA NPs were produced using the solvent precipitation methodology that renders colloidally stable NPs, which were subsequently functionalized with a clickable moiety based on chlorosydnone (Cl-Syd). Those reactive groups are able to specifically react with dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO) groups in a click-type fashion, reaching second-order reaction rate constants as high as 1.9 M-1·s-1, which makes this reaction highly suitable for in vivo applications. The presence of reactive Cl-Syd was demonstrated by reacting the functionalized NPs with a DBCO-modified sulfo-cyanine-5 dye. With this reaction, it was possible to infer the number of reactive moieties per NPs. Finally, and with the aim of demonstrating the suitability of this system to be used in pretargeted strategies, functionalized fluorescent NPs were used to label H358 cells with a clickable anti-PD-L1 Ab, applying the reaction between Cl-Syd and DBCO as corresponding clickable groups. The results of these experiments demonstrate the bio-orthogonality of the system to perform the reaction in vitro, in a period as short as 15 mi

    Effects of high glucose and TGF-β1 on the expression of collagen IV and vascular endothelial growth factor in mouse podocytes

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    Effects of high glucose and TGF-β1 on the expression of collagen IV and vascular endothelial growth factor in mouse podocytes.BackgroundThe podocyte takes center stage in the pathogenesis of glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening and proteinuria in diabetic glomerulopathy. In part, GBM thickening may occur when the podocyte synthesizes increased amounts of collagen IV. Proteinuria may develop if the podocyte secretes excessive amounts of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which may increase the glomerular permeability to macromolecules. The augmented production of collagen IV and VEGF may be caused by metabolic mediators of diabetes such as hyperglycemia and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β).MethodsThe effects of high glucose and exogenous TGF-β1 were examined on a mouse podocyte cell line that retains its differentiated phenotype. The gene expression and protein production of certain alpha chains of collagen IV, the major isoforms of VEGF, and components of the TGF-β system were assayed. An inhibitor of TGF-β signaling was used to determine whether some of the high glucose effects might be mediated by the TGF-β system.ResultsCompared with normal glucose (5.5 mmol/L), high glucose (HG, 25 mmol/L) for 14 days stimulated [3H]-proline incorporation, a measure of collagen production, by 1.8-fold, and exogenous TGF-β1 (2 ng/mL) for 24 hours stimulated proline incorporation by 2.4-fold. Northern analysis showed that exposure to HG for 14 days increased the mRNA level of α1(IV) collagen by 51% and α5(IV) by 90%, whereas treatment with TGF-β1 (2 ng/mL) for 24 hours decreased the mRNA level of α1(IV) by 36% and α5(IV) by 40%. Consistent with these effects on mRNA expression, Western blotting showed that HG increased α1(IV) protein by 44% and α5(IV) by 28%, while TGF-β1 decreased α1(IV) protein by 29% and α5(IV) by 7%. In contrast to their opposing actions on α1 and α5(IV), both HG and exogenous TGF-β1 increased α3(IV) collagen and VEGF, with TGF-β1 having the greater effect. An inhibitor of the TGF-β type I receptor (ALK5) was able to prevent the stimulation of α3(IV) and VEGF proteins by HG. Unlike in other renal cell types, HG did not increase TGF-β1 mRNA or protein in the podocyte, but HG did induce the expression of the ligand-binding TGF-β type II receptor (TβRII). Because HG had up-regulated TβRII after two weeks, the addition of physiological-dose TGF-β1 (0.010 ng/mL) for 24 hours stimulated the production of α3(IV) and VEGF proteins to a greater extent in high than in normal glucose. Up-regulation of TβRII in the podocyte was corroborated by immunohistochemistry of the kidney cortex in the db/db mouse, a model of type 2 diabetes.ConclusionsHigh glucose and exogenous TGF-β1 exert disparate effects on the expression of α1 and α5(IV) collagen. However, high glucose and TGF-β1 coordinately induce the production of α3(IV) collagen and VEGF in the podocyte. The HG-induced increases in α3(IV) collagen and VEGF proteins are mediated by the TGF-β system. By increasing the expression of TβRII, high glucose may augment the response of the podocyte to ambient levels of TGF-β1

    Adjustable near-infrared fluorescence lifetime emission of biocompatible rare-earth-doped nanoparticles for in vivo multiplexing

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    Rare-earth-doped inorganic nanocrystals are an important class of nanoparticles for bioimaging applications due to the facility of providing them with tailored emissions in the visible and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Recently it has become of interest to engineer the dopant composition of these materials in order to enable multiplexed lifetime imaging for autofluorescence-free in vivo bioimaging. Herein we report a simple approach to obtain different fluorescence lifetimes for the Yb3+emission (2F5/2 → 2F7/2) in Nd3+, Yb3+, Tm3+ co-doped NaGdF4 nanoparticles by only changing their crystal size while keeping their hydrodynamic diameter constant. This allowed straightforward transformation of infrared images in the time domain into lifetime maps. The particles were then deployed as in vivo contrast agents for near-infrared imaging in a mouse demonstrating their multiplexing capabilityThis work was financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovación under projects PID2019-106211RB-I00 and PID2020-118878RB-I00, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00565), by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) S2017/ BMD3867 RENIM-CM grant and co-financed by the European structural and investment fund. Additional funding was provided by the European Union Horizon 2020 FETOpen project NanoTBTech (801305), the CAM young investigator project SI3/PJI/2021-00211 the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal project IMP21_A4 (2021/0427), and also by COST action CA17140. R. M. acknowledges the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 797945 (LANTERNS). J.Y. acknowledges the support from the China Scholarship Council (CSC File No.201704910867

    2018 consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of unknown primary

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    Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is defned as a heterogeneous group of tumours that present with metastasis, and in which attempts to identify the original site have failed. They difer from other primary tumours in their biological features and how they spread, which means that they can be considered a separate entity. There are several hypotheses regarding their origin, but the most plausible explanation for their aggressiveness and chemoresistance seems to involve chromosomal instability. Depending on the type of study done, CUP can account for 2–9% of all cancer patients, mostly 60–75 years old. This article reviews the main clinical, pathological, and molecular studies conducted to analyse and determine the origin of CUP.The main strategies for patient management and treatment, by both clinicians and pathologists, are also addressed.The authors are grateful for the editorial assistance of Dr. Fernando Sánchez-Barbero of HealthCo (Madrid, Spain) in the production of this manuscript. SEOM and SEAP are grateful for the fnancial support for this project in the form of unrestricted grants from Ferrer Diagnostic, OncoDNA and Foundation Medicine/Roche