9 research outputs found

    Theory of free-carrier absorption in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field in quasi-one-dimensional quantum well structures

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    The theory of free-carrier absorption is given for a quasi one-dimensional semiconducting structures in a quantizing magnetic field for the case when carriers are scattered by polar optical phonons and acoustic phonons and the radiation field is polarized perpendicular to the magnetic field direction

    Optical intersubband transitions in quantum wires with an applied magnetic field

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    The intersubband optical absorption is investigated in parabolic quantum wires in the presence of a tilted magnetic fields. We show that for increasing magnetic field the intersubband absorption peak is shifted to higher energies and its amplitude is increased, too. In particular, it has been shown that the direction of the magnetic field plays a significant role in the intersubband optical absorption

    Interface roughness induced intrasubband scattering in a quantum well under an electric field

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    Scattering rates in the lowest subband in a quantum well are calculated for interface roughness scattering when an electric field is applied normally to the layer plane. It is found that the interface roughness scattering rate increases with increasing electric field. The electric field changes the interface roughness scattering rates drastically in thick QWs as compared with those for the zero-field case

    Confined LO phonon limited free carrier absorption in quantum well wires

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    The theory of free-carrier absorption is given for quantum well wire for the case where the carriers are scattered by confined longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons and the radiation field is polarized along the length of the wire. Both the multisubband structure and confined phonon modes are considered together. The free carrier absorption coefficients are calculated taking into account all possible LO phonon modes as well as all possible electron intersubband transitions. The results show that the absorption coefficient decreases with increasing the photon frequency and decreases with temperature. It was found that in quantum wire the electron-optic phonon interaction give a greater contribution to the absorption than the electron-confined LO phonon interaction. The results are interpreted in terms of confined LO phonons-assisted transitions between size quantized subbands

    Theory of the free-carrier absorption in quantum wires with boundary roughness scattering

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    A theory of free carrier absorption is given for quantum wires when carriers are scattered by boundary roughness and the radiation field is polarized along the length of the wire. The free-carrier absorption coefficient is found to be an oscillatory function of the photon frequency and of the wire width. The obtained results are compared with different scattering mechanisms for quasi-one-dimensional structures. It is found that boundary roughness scattering is important especially when the wire width and temperature decreases. In addition, it was found that in quantum wire the electron - boundary roughness interaction gives a greater contribution to the absorption than the electron-acoustic phonon interaction. The results are interpreted in terms of boundary roughness-assisted transitions between size quantized subbands

    Alloy scattering in quantum well wire structures of semiconductor ternaries

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    We studied the effect of the alloy-disorder-scattering on the electron transport in a quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor. Performed were analytical calculations of the alloy-disorder-limited momentum relaxation time for carrier scattering in a cylindrical quantum wire using modeling wave functions, when the transverse part of the carrier wave function is taken as a Bessel function. It is found that the one-dimensional mobility is significantly greater than two-dimensional one. It is shown that the alloy-disorder-scattering-limited mobility increases with the increasing wire radius and increases with the increasing temperature. We compare our results with different scattering mechanisms for one-dimensional systems. Results are also included for the alloy composition dependence of the mobility

    Reaction chemistry of gossypol and its derivatives

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