3 research outputs found


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    The interest in the European Union work permit quotas arises largely as a result of globalization and digitalization, while the European Union member states produce more labor services than materials, followed by deviations in labor policies. The main aim of the article is to analyze the work permit policies implemented by the EU and its member states to manage the legal employment of migrant workers, focusing on the existing programs during the last two years. The subject of the study is the outcome of work permit legislation and quotas for third country economic relations with the European Union. The methodology of the research includes the method of descriptive and explanatory study of legal issues of EU work permit quotas, followed by statistical analysis with legal review of the data on the subject. The study is based on the analysis of documents (founding acts, directives, regulations, decrees, etc.) of the EU countries and is focused on the research of the scope of their domestic decisions. As a result, the paper raises and analyzes many important issues of the European Union's work permit quota regulations in times of socio-economic imbalance. The first section of the paper provides an analysis of the legal background of labor migration policy at the EU level. The second section deals with the political and legal work permit measures (quotas) defined by the member states to secure their national economy. The second section is dedicated to the statistical survey of the EU work permit policy in the context of the employment of migrant workers of Ukrainian origin. The hypothesis of the paper is that labor migration is a social phenomenon with a long historical background, while the work permit quota is an annual governmental mechanism established in relevant normative acts of the states. Practical implications are as follows: the conclusions and methodological approaches to legal work permit model, obtained as a result of the study, is considered a tool for national security management of multiplicative risk factors, and is applicable to condense misleading in labor policies of EU member states and in third countries. The value/originality of the paper is revealed by the use of behavioral and economic analysis (in the context of humanitarian crisis in Ukraine). The paper modifies the current situation on execution of regulatory acts within the framework of EU work permit quotas as currently improving measures

    Problems and conflicts related to measures to ensure the right to a fair trial in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

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    Notwithstanding the law governing the dispute, everyone has the right to a fair and impartial trial, as stated in the first paragraph of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This provision emphasises an impartial trial within a reasonable time without taking into account the civil, administrative, criminal nature of the case. Because the court`s decision is announced publicly, the press and the public may not be allowed into the courtroom in order not to harm the interests of justice. This process is implemented in the interests of a democratic society, namely public order, national security and morality. The purpose of the article is an analysis of problems and conflicts in the field of criminal and constitutional law related to measures to ensure the right to a fair trial in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights, including the analyses of the cases in the ECtHR related to Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the consideration of the problems faced by the two sides of the lawsuit. The main research methods are analysis and synthesis, comparative and formal legal methods, using of which ensured an analysis of the legal framework of national and international law, doctrinal approaches and practise of the ECtHR in the context of the problems, conflicts and counteractions encountered in ensuring the right to a fair trial. The conclusions point to conflicts in such cases, and provide theoretical advice on how to improve them

    Zasady powrotu migrant贸w zarobkowych na Ukrain臋: mi臋dzynarodowe do艣wiadczenie i krajowe ograniczenia

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    The current situation on the Ukrainian labour market is not only characterised by a high rate of unemployment, but also by low鈥憌age jobs with relatively severe requirements from potential employers. The intensive labour migration from Ukraine is forced by factors such as lower standards of living when compared to the standards in neighbouring countries, the flexibility of changing the place of living and working, and the military crisis in the eastern parts of Ukraine, among others. The article is devoted to the policy on the return of labour migrants to Ukraine. The issues of the increasing number of asylum seekers arriving from Ukraine to other European countries from 2008 to 2017, and the analysis of the main migration trends and legal norms relevant to the migration issues have revealed the mismatch in directions of labour migration flows from Ukraine and boundary crossings by other migrants. By means of analysing the interaction between the rate of human development and the efficiency of migrant integration policies, the authors have proposed several strategic tools to ease the return of the labour force to Ukraine, including the cessation of military actions, raising the level of economic progress, fighting corruption, expanding opportunities for small and medium鈥憇ized businesses, and solving environmental problems.Wsp贸艂czesny rynek pracy na Ukrainie charakteryzuje si臋 nie tylko wysokim poziomem bezrobocia, ale i stosunkowo niewysokim wynagrodzeniem przy rygorystycznych wymaganiach ze strony potencjalnych pracodawc贸w. Powoduje to intensywn膮 zarobkow膮 migracj臋 z Ukrainy, uwarunkowan膮: ni偶szym poziomem 偶ycia na tle pa艅stw s膮siednich; elastyczno艣ci膮 zmiany miejsca zamieszkania i pracy; kryzysem militarnym we wschodniej cz臋艣ci Ukrainy itp. Artyku艂 po艣wi臋cony jest polityce powrotu migrant贸w zarobkowych na Ukrain臋. Przeprowadzona analiza ilo艣ciowa ubiegaj膮cych si臋 o azyl Ukrai艅c贸w w krajach europejskich od 2008 r. do 2017 r. oraz analiza podstawowych trend贸w migracyjnych i norm prawnych zwi膮zanych z kwestiami migracji, uzasadni艂y niezgodno艣膰 mi臋dzy kierunkami migracji zarobkowej Ukrai艅c贸w i klasycznych migrant贸w. Poprzez analiz臋 wzajemnego inspirowania tempa rozwoju cz艂owieka i skuteczno艣ci polityki integracji migrant贸w, wsp贸艂autorzy zaproponowali kilka strategicznych narz臋dzi u艂atwiaj膮cych powr贸t si艂y roboczej na Ukrain臋, kt贸re obejmuj膮: zaprzestanie dzia艂a艅 wojskowych, podniesienia poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego, zwalczanie korupcji, zwi臋kszanie mo偶liwo艣ci dla ma艂ych i 艣rednich przedsi臋biorstw oraz rozwi膮zywanie problem贸w 艣rodowiskowych