669 research outputs found

    Effect of Biological and Chemical Ripening Agents on the Nutritional and Metal Composition of Banana (Musa spp)

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    The use of potentially toxic ripening agents is common in developing countries. Four ripening agents namely calcium carbide, potash, African mango and jathropha curcas leaf were used and compared with a control with no ripening agent. Result showed that RB1 and RB2 were the first to ripen at 3days with RB5 at 6th day. Protein content reduced in the ripened samples in the order of 4.12>3.68>3.04>2.52>1.99>1.77%. Protein value was lowest when calcium carbide was used. Fat ash and fiber contents range between 0.28-1.72, 0.75-2.75and 0.50-1.75% respectively. The moisture content increased from 65.50 to 74.0%, while carbohydrate content range is 17.49-29.29%. Pb, Cu, Zn and Mn values of 0.22, 0.87, 1.96 and 0.67ppm was highest in calcium carbide ripened banana and lowest in the control 0.09, 0.26, 0.37 and 0.19 ppm.Keywords: Banana; ripening; ripening agents; postharvest losses; metal contaminatio


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    Process technology, chemical composition and sensory quality of "aadun"- a maize based Nigeriansnack were investigated. Process technology was established through oral interview and visitation toprocessors at Abeokuta and Ibadan, while "aadun" samples were evaluated for their chemical compositionand sensory quality using laboratory samples as control. Although ingredient composition variedwidely among processors, roasted maize flour and palm oil constitute about 71 and 27 % of the ingredientsrespectively. Pepper, salt and other spices added up to only 1- 2%. The major unit operationsidentified in "aadun" processing were: cleaning, roasting, milling, sieving, mixing, molding and packaging."Aadun" was found to be very rich in calorie (495.34- 618.84kcal/ 100g), low in protein (4.95-6.08%) and a good source of phosphorus (538.45- 600mg/100g) and magnesium (245.05-255.12mg/100g). Sensory quality of "aadun" is processor dependent as samples differ significantly(p> 0.05) in their colour, aroma, texture and overall acceptability but not in taste. "Aadun" samplesgenerally had low microbial loads with total plate count ranging between 1.2 x103 and 3.3x103cfu/g

    Application of Split Desktop Image Analysis and Kuz-Ram Empirical Model for Evaluation of Blast Fragmentation Efficiency in a Typical Granite Quarry

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    Evaluation of fragmentation efficiency is an integral aspect of blasting operation. This study therefore assesses the efficiency of fragmentation size at Eminent granite quarry, Ibadan, Nigeria using Split Desktop software and Kuz-Ram empirical model. Five muckpiles of blasted rocks with the same blast design were analysed. The muckpile images were captured using smart high precision digital camera and uploaded into computer for Split Desktop analysis. The results of the fragment size distribution obtained from Kuz-Ram vary slightly with that of the Split Desktop but follow similar trend. The average values of F80 and F90 from the Split Desktop image analysis were 90.96 cm and 98.24 cm respectively. The Kuz-Ram model values for F80 and F90 were 88.52 cm and 92.95 cm respectively. The results of the Split Desktop were compared to the results obtained from the Kuz-Ram experiential model. The findings showed that the results obtained from Kuz-Ram empirical model were in conformity with the results from the Split Desktop software based on empirical relationship. Hence, the model is good for preliminary evaluation of blast design.   Keywords: Blasting, Particle Size Distribution, Split Desktop Software, Muckpile, Fragmentation Indicato

    Heat And Mass Transfer Of Magnetohydrodynamic (Mhd) And Dissipative Fluid Flow Past A Moving Vertical Porous Plate With Variable Suction

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    An investigation was carried out on the radiation effect on unsteady heat and mass transfer of MHD and dissipative fluid flow past a moving vertical porous plate with variable suction in the presence of heat generation and chemical reaction. The dimensionless governing equations for this model were solved analytically using perturbation method. The effects of various parameters on the velocity, temperature and concentration fields as well as the Coefficient of skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number were presented graphically and in tabulated forms. Keywords: Chemical reaction, Unsteady, Porous medium, MHD, Radiation, Mass transfer and Heat sourc


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    This research explored the potentials of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon Grass) for biogas production as a cost effective alternative energy source in Nigeria. The Cymbopogon citratus was crushed to small sizes between 20 to 50mm and pre-fermented for 40 days in a PVC drum. Six (6) kg of the pre-fermented Cymbopogon citratus was mixed with water in ratio 1:1 w/v to form slurry and digested for 30 days. The floating drum gas collection system was used to collect the gas after it was passed through water and lime respectively for scrubbing. A total of 0.125m3 (6.95x10-4 m3/kg/day) and 0.0897m3 (4.98x10-4 m3/kg/day) of biogas was produced from the Cymbopogon citratus before and after scrubbing respectively. The gas produced was used for cooking test. The scrubbed gas had higher cooking rates for both water and rice respectively (0.12L/min and 0.0052L/min) while the cooking rates for unscrubbed gas were 0.079L/min and 0.0036L/min respectively. During this period, daily ambient temperatures of the research environment varied from 310C to 420C while the digester temperature fluctuated between 28oC and 36.70C. The pH of the medium fluctuated optimally between 6.5 and 7.8. The research demonstrated that Biogas could be produced from Cymbopogon citratus in quantity and quality comparative with those in literatures

    Assessment of Physico-mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber and Modified Natural Rubber Vulcanizates with Watermelon Rind as Fillers

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    Natural Rubber (NR) has a relatively low tensile modulus and strength, hence the need for reinforcing fillers to increase its tensile strength, hardness and abrasion resistance. In this study, NR was deproteinized, epoxidized and depolymerized. The functional groups of the NR and the modified NR were determined using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Watermelon Rind (WR) was used as fillers to replace Carbon Black (CB) in the compounding process. The shells were collected, dried, milled and sieved to 75 µm mesh size. Powdered WR was carbonized at 250oC for 1.5 hrs to obtain Carbonized Watermelon Rind (CWR). The Uncarbonized Watermelon Rind (UWR) and CWR powder were characterized based on particle size, loss on ignition, volatile matter, moisture and ash content. The UWR and CWR were used to replace CB at 0, 50 and 100% for the NR and modified NR compounding. The physico-mechanical properties of the different vulcanizates were determined for the effect of modification on the NR. The FT-IR result of the NR samples showed the presence of O-H, C-H, C=C stretching with C=H wagging bands used as the fingerprint region of NR. The results of the physico-mechanical properties revealed that an increase in shell content in the NR decreased its tensile strength and elongation but improved the physico-mechanical properties of the modified NR. This study showed that watermelon rind can be a viable alternative source of carbon filler for improved physico-mechanical properties of modified natural rubber

    Comparative study of the macroinvertebrate community composition and water quality of Ona and Opa rivers, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Macroinvertebrate samples of Ona and Opa rivers were taken fortnightly between April and August, 2013 with the aid of a dip net of 500µm mesh size with the aim of evaluating the macroinvertebrate community composition and the water quality of the rivers. A total of 617 individuals macroinvertebrate belonging to 29 species were collected. Ona River was dominated by Chironomid larvae while Opa River was dominated by Trichoptera species. Margalef’ species richness and Shannon-wiener’s species diversity indices both revealed that Opa River is higher in terms of species richness and diversity. The physico-chemical parameters of the two water bodies showed a slightly marked variation, especially for Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids. Ona River was relatively lower in DO level but showed a higher TDS level than Opa River. The species composition and the water quality both indicated that Ona River is more stressed than Opa River due to greater impacts of anthropogenic activities which brought about the observed organically-induced pollution in the water body


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    A study was conducted to investigate the response of weaner rabbits to graded dietary replacement of wheat offal with dried citrus pulp (DCP) at 0, 10, 20 and 30% (weight/weight) respectively .A total of Sixty-four, male and female weaner rabbits of 56 days old, were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments with sixteen rabbits each and consisting of four rabbits per replicate in a completely ran- domized design. The study lasted for 112 days during which data was obtained on nutrient intake, performance characteristics and carcass yield. The crude protein intake of the rabbits decreased (P<0.05) significantly as the DCP inclusion in the diets increased. There were significant (P<0.01) differences in the values obtained for the final weight, total weight gain, average weight gain, meta- bolic weight gain and growth rate across the treatment groups. The growth rate was 10.29 g/d in the control fed rabbits but further decreased with increasing level of DCP in the diets with values of 11.29, 6.30 and 5.80g/d obtained respectively for rabbit fed with 10%, 20%, and 30% DCP inclusion level. The lowest feed conversion ratio was obtained at the 0% level of DCP inclusion. The retail cut parts indicated a significant (P<0.05) difference in the values for rack and ranged from 11.92 to 18.06g. It was concluded that although, rabbits fed with control diet had the highest overall performance, 10% dietary inclusion of DCP supported improved growth and better carcass yield

    Use of Social Media Platforms for Dissemination of Information and Creating Awareness about Library Resources and Services among Students in Lagos State University, Nigeria

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    Social media platforms are a combination of internet applications that build on the technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Social media platforms offer instant messages which are preferred in the contemporary world by students. The purpose of libraries for using social media platforms enhance sharing of news, market their services, provide instructions for information literacy, provide information about library resources and services and for feedback from the users. Hence this study elucidated the use of social media platforms for the dissemination of information and creating awareness about library resources and services among students in Lagos State University, Nigeria. A survey research design was used for the study. The multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 200 respondents for the study. Data were collected with the use of a structured questionnaire of the respondents. Frequency count, percentage, mean standard deviation, were used to analyse the data. Results review that YouTube = (3.70), WhatsApp = x (3.58), Facebook = (3.15), are the major social media platforms that are available and relevant to academic libraries. Also, shows that Social media provides a platform for lecturers to create chat rooms, forums and groups to expand classroom discussion to post assignments, tests and quizzes = (3.80), social media is useful for getting information = (3.80) and Social media provides Forum for Feedback = (3.74) are the major benefit of social media platform to users. The finding also shows that lack of internet access = (3.57), Network problem = (3.54), Unreliable power supply= (3.50) are the major challenges encountered in the use of social platforms among librarians and library users. In conclusion, social media are communities of people who share interests, activities and provide directions for users to interact. This study recommended that the tertiary institutions should recognise social media platforms that are used among students and librarians for education purposes

    Effect of smoking, drying and the combination of smoking-drying on the nutritional and sensory attributes of catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

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    Poor post harvesting technology such as handling, preservation and processing can lead to an unhealthy situation through massive spoilage and waste. This study assessed the effect of smoking, drying and the combination of smoking-drying on the nutritional and sensory attributes of catfish. Six kilograms of average fresh catfish were washed, eviscerated, drained, and divided into four portions of 1.5 kg each. Sample A served as control (fresh fish), while samples B, C, D were dried, smoked, dried and smoked fish respectively. Samples were analyzed using standard methods. The results of proximate analyses of samples showed that the moisture content ranged from 20.1 to 75.0 %, the protein content from 21.7 to 63.0 %, the fat content from 0.5 to 8.6 %, while the crude fibre ranged from 0.0 to 0.04 %. The total ash ranged from 1.1 to 4.9 %, while Carbohydrate (NFE) ranged from 0.1 to 3.5 %. Significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in the free fatty acids and pH of sample C compared to other samples. The total plate count ranged from 2.4 to 4.3x10-5 CFU/g. The sensory attributes result showed that sample D was the most preferred and acceptable. The study showed that dried-smoked fish had a better quality and was more preferred for consumption than singly dried or smoked catfis
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