517 research outputs found

    The Regional Dimension of Romania's Participation to the Anti-Missile Defense System

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    The current security environment is characterized by a high degree of instability andunpredictability, through the manifestation of new risks and threats, especially those with asymmetricalnature, by redefining the relations between the great powers, and increasing freedom of action of theregional actors (state and non-state). At the international level, the end of the Cold War has led to afragmentation of efforts in the security field, with direct implications on the need for further efforts ofthe international community coordination. In this era of profound change and transformation it is notpossible the adoption of an isolationist policy of security, but only in a broader context ofinterdependencies and relationships between general trends, threats or challenges specific to a particulararea or geographic areas. Swift operationalization of the anti-missile system will strengthen the nationalsecurity both directly, through the protection it provides for the entire national territory, and indirectly,as the system will have a deterrent important role, able to mitigate risks of possible attacks by ballisticmissiles. The role of deterrence will remove the risk of attack against any Allied territory on which, byvirtue of membership in NATO and obligations involved according to article 5 of the WashingtonTreaty, Romania has also responsibilities

    Joint Security Concepts - Similarities and Differences

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    Studying the concepts of war and peace has played an important role in defining the development of social sciences throughout history. Although the study of these concepts can beobserved in time ever since the ancient Greek philosophy, the emergence of international relations, as a distinct discipline, has occurred in the early twentieth century, as a result of the attempts to explain the outbreak of the First World War and to avoid its repetitiveness. As one of the most important concepts used in international relations, the security is one of the most discussed and disputed

    The Europeanization of Conflicts - A Possible Solution in the Transnistrian Crisis

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    The European Union tries to promote the democracy in order to achieve a security zonethat would exceed the European space. In order to achieve this objective, the EU uses two main tools:Europeanization and European integration process. The term “Europeanization” is not a common one,and contains numerous ambiguities. Europeanization’s interpretation is an interactive process,initiated and shaped by the countries involved in the process of European integration. However, thedynamics of Europeanization of EU borders is different. EU proposes that through the EuropeanNeighboring Policy and the Adopted Action Plan it would become more involved in solving theconflict in Transnistria. It is to be seen which are going to be the specific effects of its actions in thisregion

    The Globalisation in the Security Space

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    As objective, we propose to show ways in which the globalization affects/jeopardizes the security space. We will also give an answer to the question on how to anticipate and keep under control certain undesirable events, which in a specified time, would represent a potential threat to national or international security. About globalization, as a contemporary phenomenon, it has been written and talked a lot because under the current security environment there are more conspicuous the manifestations of some factors that influence it. Within just two decades, “world order” has undergone considerable changes. We know who are those who win from globalization and those who lose because globalization? The gain could be that by extending this process, the barriers and limitations of rights of movement between countries and continents disappear. Losses due to globalization: massive increases in serious diseases, lack of controls between countries and continents have caused the high level of international crime; the existence of global terrorism risk; vulnerability of security environment. Therefore we consider that we need focus on how the new challenges arising from globalization tend to crystallize in the international security environment in general and in Romania in particular

    Reflections on the end of Cold War

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    The objective of our research is to point out some aspects of the context and the main causes that led to the reconfiguration of Europe after the fall of communism on this continent. Nowadays, Europe as a whole coincides approximately with the geographical Europe. There was never one Europe: since always, there has been and there is today more Europe, between them the border lines have varied widely. Our intention is to present some approaches from some well-known historians, marking the context of historical evolution of a European space which included major players in the conflict generated by the Cold War. The results of our research are focused on the last part of the paper. These findings highlight that the Soviets have shown more skills, and that they have won in some places, often in situations of incredible inferiority compared to the free world that did not know or did not want to exploit the advantages. Finally we conclude that the history of this continent, although the smallest of all, interests history in its universal resorts, as it has had the impact trully decisive on other continents, either by implantation which gave rise to new "Europe" either by requiring other nations through which the domination was exercised, its structures and ways of thinking and organizing economic policy

    The Danube, the Leading Actor of European Identity

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    The regional policy is a strategic investment policy, which aims at stimulating the economic growth of all EU regions and cities and to improve quality of life. It is also an expression of solidarity, as it focuses on helping the less developed regions. The Regional policy aimed at EU regions and cities, stimulating the economic growth and improving the quality of life through strategic investments. It is also an active form of solidarity, which targets to support the less developed regions. Regional policy benefits from the biggest part of the EU budget for 2014-2020 (351.8 billion Euros out of a total of 1082 billion) and is therefore the main investment instrument of the Union. With an area of about 800,000 km (occupying one fifth of the EU's area) and with a population of over 100 million, the Danube Region is vital for Europe. Danube basin has a number of advantages that can enable the development of its rapid geographical position (opening to the east); cultural, ethnic and natural; sources of renewable energy (hydro, biomass, wind and thermal); benefits related to the environment (flora and fauna, water resources, Delta)

    The U.E. Position towards the Process of Democratization from North Africa

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    “In a functional system of collective security, the security issue is not just a concern of the national state, which must be solved by arms and other elements of national power. The security is a concern of all States, who will take care for others’ security as their own.” All for one and one for all” is the motto of the collective security.&rdquo

    Alternative Organizations by which Russia is Trying to Impose on the International Stage

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    Security or insecurity dominates the current context of international relations. It is a situation generated by the collapse of the Eastern European communist bloc and the USSR in the late 80s and early 90s, or the resistance impact to the New World Order fueled by the negative phenomena of globalization. One of the concerns of any policymakers is to know well the power relations at global and regional levels, as from their substance they will know which are the margins of action, towards one direction or another. Therefore, it will always seek to find out who is stronger and who could take domination on the scenes of international politics. Therefore, we will briefly review the factors that make the countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa unable to defeat the global dominance of the US and its major allies, only to budge it a little. Vladimir Putin has created two organizations competing to G7 and NATO. Two summits were held in Ufa, Russian Federation: the Summit of the Organization of Shanghai Cooperation (comprised of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) and the group BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). At the summit the organization was invited Belarus president, Alexander Lukashenko, as the leader of a country member in the Eurasian Economic Union countries. The Kremlin is trying to play the leading role in these organizations, but according to the International experts, such attempts did not succeed because Moscow cannot go beyond the shadow of Beijing's de facto leader of both structures

    European Security Environment in the Context of Globalization

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    The most important consequence of the Cold War was that "it leaped the pressure cookerlid of the planet." There were issued, thus the determining energies in the globalization accelerationand its assertion as the current main feature of the international system. Cold War demonstrated,firstly, the rule of the West in its ideological confrontation with communism. Although the massivemilitary expenditures of NATO countries had their importance in deterring a possible Sovietaggression, which brought to its knees "The Evil Empire"; it was the antithesis between communistdemagogy and the political, social and economic performance from the West. Constantly under thethreat of a nuclear Armageddon, the Cold War "was a global, systemic, long-term conflict, betweentwo power blocks sustained by incompatible ideologies. It was a global war, accompanied by warsaround by the inference of the entire world. It was a "one-dimensional" confrontation, well organized,guided by the written and unwritten principles, accepted by the main opponents and by their allies.The fact that the international system in the years after 1989 was dominated by the U.S. military wasa good thing, its effect being the reduction of chances that, in a period of profound changes, a warbetween great powers would take place. Post-Cold War period, although it was registered a number ofwars, especially civil ones, cannot be said in any case that it was characterized by a major risk of awar between great powers
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