6 research outputs found

    Primary Lymphoma of the Central Nervous System. Case Presentation

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    Primary Lymphomas of the Central Nervous System are an uncommon variety of non- Hodgkin extra node which may affect the brain, spinal cord, eyes, meninges and cranial nerves. It is presented a case of a 51-year-old patient who came to the doctor complaining of headache and papilledema caused by an encephalic lesion was corroborated which required surgical treatment. Histological study allowed diagnosing a non-hodking lymphoma of a high malignancy, B cells, positive CD20, with a type of peripheral Burkitt pattern. The patient received immunochemo-therapy and radiotherapy, with a favorable evolution. Because it is an uncommon and aggressive tumor it was decided to present the case

    Signo de la coma en paciente con drepanocitosis

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    Primary Lymphoma of the Central Nervous System. Case Presentation

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    Primary Lymphomas of the Central Nervous System are an uncommon variety of non- Hodgkin extra node which may affect the brain, spinal cord, eyes, meninges and cranial nerves. It is presented a case of a 51-year-old patient who came to the doctor complaining of headache and papilledema caused by an encephalic lesion was corroborated which required surgical treatment. Histological study allowed diagnosing a non-hodking lymphoma of a high malignancy, B cells, positive CD20, with a type of peripheral Burkitt pattern. The patient received immunochemo-therapy and radiotherapy, with a favorable evolution. Because it is an uncommon and aggressive tumor it was decided to present the case

    Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma of eye annexes. Case presentation

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    Lymphomas are malignant diseases that originate in the immune system cells and are predominantly manifested by lymphadenopathy; sometimes the presentation is in extranodal places. The eye and its annexes may be affected by a heterogeneous group of primary lymphomas or, secondarily, by the extension of lymphomas originated in lymph nodes or other extranodal sites. The case of a patient who went to the consultation due to left palpebral ptosis is reported and physical examination showed bilateral involvement, with tumors in the lower right eye bulbar conjunctiva and in the left eye upper bulbar conjunctiva. A small B cell lymphocytic non-Hodgkin lymphoma was diagnosed by conjunctiva biopsy. The patient was considered a stage IIIAE of Ann Arbor and treated with six cycles of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisone, plus the Cuban monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 CIMABior®. The complete response was reached, state in which the disease remains so far

    Manifestaciones oculares en la drepanocitosis Ocular manifestations in drepanocytosis

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    La drepanocitosis es la anemia hemolítica congénita más frecuente en Cuba. Sus manifestaciones clínicas fundamentales aparecen por eventos de oclusión vascular y acortamiento de la vida de los hematíes. En esta enfermedad pueden afectarse todas las estructuras anatómicas del ojo, órgano que ofrece la oportunidad única de observación del proceso vasooclusivo. El signo conjuntival más característico es la aparición de segmentos venulares poscapilares en forma de coma, que se consideran diagnósticos de la enfermedad, aunque no son patognomónicos, porque pueden encontrarse en otras hemopatías. La afectación del segmento anterior se caracteriza por inyección conjuntival, edema de la córnea y precipitados queráticos. Tardíamente hay atrofia y despigmentación del iris. Se ha reportado rubeosis iridiana. En el segmento posterior se ha descrito una gran variedad de lesiones que se producen por vasooclusión y que, en ocasiones, no conducen a la disminución de la visión ni requieren tratamiento específico. La retinopatía proliferativa de la drepanocitosis es más frecuente en enfermos con hemoglobinopatía SC; puede tener regresión espontánea y se diferencia de otras entidades con isquemia retiniana, en que sus lesiones generalmente se localizan hacia la periferia y no afectan la visión central del enfermo.Drepanocytosis is the most common congenital hemolytic anemia in Cuba. The onset of fundamental clinical manifestations is due to vascular occlusion and shortened red cell life. This disease may affect all the anatomical structures of the eye, the organ that may provide the only opportunity for seeing the vasocclusive process. The most characteristic signal is the onset of coma-like postcapillary venular segments that are considered as diagnosis of the disease, although they are not pathognomonic because they may be found in other hemopathies. The effect of the anterior segment is characterized by conjunctival injection, corneal edema and keratic precipitates. Later on, there is iris atrophy and depigmentation. Iris rubeosis has been reported. There have been described a wide variety of lesions caused by vasocclusion in the posterior segment; occasionally, they neither lead to decreased vision nor require specific treatment. Proliferative retinopathy of drepanocytosis is more frequently found in patients with hemoglobinopathy SC; it may have spontaneous regression and is different from other entities with retinal ischemia in that the lesions are generally located toward the periphery and do not affect the central vision of the patient

    Manifestaciones oculares en adultos con drepanocitosis de la provincia Cienfuegos Ocular manifestations of drepanocytemia in adult patients resident in Cienfuegos province

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    Se realizó estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para evaluar las manifestaciones oculares de la drepanocitosis en 64 adultos atendidos en Consulta de Hemoglobinopatías del Hospital Universitario "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima". Los objetivos fueron: evaluar la frecuencia de las alteraciones oftalmológicas, relacionarlas con parámetros clínico-hematológicos y estimar sus consecuencias funcionales. Se realizó examen oftalmológico completo en condiciones basales. Para el análisis de los datos se usaron estadísticos descriptivos, comparaciones de medias y la prueba chi cuadrado. El signo de la coma fue la alteración más frecuente, se asoció con el genotipo SS y con niveles más bajos de hemoglobina. La tortuosidad de los vasos fue el hallazgo más común en la retina en todos los genotipos, mientras que las opacidades del vítreo y los broches negros en figura de sol, mostraron una asociación estadísticamente significativa en algunos casos. Se diagnosticó retinopatía falciforme no proliferativa en la mayoría de los enfermos estudiados y en varios de ellos se demostraron hallazgos de ambos tipos de retinopatías. A pesar de las numerosas lesiones demostradas, la agudeza visual se clasificó como buena en el 94,6 % de los ojos examinados.A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out to assess the ocular manifestations of drepanocytemia in 64 adult patients seen in Hemoglobinopathy of "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" University Hospital. The aims of present paper were: to assess the ophthalmologic alterations frequency related to clinical-hematological parameters and to estimate its functional consequences. A basal total ophthalmologic examination was performed. For data analysis descriptive statistical models, mean comparisons and the Chi² test. The decimal point sign was the more frequent alteration associated with SS genotype and with lower hemoglobin levels. Vessel tortuous was the commonest finding in retina in all genotypes, whereas the vitreous body opacities and the black cupping in sun shape showed a statistically significant association in some cases. A non-proliferative retinopathy was diagnosed in most of study patients and in some of them the findings of both types of retinopathy were showed. Despite the numerous lesions showed, visual acuity was qualified as good in the 94,6% of study eyes