82 research outputs found

    He-Ne Laser Irradiation Encourages reparative processes After cartilage loss in New Zealand rabbits

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    Many therapeutic methods used to encourage reparative processes of cartilage and accelerate their healing such as drugs, magneto-laser and so on. Twenty four adult New Zealand rabbits used in this study. They were divided in to two groups; control and treaded with He –Ne laser. A square skin flap done on the medial aspect of both auricles followed by pealing a square piece of cartilage from the auricle then the flaps sutured .The site of the operation in the rabbits of the treated group were irradiated with He –Ne laser 5mw power for seven days began after the operation directly. 3 rabbits from each group used for collection of specimens for histopathological examination at the 1, 2, 4 & 6 weeks post the operation. Significantly well developed cartilage growth, chondroblasts and chondrocytes invade the area of the operation .High increase in the thickness of connective tissue in the same area contain mainly collagen fibers and lesser amount of elastic fibers. He –Ne laser irradiation raised the mitotic activity of the cartilage cells, activated the reproduction processes in addition to the intra and extra regenerative repai

    Effect of Chlorella vulgaris Alcoholic Extract to Limit the Growth of (Staphylococcus aurous) That Couse Food Poison

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    The present study was planned to investigate and conducted to evaluate the antibacterial activities of the green algae crud extract of Chlorella vulgaris Staphylococcal food poisoning is a common cause of foodborne illness worldwide. The growth phases of algae were determined and the cultures were harvested at the end of logarithmic phase .The cultures of green algae gave 0.2gm/L. The lipid content of C. vulgaris cell was measured and it was 6.3% of dry weight then the fatty acids were analyzed using the high perform liquid chromatography HPLC technique system. The pathogenic bacteria was isolated and identified from different parts of body including swab from skin, expectorant of lung and from sputum of gum , then 5 different concentration of crude extract of alga C. vulgaris, 100%, 50%,25%,12.5% and 6.3% were tested against pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus .The resistance of bacterial isolates was examined against all algal extract concentrations. The results showed that Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to 6.3% concentration of the crude extract of alga C. vulgaris which is the lowest concentration of the algal crude extract. The study concluded that microalgae especially fresh water algae represent a very important source for many active compounds and can be used as antimicrobial agents

    Effects of some fruits on the processing and composition of camel milk ice cream

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    The present study was conducted to process and evaluate the chemical composition of ice cream made from camel milk, flavored with vanilla, baobab and papaya fruits. Camel milk, baobab and papaya were examined for chemical composition before the processing. Ice cream samples were made using one level of vanilla (3%) as control and two levels of each baobab and papaya (3% and 5%). Then ice cream samples were packed into plastic cups and stored in a freezer at -18 oC for 8 weeks. The chemical composition was examined every two weeks. The data showed significantly (P<0.05) higher total solids and ash in baobab (5%) ice cream samples, while high fat content was found in vanilla (3%) and papaya (5%). Also, high protein content was found in papaya ice cream samples. It was concluded that processing of ice cream using baobab (3%) and papaya (3%) gives ice cream with good chemical properties. The study recommended processing of ice cream from camel milk adding baobab and papaya fruits. Further studies should be conducted by adding local fruits and other additives to enhance the chemical properties of ice cream from camel milk as functional food

    Tailgut cyst and perineal hydatid cyst: A case report with multimodality imaging findings

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    A tailgut cyst is a rare developmental lesion and usually is located in the retrorectal or presacral space. Extrahepatic hydatid disease has been reported in several locations including the pelvis and it often poses a diagnostic challenge. There are very few reported cases of primary perineal hydatid cysts. We present the multimodality imaging findings of a tailgut cyst and concurrent perineal hydatid disease in a 32-year-old male patient

    Hopf algebra and noncommutative differential structures.

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    In this thesis I will study noncommutative differential geometry, after the style of Connes and Woronowicz. In particular two examples of differential calculi on Hopf algebras are considered, and their associated covariant derivatives and Riemannian geometry. These are on the Heisenberg group, and on the finite group A4. I consider bimodule connections after the work of Madore. In the last chapter noncommutative fibrations are considerd, with an application to the Leray spectral sequence. NOTATION. In this thesis equations are numbered as round brackets (), where (a.b) denotes equation b in chapter a, and references are indicated by square brackets []. This thesis has been typeset using Latex, and some figures using the Visio program

    The hijab between men and women in Saudi Society

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    Many studies by international organisations and non-Saudi researchers conclude that all Saudi women are forced to wear hijabs. This can now be questioned, particularly with the lifting of the requirement to wear hijab. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the hijab in Saudi Arabia is needed, especially in light of the monumental social reforms implemented in recent years. This study explores the concept of the hijab in Saudi thought, the social norms underpinning the wearing of the hijab within collectivist Saudi culture and the consequences of challenging these norms. The study also explores the views of Saudis on several stigmas linked to the hijab and the impact of specific declarations following the announcement of Saudi Vision 2030 on women’s hijab. This was achieved using a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews to collect data on the studied topic. The findings of this study indicate that, according to Saudi thought, the hijab should cover a woman’s face and conceal her identity. These findings also reveal that there are three types of hijabs: the Sahwa hijab, the current generation’s hijab, and the hijab of new generation. These hijabs have varying degrees of modesty, and the study participants expressed different levels of acceptance for each type. Changing the rules around hijab is difficult, and it impacts the reputations of both men and women. The study findings show that Saudis reject the notion that the hijab is associated with oppression, thus invalidating the perceived stigma of oppression linked to the hijab in the West. Saudis have varying views on female freedom, with most supporting men’s prerogative to prescribe women’s behaviour regarding the hijab. Finally, participants expressed varying opinions on the recent changes in Saudi society, with most participants being aware of the impact of these changes on women’s wearing of the hijab

    Detection of chemical contamination of some herbal slimming available in local markets

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    Contamination by metals were investigated in this study for herbal slimming which have been widely used in our Iraqi community, Arsenic ( As),  lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), Nickle (Ni), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu), were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Experiment samples were divided to two groups , first group (G1) included five pocket samples of herbal  were collected from pharmacy and moles in Baghdad  ,second group (G2) included unpacked five samples of herbal   that taken from local markets and spices shops . Results showed that G2 was more contaminated than G1, and there were significant differences (0.05 >p) for contamination by heavy metals between samples of G1 and G2. It has also been conducting an exploratory or a questionnaire study of a sample of people who deal with these herbs and put several questions about the way of taking the herbs, a place to buy these herbs and knowing about the risks of these herbs. Results appeared that 30%  of  people  prefers taking samples from G1 but 70% prefers G2 because they are cheaper and easier to buy , also 40% of people were worry for the risks of these herbs while 60% don’t because of less understanding of their dangers. This study suggest that we must give more interest in dealing with these herbals and take it from specific and trusted places, adding no one should take it without prescription.                  

    Effect of cytokinins and auxins on micropropagation of shoot tip and nodal explants of two cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam)

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In vitro propagation of two selected cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Larn), Baladi White (BW) and Nigerian (N) were investigated using shoot tips and nodal explants during the period March, 1997 to July, 1998. Shoot regeneration from both cultivars was best on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium without plant growth regulators. Morphogenetic response varied with the different types of explants and genotypes of sweet potato. Shoot morphogenesis from the sweet potato cv. BW was better than that from cv. N. Shoot tip explant was better for in vitro propagation of sweet potato cv. N. , while nodal cuttings were. better for cv. BW. The shoot regeneration rate induced on benzylaminopurine (BAP) was higher than that on kinetin. BAP in combination with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) resulted in shoot and root morphogenesis from nodal explants of the sweet potato cv. N. The best shoot length was found on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with NAA at both 0.25 and 1.0 mg/l combined with 0.5 mg/l BAP

    Severe localised granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) manifesting with extensive cranial nerve palsies and cranial diabetes insipidus: a case report and literature review

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    Background: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener's granulomatosis) is a multisystem vasculitis of small- to medium-sized blood vessels. Cranial involvement can result in cranial nerve palsies and, rarely, pituitary infiltration. Case presentation: We describe the case of a 32 year-old woman with limited but severe granulomatosis with polyangiitis manifesting as progressive cranial nerve palsies and pituitary dysfunction. Our patient initially presented with localised ENT involvement, but despite treatment with methotrexate, she deteriorated. Granulomatous inflammatory tissue around the skull base resulted in cavernous sinus syndrome, facial nerve palsy, palsies of cranial nerves IX-XII (Collet-Sicard syndrome), and the rare complication of cranial diabetes insipidus due to pituitary infiltration. The glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerve palsies resulted in severe dysphagia and she required nasogastric tube feeding. Her neurological deficits substantially improved with treatment including high dose corticosteroid, cyclophosphamide and rituximab. Conclusions: This case emphasises that serious morbidity can arise from localised cranial Wegener's granulomatosis in the absence of systemic disease. In such cases intensive induction immunosuppression is required

    The chromatographic separation of mangifera extract / Aimi Husna Ali... [et al.]

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    The phytochemicals and biological properties of Mangifera species are documented. The main constituents of M. pajang include gallic, p-coumaric and ellagic acids. The fruits of M. pajang possess antioxidant, antibacterial and anticancer properties. The phenolic is mentioned as the compound that is responsible for the antioxidant property of M. pajang. In this study, the methanolic extraction of M. pajang and M. indica was performed. Based on thin layer chromatography (TLC), the presence of the phenolics in the samples could be confirmed. Comparative TLC was accomplished and the retention factor (Rf) of pyrogallol was recorded as 0.85. From the result, the TLC profiling of M. pajang and M. indica extracts were almost similar. In addition, the compounds of M. pajang extracts were analyzed from the 1 H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. A mixture of ascorbic acid and a sugar moiety could be detected. On the other hand, the NMR signal for the metabolite of mangiferin was not observed. Therefore, the compound might not present in the sample
