783 research outputs found

    Editorial: Microbial Regulation of Translation

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    Since the description of the operon model by Jacob and Monod during the late 1950s and early 1960s (Ullmann, 2010), the concept that the reading of genetic information must be a regulated process has been central to our understanding of biology. This is particularly true for microbes, which can adapt to an incredible variety of environments. Based on the research performed since the description of the operon, we have gained a deep understanding of the diverse strategies used by microbes to modulate the transcription of genetic information from DNA to RNA. In contrast, the mechanisms that regulate the translation of messenger RNAs into proteins has received less attention. The technical developments of the last decade now allow us to obtain detailed information on RNA folding (Rouskin et al., 2014; Aw et al., 2016) and modification (Linder et al., 2015; Lorenz et al., 2020) and the speed of translation (Subramaniam et al., 2013; Ingolia, 2014; Dai et al., 2016). This, in turn, allows us to scrutinize the functionality of translation components in vivo, providing unprecedented opportunities to study translation regulation. In this special issue of Frontiers in Genetics, \u27Microbial Regulation of Translation,\u27 we have assembled a series of articles that use diverse experimental approaches to study the regulation of translation in microbes

    Effects of exogenous lactase administration on hydrogen breath excretion and intestinal symptoms in patients presenting lactose malabsorption and intolerance

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    To establish whether supplementation with a standard oral dose of Beta-Galactosidase affects hydrogen breath excretion in patients presenting with lactose malabsorption. METHODS: Ninety-six consecutive patients positive to H2 Lactose Breath Test were enrolled. Mean peak H2 levels, the time to reach the peak H2, the time to reach the cut-off value of 20 ppm, the cumulative breath H2 excretion, the areas under the curve, and a Visual Analogical 10-point Scale for symptoms were calculated. Genotyping of the C/T-13910 variant was carried out. RESULTS: Following the oral administration of Beta-Galactosidase, in 21.88% of the cases, H2 Lactose Breath Test became negative (Group A), while mean peak H2 levels (74.95 ppm versus 7.85), P < 0.0000, in 17.71% (Group B) were still positive, with the H2 level 20 ppm above the baseline, but the peak H2 levels were significantly lower than those observed at the baseline test (186.7 ppm versus 66.64), P < 0.0000, while in 60.41% (Group C) they were still positive with the peak H2 levels similar to those observed at the baseline test (94.43 versus 81.60 ppm). All 96 individuals tested presented the C/C-13910 genotype nonpersistence. CONCLUSIONS: The response to oral administration of Beta-Galactosidase in patients with symptoms of lactose malabsorption presents a significant variability

    Towards the definition of a European Digital Building Logbook: A survey

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    Both the operational phase and embodied emissions that are introduced during the construction phase through the manufacture, sourcing, and installation of the building's materials and components are significant contributors to carbon emissions from the built environment. It is essential to change the current design and (re)construction processes in order to achieve the energy-saving targets for the EU building stock and move toward a society that is net carbon neutral. This change must be made from both a technical perspective as well as from a methodological perspective. To accomplish this, the EU has suggested several regulations and legislative steps to phase out inefficient structures. The most recent of these initiatives propose the idea of a Digital Building Logbook, which serves as a central repository for all pertinent building data, including information on energy efficiency. In this work, we present a survey of the elements that have been taken into consideration for the creation of the Digital Building Logbook to give an overview of what research has been done so far

    A transformers-based approach for fine and coarse-grained classification and generation of MIDI songs and soundtracks

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    Music is an extremely subjective art form whose commodification via the recording industry in the 20th century has led to an increasingly subdivided set of genre labels that attempt to organize musical styles into definite categories. Music psychology has been studying the processes through which music is perceived, created, responded to, and incorporated into everyday life, and, modern artificial intelligence technology can be exploited in such a direction. Music classification and generation are emerging fields that gained much attention recently, especially with the latest discoveries within deep learning technologies. Self attention networks have in fact brought huge benefits for several tasks of classification and generation in different domains where data of different types were used (text, images, videos, sounds). In this article, we want to analyze the effectiveness of Transformers for both classification and generation tasks and study the performances of classification at different granularity and of generation using different human and automatic metrics. The input data consist of MIDI sounds that we have considered from different datasets: sounds from 397 Nintendo Entertainment System video games, classical pieces, and rock songs from different composers and bands. We have performed classification tasks within each dataset to identify the types or composers of each sample (fine-grained) and classification at a higher level. In the latter, we combined the three datasets together with the goal of identifying for each sample just NES, rock, or classical (coarse-grained) pieces. The proposed transformers-based approach outperformed competitors based on deep learning and machine learning approaches. Finally, the generation task has been carried out on each dataset and the resulting samples have been evaluated using human and automatic metrics (the local alignment)

    Anti-BVDV activity evaluation of naphthoimidazole derivatives compared with parental imidazoquinoline compounds.

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    Background: Pestivirus genus includes animal pathogens which are involved in economic impact for the livestock industry. Among others, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) establish a persistent infection in cattle causing a long list of symptoms and a high mortality rate. In the last decades, we synthesised and reported a certain number of anti-BVDV compounds. Methods: In them, imidazoquinoline derivatives turned out as the most active. Their mechanism of actions has been deeply investigated, BVDV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RpRd) resulted as target and the way of binding was predicted in silico through three main H-bond interaction with the target. The prediction could be confirmed by target or ligand mutation. The first approach has already been performed and published confirming the in silico prediction. Results: Here, we present how the ligand chemical modification affects the anti-BVDV activity. The designed compounds were synthesised and tested against BVDV as in silico assay negative control. Conclusion: The antiviral results confirmed the predicted mechanism of action, as the newly synthesised compounds resulted not active in the in vitro BVDV infection inhibitio

    Foraminiferal biotopes in a shallow continental shelf environment: Esperance Bay (southwestern Australia)

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    The Great Australian Bight is a large carbonate cold water environment located on the central and western portions of the southern Australia. Seagrasses (Posidonia sp.) and macroalgae benthic habitats are widely distributed in the shallow water environment of southern Australia, contributing to the carbonate factory. This study investigated the distribution of modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the microtidal wave-dominated inner-shelf of Esperance Bay (southwestern Australia), that lies on the western margin of the Great Australian Bight. Benthic foraminifera were taxonomically identified and biotic parameters (species richness, density, Fisher-α index, Shannon–Weaver index, dominance) were calculated. Multivariate analyses (Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis) were performed to understand foraminiferal distribution in the context of environmental conditions. Four main Foraminiferal assemblages have been recognized: (I) a nearshore assemblage of dense seagrass meadow, dominated by Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium craticulatum, Elphidium crispum, Cibicidoides lobatulus, II) a second assemblage associated with unvegetated seabed (approximately 30 m depth) with Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum, Quinqueloculina disparilis, III) a third assemblage in the central sector of the bay, characterized by a discontinuous and mixed seagrass-algae coverage with Lamellodiscorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum, Elphidium macellum, Cibicides refulgens, and Quinqueloculina poeyana, and IV) an epiphytic assemblage of transitional zone from the coastline to the upper limit of a mixed seagrass-algae meadow, dominated by Elphidium crispum, Chrysalidinella dimorpha, Planulinoides biconcava, Planoglabratella opercularis, Rugobolivinella elegans. The spatial distribution of the four assemblages appears closely related to sediment texture, seagrass cover and depth, but it is also influenced by the shoreface morphology and the hydrodynamic energy. The understanding of the ecological parameters that influence benthic foraminiferal distribution, composition and assemblage structure within seagrass meadows is useful for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations

    Identificazione di schiume in polipropilene e relazione tra densitĂ  e parametri dei modelli

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    La varietà praticamente infinita di solidi cellulari rende particolarmente ardua la modellazione di questi materiali, per ognuno dei quali è in genere necessaria una specifica identificazione. La ricerca di legami tra i parametri dei modelli e le caratteristiche note della schiuma è utile per ridurre il lavoro di identificazione ed evitare una eccessiva quantità di esperimenti. Prove sperimentali di compressione uniassiale statica su schiume rigide di EPP a cinque densità diverse sono state utilizzate per identificare i modelli di Gibson e Rush. I parametri identificati per il modello di Gibson sono stati confrontati con quelli dati dalle espressioni dello stesso autore in funzione della densità. I parametri identificati per il modello di Rush sono stati studiati per individuare relazioni analitiche simili a quelle di Gibson tra i parametri e la densità
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