208 research outputs found

    Financiación política y electoral

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    173 páginas incluye ilustraciones y diagramasA partir de los criterios didáctico, académico y práctico, esta obra nos presenta el tema de la financiación política y electoral bajo la óptica de la doctrina mundial y colombiana, explicados con el rigor y claridad que deben acompañar los escritos hechos por quien ha abordado el tema desde el cristal de la praxis y el mundo del derecho. El lector encontrará en sus páginas la reseña histórica del derecho electoral y su evolución en Colombia, la delimitación de sus materias, las tendencias en torno a las criticas y estudios de la financiación política y electoral, las actividades regulares por la ley, el desarrollo del concepto de campaña política y sus diferentes matices, y las referencias necesarias para su aplicación y eficiencia en el ámbito de la praxis política electora

    Slepton Non-Universality in the Flavor-Effective MSSM

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    Supersymmetric theories supplemented by an underlying flavor-symmetry Gf\mathcal{G}_f provide a rich playground for model building aimed at explaining the flavor structure of the Standard Model. In the case where supersymmetry breaking is mediated by gravity, the soft-breaking Lagrangian typically exhibits large tree-level flavor violating effects, even if it stems from an ultraviolet flavor-conserving origin. Building on previous work, we continue our phenomenological analysis of these models with a particular emphasis on leptonic flavor observables. We consider three representative models which aim to explain the flavor structure of the lepton sector, with symmetry groups Gf=Δ(27)\mathcal{G}_f = \Delta(27), A4,A_4, and S3S_3.Comment: References added, minor typos corrected. 28 pages, 8 figure

    Controlled flavor violation in the MSSM from a unified Δ(27)\Delta(27) flavor symmetry

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    We study the phenomenology of a unified supersymmetric theory with a flavor symmetry Δ(27)\Delta(27). The model accommodates quark and lepton masses, mixing angles and CP phases. In this model, the Dirac and Majorana mass matrices have a unified texture zero structure in the (1,1)(1,1) entry that leads to the Gatto-Sartori-Tonin relation between the Cabibbo angle and ratios of the masses in the quark sectors, and to a natural departure from zero of the θ13\theta_{13}^\ell angle in the lepton sector. We derive the flavor structures of the trilinears and soft mass matrices, and show their general non-universality. This causes large flavor violating effects. As a consequence, the parameter space for this model is constrained, allowing it to be (dis)proven by flavor violation searches in the next decade. Although the results are model specific, we compare them to previous studies to show similar flavour effects (and associated constraints) are expected in general in supersymmetric flavor models, and may be used to distinguish them.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Environmental flows in the lower Ebro River and Delta: Current status and guidelines for a holistic approach

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    Deltas are a particular type of estuarine system in which the dependence on river flow (water, sediments and nutrients) is very strong, especially in river-dominated deltas such as the Mediterranean ones, but environmental flow (e-flow) proposals for deltaic systems are scarce. The Ebro Delta is one of the largest wetland areas in the western Mediterranean and one of the most important estuarine systems in Europe. The aim of this paper is to review the state of the art regarding e-flows and to carry out a critical analysis of the proposals for the lower Ebro River and Delta, in order to highlight the possible environmental and socioeconomic impacts arising from the e-flow regime currently approved. Additionally, based on existing scientific information, methods to establish an e-flow regime that allows the maintenance of the main socio-ecological functions and values are discussed; including those functions and values for which not enough information is available. The study concludes that the currently approved e-flows are not suitable for maintaining most functions and values, as they would not prevent the proliferation of alien fish species and macrophytes in the river, the intrusion of the salt wedge in the estuary, the deficit of sediment/nutrient transport and the degradation of riparian habitats or the decline of coastal fisheries. Socioeconomic consequences on coastal fisheries, river navigation, salt water intrusion, sediment deficit, biodiversity, water quality, aquaculture and hydropower are also considered. Other e-flow proposals such as the proposed by the Catalan government would be more suitable to maintain the main socioecological functions and values of the lower Ebro River and Delta. Nevertheless, additional studies are needed to validate e-flows in some relevant aspects such as the capacity of the river to transport sediments to the delta to avoid coastal regression and mitigate the effects of sea level rise and subsidence, as well as the capacity of floods to control the spread of macrophytes. The lower Ebro River and delta is among the case studies where more quantitative and qualitative criteria to set e-flows with a holistic approach have been established.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hábitos posturales en Educación Física

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    El Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo mejorar los aspectos perjudiciales para la salud de los niños/as, en relación con el tema de los hábitos posturales. Para ello se pretende conocer el conocimiento que poseen los profesionales sanitarios y los docentes sobre dicho tema. También se recogerán una serie de normas posturales, las cuales irán acompañadas de unos consejos, con el fin de mejorar la salud de nuestra espalda y que los niños/as no tengan ningún problema a lo largo de su desarrollo. Por otro lado, hemos observado cómo trata la ley vigente el tema de los hábitos posturales. Así pues, hemos realizado un cuestionario, que ha sido pasado a un número elevado de alumnos/as pertenecientes a un centro público. Para posteriormente, finalizar con una unidad didáctica con el objetivo de mejorar los aspectos perjudiciales para la salud en la postura de los niños/as.The Final Project has as a main aim to improve the harmful aspects related with children's health and body positions. In orden to do it, we are going to start getting information about what doctors and teachers know about this topic. Then, we will agree a group of rules related with body posititons and advices to improve our children's back health in their growing. Furthermore, we have researched our current educacional laws to see how body posititons are developed and taken into account. Moreover, we have design a cuestionnaire to be filled with children's opinions of a public school. Finally, we have design a teaching unit in which children will learn to take care of their body.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primari

    Boosting Backward Search Throughput for FM-Index Using a Compressed Encoding

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    The rapid development of DNA sequencing technologies has demanded for com- pressed data structures supporting fast pattern matching queries. FM-index is a widely-used compressed data structure that also supports fast pattern matching queries. It is common for the exact matching algorithm to be memory bound, resulting in poor performance. Searching several symbols in a single step improves data locality, although the memory bandwidth requirements remains the same. We propose a new data-layout of FM-index, called Split bit-vector, that compacts all data needed to search k symbols in a single step (k-step), reducing both memory movement and computing requirements at the cost of increasing memory footprint.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Muon and electron g2g-2 and lepton masses in flavor models

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    The stringent experimental bound on μeγ\mu \rightarrow e \gamma is compatible with a simultaneous and sizable new physics contribution to the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments (g2)(g-2)_\ell (=e,μ\ell=e,\,\mu), only if we assume a non-trivial flavor structure of the dipole operator coefficients. We propose a mechanism in which the realization of the (g2)(g-2)_\ell correction is manifestly related to the mass generation through a flavor symmetry. A radiative flavon correction to the fermion mass gives a contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment. In this framework, we introduce a chiral enhancement from a non-trivial O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) quartic coupling of the scalar potential. We show that the muon and electron anomalies can be simultaneously explained in a vast region of the parameter space with predicted vector-like mediators of masses as large as Mχ[0.6,2.5]M_\chi\in [0.6,2.5]~TeV.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Implications of the Muon g-2 result on the flavour structure of the lepton mass matrix

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    The confirmation of the discrepancy with the Standard Model predictions in the anomalous magnetic moment by the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab points to a low scale of new physics. Flavour symmetries broken at low energies can account for this discrepancy but these models are much more restricted, as they would also generate off-diagonal entries in the dipole moment matrix. Therefore, if we assume that the observed discrepancy in the muon g2g-2 is explained by the contributions of a low-energy flavor symmetry, lepton flavour violating processes can constrain the structure of the lepton mass matrices and therefore the flavour symmetries themselves predicting these structures. We apply these ideas to several discrete flavour symmetries popular in the leptonic sector, such as Δ(27)\Delta (27), A4A_4, and A5CPA_5 \ltimes {\rm CP}.Comment: 21 pages; v3: comments added, typos corrected, version accepted for publication in EPJ