129 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effects of Corporate Governance of Banks in Nigeria: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    This thesis investigates the phenomena that underlie corporate governance practices in the Nigerian banking sector (NBS); the purpose is to understand the nature of corporate governance and the factors influencing it. It offers a response to a number of concerns raised about the effectiveness of banks’ corporate governance practices, especially before the consolidation reform and during the 2007-2009 global financial crisis. Culture and leadership are identified as providing the most suitable theoretical framework for this study, and through grounded theory (GT), an empirical study is undertaken to identify the nature of corporate governance practices in banks, the factors that influence such practices and the outcomes of this influence. The GT methodology is used in the following ways: First, a comparative analysis is performed in the open coding stage, based on first and second series of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions conducted with the executive managers of the 24 quoted banks in Nigeria, officials from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), representatives of the Nigerian Deposit and Insurance Corporation (NDIC), and other stakeholders. The open coding leads to the development of eight open categories, their properties and dimensions based on the responses garnered from the interviews and focus groups. Second, through axial coding, the identified open categories are subsumed into higher categories, and the relationships among these categories are established by means of the paradigm model. The paradigm model provides the basis for the development of a substantive GT. Third, through the selective coding process, based on a third series of semi-structured interviews that identify human action and a lack of leadership as core categories, relationships with other sub-categories are verified, which eventually leads to the presentation of the substantive theory of corporate governance for banks. This theory perceives corporate governance practice in banks to be affected by human actions and a lack of leadership. This substantive theory is then explored in relation to the formal theories of culture and leadership; this offers an understanding of the corporate governance of banks in Nigeria and explains the relevance of the formal theories more clearly. Furthermore, the idea of the social contract in relation to cooperation and trust is presented as a tool with which to address free-rider issues. The use of GT is extended to explore the phenomena underlying corporate governance in the given context, providing a better understanding of the influence of culture and leadership in corporate governance theorising. Finally, this thesis is the first attempt to combine the GT methodology, corporate governance and the theories of culture and leadership, and to offer insight into how to address the identified issues using the social contract strategy through trust and cooperation, making it a useful guide on corporate governance for banks.Self Sponso

    Assessing the Effect of Strategic Planning on the Performance of Construction Projects: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This study aimed at assessing the effect of strategic planning on performance of construction projects in Nigeria. A quantitative research approach was adopted where the primary data was obtained through Internet mediated questionnaires targeting 100 personnel’s of construction companies in Abuja, Nigeria. The findings of the study show that despite the pros of traditional project management approach, it is faced with lack of customer involvement, issues of risk management and undefined roles and responsibilities. It also shows that the agile method is not usually adopted; however adoption of a combination of both traditional and agile method is more suitable and effective to execution of construction projects. The study suggests that trainings and understanding of hybrid method should be carried out to create awareness of its advantages on flexibility and techniques that will improve the delivery of construction projects. Keywords: Strategic planning, project management methods, quality standards,  performance, construction projects. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-4-04 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Forensic Accounting and Incidence of Fraud Detection: Evidence from Nigeria

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    The study described and explained forensic accounting and the incidence of fraud detection in Nigeria. The objectives of this study were to identify personal skills requirements and, assess the types of investigative techniques used in forensic accounting. A literature review was conducted to set up the conceptual and theoretical framework for the study. A quantitative approach was used by administering a structured questionnaire. A total of 101 investigators from Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) were used as sample for the study. We employed Jarque Bera statistics to conduct the analysis using the E views software. There is a significant relationship between forensic accounting personal skills; investigative techniques and fraud detection in Nigeria. The scope of the study was only in Nigeria and all samples were drawn from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The study concluded despite all fraudulent activities, forensic accounting is proffering solutions for fraud prevention and detection in Nigeria.  It was recommended for practitioners to engage in further training on forensic accounting personal skills and techniques

    Outsourcing Strategy as a Viable Determinant of Organizational Performance: Evidence from Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria

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    The study aimed to determine how outsourcing core functions influence performance in relation to cost reduction, risk reduction, quality improvement and organizational efficiency of selected companies in the Nigeria telecommunications sector. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study, and census survey was used in determining the population made up 88 management and technical staff that are involved in outsourcing decisions and implementation. Structured questionnaires was used for data collection, and SPSS tool was used to quantitatively analyze the   data   using regression analysis to establish the relationship between outsourcing core functions, and performance of the organizations looking at cost reduction, risk reduction, quality improvement and organizational efficiency. The outcome indicated a strong positive relationship between Cost reduction and performance, weak positive relationship between Quality improvement, Organizational efficiency and performance, and a moderate positive relationship between Risk Reduction and performance The study therefore recommends that companies should concentrate on their core functions for competitive advantage and sustainability, and outsource non-core functions to free resources for value optimization, Firms should monitor outsourcing contracts for better performance, and conduct situational analysis before taking outsourcing decisions irrespective of whether they are core or non-core functions for efficiency and value optimization. Keywords: Core functions, Cost Reduction Non- core functions, Outsourcing, Performance. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-2-11 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    Assessing the impact of change management on employee performance: Evidence from Nile University of Nigeria

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    This article assessed the impact of change management on employee performance with evidence from Nile University of Nigeria. This study made use of a descriptive survey research design. Burke Litwin model of organizational change was adopted for this study because the model explains the linkages between variables and individual and organizational performance. The population consists of 1,400 staff (Academic and Non-Academic) staff of Nile University of Nigeria Abuja. Stratified random sampling techniques were employed to select the sample size of 311 from the population. Regression analysis was used to analyze the data that was collected using a five-point likert scale structured questionnaire. The results showed that Change in organizational structure has a significance on the quality of employee service delivery in Nile University of Nigeria, there is a relationship between technological change and quality of employee service delivery in Nile University of Nigeria even though the relationship was not very strong. Leadership change significantly influences the quality of employee service delivery at Nile University of Nigeria. Human resource is an important internal strength of every organization and a source of competitive advantage, the study, therefore, recommended amongst others that organizations should communicate details of the change to the employees to minimize resistance

    Evaluating the Effect of Female Entrepreneurial Experience on Start-Ups in Nigeria

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    The study aimed to explore the effect of female entrepreneurial experience on startups in Nigeria. The data were acquired from the female entrepreneurs and a self-administered questionnaire was used as a collection of data. Linear regression was used to test the proposed hypotheses using the latest version of SPSS. The entrepreneurial success can occur with entrepreneurial experience. Economic and political instabilities disturb not only startup success but also the business of entrepreneurs. Due to the economic and political instability in Nigeria, female entrepreneurs believe that their startups are insecure. In developing countries like Nigeria, the earnings of startup owners are too less to maintain expenditures. These startups should have rewards and recognition programs to motivate and satisfy their employees. This research will help policymakers to make effective policies for women entrepreneurs. Keywords: Female Entrepreneurship, Experience, Startups, Political Stability, Entrepreneurial Knowledge. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-10 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Effect of Bureau De Change Establishment on the Stability of Exchange Rates in Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Bureau de change establishment on the stability of the exchange rate in Nigeria. Ex post-facto and correlation research designs are employed for this study. The sample relied on for the purpose of this work was for the period from 2008-2018. The study relies on secondary data sources such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, internet, speeches, and document from CBN, NSE and Bureau for public enterprises. The data estimation technique used was ordinary least squares. The findings of the study revealed that the bureau de change establishment impact the stability of the exchange rate in Nigeria. The result indicated that is the long-run relationship between Bureau De change and stability of the exchange rate. The study recommended that participants in the foreign exchange market should undertake forward transactions to serve as an insurance cover (shield) for their spot transactions. The exchange rate of the bureau de change should be closely monitored by monetary authorities to reduce the gap between these rates and the official rates. The government should adopt measures that would bring down the exchange rate of the naira to a US dollar so that Nigerian producers who make use of imported raw materials can continue in business. Keywords: Bureau De Change, Exchange Rate, Stability, Monetary, Naira. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-6-01 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Effect of Strategic Management on the Development of Entrepreneurial Competency in Nigeria

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    This article determined the effect that strategic management has on the development of entrepreneurial competence in Nigeria. It also examined the influence of strategic management on competitive advantage, development and advancement of entrepreneurial competencies in Organizations. This study made use of survey research design. The population consists of forty (40) managers of small and medium sized enterprises operating in Abuja Nigeria. Simple random sampling techniques was employed. The study made use of primary source of data through distribution of questionnaire, using a five-point likert scale. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test hypotheses, with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.1). In conclusion, the strategic management of an organization therefore can result in the positive advancement of entrepreneurial competencies if is appropriately implemented. Organizations that witnessed a positive implication of strategic management on the development and advancement of entrepreneurial competence are those who offered training centered on the acquisition of entrepreneurial competencies. The results showed that strategic management significantly enhance competitive advantage, there is significant relationship between strategic management and development of entrepreneurial competencies in Nigeria and strategic management significantly enhance advancement of entrepreneurial competencies in Organizations. The study therefore recommended amongst others that organizations should invest in training of their employees, as the human resource is an important internal strength of every organization and are therefore a source of competitive advantage for the firm and organizations should involve professional in their strategic management processes to increase the level of development and advancement of entrepreneurial competencies in Organizations. Keywords: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Competence, Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-3-21 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Effect of Organisational Culture on Customer Satisfaction in Selected Nigerian Banks: Evidence from Multiple Age Bands

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    This study investigated the extent to which technology-banking culture impacts on customer satisfaction with age cum generational differentials as moderating factor. A Likert-type survey was administered, via convenience sampling, to customers of Zenith Bank, First Bank, Fidelity Bank, Guarantee Trust Bank and Access Bank at the corporate headquarters of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). 300 copies of the survey were distributed while 259 customers responded, representing 86.3% of the administered instrument. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that customers across all age categories gain significant satisfaction from tech-banking culture. However, compared to younger customers, older customers are practically more inclined to face-to-face (FTF) banking. Both the younger tech-savvy generation and the older techno-phobic generation are equally dissatisfied with the use of automated helpdesks. It was recommended that other Nigeria-based businesses, inclusive of government parastatals and establishments, should fully adopt technology-driven systems and processes towards earning Nigeria a better technology-compliance status as an upcoming economy provided that they also eliminate automated machines and leverage on humans for the delivery of helpdesk services. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Customer, Customer Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-18-01 Publication date:June 30th 201

    The Effect of Total Quality Management on Project Management

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    This study examined the relationship between total quality management practices on project management. Total quality management has now become an important aspect of management due to increased competition among companies and quality issues associated with company operations; the survival of a business mainly depends upon the quality associated with the product. The objectives of the study are; to establish the impact of TQM on project management; to determine the impact of TQM on organizational performance and sustainability. The total sample sizes of 100 respondents were used for the study. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that there is significant impact of TQM on project management. In conclusions, the implementation of quality management systems has increased the profitability, enhanced sales, increased  competitiveness and resulted in acquisition of bigger market share, enhanced service delivery. The following recommendations emanate from the study, there is need for the SON management to implement organizational culture change in the organization, Management commitment to quality need to convey the posture, philosophy and actions that total quality management implementation will receive a higher priority in the organization. Keywords: Total Quality Management, Project Management DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-17-10 Publication date:June 30th 201