574 research outputs found

    Development and collapse of an Oscillatoria bloom in Loch Leven during July 1994

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    During 1994, weekly spot-sampling of open water sites on Loch Leven took place from 16th March onwards. Very little difference between spot-sampling sites was observed from 16th March to 5th July. Throughout April and May there was a slow increase in levels of chlorophyll-a, followed by a rapid increase through June, reaching a maximum of 230 micrograms per litre. On 8th July there was a very rapid rise in water temperature, with a corresponding increase in dissolved oxygen and pH. At 0915 hours on 9th July there was a drop in all three variables. These changes were coincident with a marked reduction in chlorophyll-a values falling to 70 micrograms per litre on 12th July. On 16th July evidence of a resurgence of photosynthesis was observed

    Economic Impact of Wildlife-Associated Recreation Expenditures in the Southeast United States: A General Equilibrium Analysis

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    The economic impact of wildlife-associated recreation in the Southeast United States was evaluated using a general equilibrium model. Exogenous demand shocks to the regional economy were based on estimates of expenditures by wildlife recreationists on hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching activities. Counterfactual simulations were carried out, making alternative assumptions about labor and capital mobility and their supply. Without wildlife-associated recreation expenditures, regional employment would have been smaller by up to 783 thousand jobs, and value added would have been 22to22 to 48 billion less. These findings underscore the significance of regional factor market conditions in economic impact and general equilibrium analysis.general equilibrium modeling, input-output analysis, regional economic impact, wildlife-associated recreation activities, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, R13, R15, Q26,

    Development and collapse of an Oscillatoria bloom in Loch Leven during July 1994

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    Loch Leven lies in a glacial depression 35 kilometres north of Edinburgh,Scotland. It has a large surface area, 13.3 km², but is generally shallowwith a mean depth of 3.9 metres, although there are two deeper "holes"where the depth reaches 25 metres. Land use in the 145 km² catchmentdraining to the loch is predominantly arable farming, with some roughgrazing in the headwaters and with three small towns close to the loch.The physical characteristics of Loch Leven are fully described by Smith(1974); it is a National Nature Reserve, a Site of Special ScientificInterest, and is cited under the Ramsar Convention as a wetland site ofinternational importance

    Cerebrospinal fluid cortisol levels are higher in patients with delirium versus controls

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High plasma cortisol levels can cause acute cognitive and neuropsychiatric dysfunction, and have been linked with delirium. CSF cortisol levels more closely reflect brain exposure to cortisol, but there are no studies of CSF cortisol levels in delirium. In this pilot study we acquired CSF specimens at the onset of spinal anaesthesia in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery, and compared CSF and plasma cortisol levels in delirium cases versus controls.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Delirium assessments were performed the evening before or on the morning of operation with a standard battery comprising cognitive tests, mental status assessments and the Confusion Assessment Method. CSF and plasma samples were obtained at the onset of the operation and cortisol levels measured. Twenty patients (15 female, 5 male) aged 62 - 93 years were studied. Seven patients were diagnosed with delirium. The mean ages of cases (81.4 (SD 7.2)) and controls (80.5 (SD 8.7)) were not significantly different (p = 0.88). The median (interquartile range) CSF cortisol levels were significantly higher in cases (63.9 (40.4-102.1) nmol/L) than controls (31.4 (21.7-43.3) nmol/L; Mann-Whitney U, p = 0.029). The median (interquartile range) of plasma cortisol was also significantly higher in cases (968.8 (886.2-1394.4) nmol/L, than controls (809.4 (544.0-986.4) nmol/L; Mann Whitney U, p = 0.036).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings support an association between higher CSF cortisol levels and delirium. This extends previous findings linking higher plasma cortisol and delirium, and suggests that more definitive studies of the relationship between cortisol levels and delirium are now required.</p

    Mesoproterozoic surface oxygenation accompanied major sedimentary manganese deposition at 1.4 and 1.1 Ga

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    This research was funded by the Australian Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) as part of The Distal Footprints of Giant Ore Systems: UNCOVER Australia Project (RP04-063)—Capricorn Distal Footprints. EAS also thanks the donors of The American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for partial support of this research (61017-ND2).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Integrating environmental understanding into freshwater floatovoltaic deployment using an effects hierarchy and decision trees

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    In an era of looming land scarcity and environmental degradation, the development of low carbon energy systems without adverse impacts on land and land-based resources is a global challenge. 'Floatovoltaic' energy systems—comprising floating photovoltaic (PV) panels over water—are an appealing source of low carbon energy as they spare land for other uses and attain greater electricity outputs compared to land-based systems. However, to date little is understood of the impacts of floatovoltaics on the hosting water body. Anticipating changes to water body processes, properties and services owing to floatovoltaic deployment represents a critical knowledge gap that may result in poor societal choices and water body governance. Here, we developed a theoretically-derived hierarchical effects framework for the assessment of floatovoltaic impacts on freshwater water bodies, emphasising ecological interactions. We describe how the presence of floatovoltaic systems may dramatically alter the air-water interface, with subsequent implications for surface meteorology, air-water fluxes and physical, chemical and biological properties of the recipient water body. We apply knowledge from this framework to delineate three response typologies - 'magnitude', those for which the direction and magnitude of effect can be predicted; 'direction', those for which only the direction of effect can be predicted; and 'uncertain', those for which the response cannot be predicted - characterised by the relative importance of levels in the effects hierarchy. Illustrative decision trees are developed for an example water body response within each typology, specifically, evaporative water loss, cyanobacterial biomass, and phosphorus release from bed sediments, and implications for ecosystem services, including climate regulation, are discussed. Finally, the potential to use the new understanding of likely ecosystem perturbations to direct floatovoltaic design innovations and identify future research priorities is outlined, showcasing how inter-sectoral collaboration and environmental science can inform and optimize this low carbon, land-sparing renewable energy for ecosystem gains

    Microfibres and macroscopic films from the coordination-driven hierarchical self-assembly of cylindrical micelles

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    Anisotropic nanoparticles prepared from block copolymers are of growing importance as building blocks for the creation of synthetic hierarchical materials. However, the assembly of these structural units is generally limited to the use of amphiphilic interactions. Here we report a simple, reversible coordination-driven hierarchical self-assembly strategy for the preparation of micron-scale fibres and macroscopic films based on monodisperse cylindrical block copolymer micelles. Coordination of Pd(0) metal centres to phosphine ligands immobilized within the soluble coronas of block copolymer micelles is found to induce intermicelle crosslinking, affording stable linear fibres comprised of micelle subunits in a staggered arrangement. The mean length of the fibres can be varied by altering the micelle concentration, reaction stoichiometry or aspect ratio of the micelle building blocks. Furthermore, the fibres aggregate on drying to form robust, self-supporting macroscopic micelle-based thin films with useful mechanical properties that are analogous to crosslinked polymer networks, but on a longer length scale

    Analytical performance of an immunoprofiling assay based on RNA models

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    As immuno-oncology drugs grow more popular in the treatment of cancer, better methods are needed to quantify the tumor immune cell component to determine which patients are most likely to benefit from treatment. Methods such as flow cytometry can accurately assess the composition of infiltrating immune cells; however, they show limited use in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens. This article describes a novel hybrid-capture RNA sequencing assay, ImmunoPrism, that estimates the relative percentage abundance of eight immune cell types in FFPE solid tumors. Immune health expression models were generated using machine learning methods and used to uniquely identify each immune cell type using the most discriminatively expressed genes. The analytical performance of the assay was assessed using 101 libraries from 40 FFPE and 32 fresh-frozen samples. With defined samples, ImmunoPrism had a precision of ±2.72%, a total error of 2.75%, and a strong correlation (