6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Malaria Surveillance System in Kaduna State, Nigeria 2016

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    ObjectiveTo describe the process of operation of the system and assessits key attributes, to determine the effectiveness and efficiency ofthe surveillance system and make appropriate recommendations tostakeholders for its improvement.IntroductionMalaria is a parasitic disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum.About 3.2 billion people worldwide are at risk of malaria.1Childrenand pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the disease. Sub-Saharan Africa carries a high share of the global malaria burden.2Effective malaria surveillance system is essential in the control andelimination of malaria. Worldwide, there were an estimated 198million cases of malaria in 2013 and 584,000 deaths.1,3,4MethodsThis study was conducted using the “CDC’s Updated Guidelinesfor Evaluating Public Health Surveillance System, 2001”. Keystakeholders and Malaria Focal Persons were interviewed. IntegratedDisease Surveillance and Response case summary data from Januaryto December 2014 was reviewed. Data analysis was done usingMicrosoft Excel 2016 and Epi-info 7.ResultsThe system provides information on malaria trends, morbidityand mortality. Case definitions are well understood by participants.All Malaria focal persons (MFPs) were willing to continue usingthe system. Standardized data collection tools are available in 91%of Health Facilities (HF). The system was rated flexible by 91%of MFPs. The system was however not representative because datawere essentially from public health facilities only. The system hasan average timeliness of 37.7% and completeness of 59.4%, bothparameters were below the State’s 80% target. About 91% MFPs hadrefresher training, while 78% MFPs received supportive supervision.Main challenges identified were lack of commodities in all HFs, andinadequate mobile facilities in 70% of HFs.ConclusionsThe Kaduna state Malaria surveillance system is meeting itsobjectives. However, challenges are observed in its timeliness,representativeness, and data quality. Efforts should be made tointegrate tertiary and private health facilities into the system. MFPsneed more training on malaria reporting to improve timeliness anddata quality. There is the need to improve on the supply of malariatreatment commodities to all health facilities within Kaduna state