27 research outputs found

    Influence of Yeast on Polyphenol Composition of Wine

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    Two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were employed for winemaking of must from red grapes. Twenty-two parameters were determined in the red wines produced. Very significant (p<0.01) differences were observed for colour intensity, total polyphenols, and non-anthocyanic flavonoids. Moreover, significant (p<0.05) differences were observed for colour and monomeric anthocyanins

    Thyrotropin modulates low density lipoprotein binding activity in FRTL-5 thyroid cells.

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    Abstract FRTL-5 cells possess high affinity low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors which bind, internalize, and degrade LDL. When FRTL-5 cells are deprived of thyrotropin (TSH) the binding of LDL increases more than 2-fold. Upon addition of TSH, at a concentration of 1 x 10(-10) M or greater, LDL binding decreases rapidly and within 24 h reaches the level which is typical of FRTL-5 cells chronically stimulated by TSH. The data available suggest that TSH-dependent down-regulation of LDL receptor activity is exerted through a reduction of the number of active LDL receptors, with no change in affinity. It is unlikely that the synthesis of LDL receptors is impaired, since LDL receptor messenger RNA is not decreased by TSH. The effect of the hormone on LDL receptor activity can be mimicked by 8-Br-cAMP and is completely abolished by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide but not by actinomycin D. TSH regulation of LDL receptor activity is lost in v-ras Ki-transformed FRTL-5 cells (Ki Mol) which also have lost TSH dependence for adenylate cyclase activation and growth. However, 8-Br-cAMP decreases LDL binding in Ki Mol FRTL-5 cells. The reduced availability of LDL receptor in TSH-stimulated FRTL-5 cells may be related to the increased membrane fluidity (Beguinot, F., Beguinot, L., Tramontano, D., Duilio, C., Formisano, S., Bifulco, M., Ambesi-Impiombato, F. S., and Aloj, S. M. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 1575-1582) or may reflect increased degradation of LDL receptors. We propose that a lower cholesterol uptake is needed in an actively proliferating cell population, to increase the production of isoprenoids whether it be for cholesterol biosynthesis or for the synthesis of other compounds requiring isoprenoid precursors

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil Phenols induce authophagy and apoptosis in human bladder cancer cell lines depending on tumor progression

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    Epidemiological evidences indicate that there is an inverse association between olive oil intake and bladder cancer risk and several data suggest that a key role to support these beneficial effects is played by its phenolic fraction. Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers in Western countries. In particular, the transitional cell carcinoma histotype shows an aggressive behavior and the current therapies are ineffective. The anti-proliferative effects of an Extra Virgin Olive Oil phenolic Extract (EVOOE) has been investigated on RT112 and J82, two human bladder cancer cell lines employed as models of superficial and invasive bladder cancer, respectively.EVOOE reduces cell viability in both cell lines triggering different processes. In RT112 cells, EVOOE triggers a non-protective autophagic response, evidenced by vacuoles formation and LC-3 lipidation (45%) causing a delay in cell growth (132microg/ml induces 30% reduction). Instead, in J82, the invasive transitional cell carcinoma, EVOOE treatment induces a rapid and remarkable decrease of cell viability (33 microg/ml for 24 h induces 40% reduction) triggering an apoptotic process, evidenced with Annexin V positivity and the increased activity of caspases 3 and 9. EVOOE exerts an antioxidant activity in both cell lines reducing ROS (30% in J82 and 15% in RT112) and increasing GSH level (20% in J82 and 40% in RT112). However, comparing the effects of EVOOE with those of other well-known antioxidants, the absence of correlation between antioxidant effects and reduced cell viability was evidenced. Moreover, using an inhibitor of GSH synthesis, we demonstrated that EVOOE acts independently from GSH modulation.Data presented show that EVOOE possesses pleiotropic activities that intercept different pathways resulting in anti-proliferative effects independently of its antioxidant propert

    A new role of red wine in modulating erythrocytes antioxidant defense

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    Dealcoholated red wine has been shown to exert protective effects, reducing the risk of cardiovascular events by improving endothelium-dependent vasodilation and inhibiting platelet aggregation These biological activities have been associated with the polyphenolic components of red wine, suggesting that the pool of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and anthocyanins, could be responsible for its functional effects. The concept that antioxidant properties of polyphenols could explain the beneficial effects of red wine has been carried forward. Here, we hypothesize a new role of red wine in modulating oxidative stress, leading to the alteration of the antioxidant potential in humans. We previously demonstrated that red wine polyphenols (RWp) protect human erythrocytes from oxidative stress by the activation of an important enzymatic system involved in neutralizing plasma free radicals, namely Plasma Membrane Redox System (PMRS). The present work investigates the underlying mechanism triggered by RWp in the activation of PMRS via the involvement of intracellular GSH. Hence, the increase of GSH intracellular concentration results from the activation of GSH-dependent enzymes, namely glutathione reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, of about 30% and 50% respectively after 2 min of incubation of human erythrocytes in the presence of RWp (73 ug/ml Gallic Acid Equivalents). Changes in GSH pathway induced by RW were associated with a slight but significant increase (about 15%) of ROS (reactive oxygen species) concentration. We conclude that the pro-oxidant effect of RWp promotes an adaptive stress response in human erythrocytes, which improves their antioxidant defense protecting them from oxidative stress

    Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Truth or Dare?

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    A voluminous literature suggests that an increase in consumption of fruit and vegetables is a relatively easy and practical strategy to reduce significantly the incidence of cancer. The beneficial effect is mostly associated with the presence of phytochemicals in the diet. This review focuses on a group of them, namely isothiocyanate, curcumin, genistein, epigallocatechin gallate, lycopene and resveratrol, largely studied as chemopreventive agents and with potential clinical applications. Cellular and animal studies suggest that these molecules induce apoptosis and arrest cell growth by pleiotropic mechanisms. The anticancer efficacy of these compounds may result from their use in monotherapy or in association with chemotherapeutic drugs. This latter approach may represent a new pharmacological strategy against several types of cancers. However, despite the promising results from experimental studies, only a limited number of clinical trials are ongoing to assess the therapeutic efficacy of these molecules. Nevertheless, the preliminary results are promising and raise solid foundations for future investigations

    Carotenoid-Enriched Nanoemulsions and γ-Rays Synergistically Induce Cell Death in a Novel Radioresistant Osteosarcoma Cell Line

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    We previously demonstrated that SAOS human osteosarcoma cells, incubated with carotenoid-enriched nanoemulsions (CEN), activated a nonprotective form of autophagy and delayed cell proliferation. The present work focuses on the biological effects of CEN on a derivative of SAOS cells named SAOS400, recently described for their radiation resistance and higher expression of therapy-induced senescence (TIS) markers. SAOS400 cells, incubated with CEN, activated a “cytostatic” form of autophagy confirmed by cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase and increased expression of autophagic proteins. Treatment of SAOS400 cells with CEN also resulted in decreased expression of the senescence marker p16INK4. However, when SAOS400 cells were γ-irradiated in combination with CEN, the threshold for cell death was reached (>60% after 96 h). We showed that this type of cell death corresponded to ‘cytotoxic’ or ‘lethal’ autophagy and that the combined treatment of CEN plus γ-rays was synergistic, with the combination index < 1. Since CEN contained β-carotene, the pure compound was used in SAOS400 cells at the same concentration present in CEN and up to 10 times higher. However, no radio-sensitizing effect of β-carotene was observed, suggesting that the biological effect of CEN was due to less abundant but more bioactive molecules, or to the synergistic activity of multiple components present in the extracts, confirming the functional pleiotropy of natural extracts enriched in bioactive molecules

    Red Wine Inhibits Aggregation and Increases ATP-diphosphohydrolase (CD39) Activity of Rat Platelets in Vitro

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    Moderate consumption of red wine has been shown to exert a peculiar cardioprotective effect compared with other alcoholic beverages; inhibition of platelet aggregation seems to be one of the mechanisms underlying this beneficial effect. CD39/ATP-diphosphohydrolase is an integral membrane glycoprotein metabolizing ATP and ADP to AMP; in concert with CD73/ecto-5'-nucleotidase, it contributes to extracellular adenosine accumulation. CD39 is considered a key modulator of thrombus formation; it inhibits platelet aggregation by promoting ADP hydrolysis. There is evidence that red wine consumption increases CD39 activity in platelets from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Here we show that two kinds of Aglianico red wines inhibit aggregation and increase ATP--and ADPase activity in rat platelets

    Biochemical and Cellular Characterization of New Radio-Resistant Cell Lines Reveals a Role of Natural Flavonoids to Bypass Senescence

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    Cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, and, among the most frequent cancer types, osteosarcoma accounts for 56% of bone neoplasms observed in children and colorectal cancer for 10.2% of tumors diagnosed in the adult population. A common and frequent hurdle in cancer treatment is the emergence of resistance to chemo- and radiotherapy whose biological causes are largely unknown. In the present work, human osteosarcoma (SAOS) and colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT29) cell lines were γ-irradiated at doses mimicking the sub-lethal irradiation in clinical settings to obtain two radio-resistant cellular sub-populations named SAOS400 and HT500, respectively. Since “therapy-induced senescence” (TIS) is often associated with tumor response to radiotherapy in cancer cells, we measured specific cellular and biochemical markers of senescence in SAOS400 and HT500 cells. In detail, both cell lines were characterized by a higher level of expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p16INK4 and p21CIP1 and increased positivity to SAβ-gal (senescence-associated β-galactosidase) with respect to parental cells. Moreover, the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species in the resistant cells were significantly lower compared to the parental counterparts. Subsequently, we demonstrated that senolytic agents were able to sensitize SAOS400 and HT500 to cell death induced by γ-irradiation. Employing two natural flavonoids, fisetin and quercetin, and a BH3-mimetic, ABT-263/navitoclax, we observed that their association with γ-irradiation significantly reduced the expression of p16INK4, p21CIP1 and synergistically (combination index < 1) increased cell death compared to radiation mono-alone treatments. The present results reinforce the potential role of senolytics as adjuvant agents in cancer therapy

    Nutraceutical properties of wild berry fruits from Southern Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, such as berry fruits, reduces the risk of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutraceutical proprieties of wild and cultivated blackberry (Rubus sp.) and wild elderberry (Sambuca nigra) fruits produced in some regions of Southern Italy, such as Basilicata and Campania. METHODS: Liquid chromatography and HPLC-UV system were used for the identification and quantification of individual health-promoting compounds. RESULTS: A comparative analysis of nutraceutical compounds in berry fruits produced by different regions of South Italy showed a high significant variability inter species (P<0.05), independently on location area, with higher values for wild than cultivated blackberries for the major part of compounds. CONCLUSIONS: In this paper, differences in the health-promoting compounds of berry fruits belonging from different areas of South Italy were reported