116 research outputs found

    Racial and economic factors in attitudes to immigration

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    In this paper we distinguish between three channels that determine attitudes to further immigration: labour market concerns, welfare concerns, and racial or cultural concerns. Our analysis is based on the British Social Attitudes Survey. A unique feature of the survey is that it includes questions on attitudes towards immigration from different origin countries, with populations differing in ethnic similarity to the resident population. It also contains sets of questions relating directly to the labour market, benefit expenditure and welfare concerns, and racial and cultural prejudice. Based on this unique data source, we specify and estimate a multiple factor model that allows comparison of the relative magnitude of association of attitudes to further immigration with the three channels, as well as comparison in responses across potential immigrant groups of different origin. Our results suggest that, overall, welfare concerns play a more important role in determination of attitudes to further immigration than labour market concerns, with their relative magnitude differing across potential emigration regions and characteristics of the respondent. In addition, we find strong evidence that racial or cultural prejudice is an important component to attitudes towards immigration; however, this is restricted to immigration from countries with ethnically different populations

    Metal-poor stars towards the Galactic bulge:a population potpourri

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    We present a comprehensive chemical abundance analysis of five red giants and two horizontal branch (HB) stars towards the southern edge of the Galactic bulge, at (l, b) ~ (0°,−11°). Based on high-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the Magellan/MIKE spectrograph, we derived up to 23 chemical element abundances and identify a mixed bag of stars, representing various populations in the central regions of the Galaxy. Although cosmological simulations predict that the inner Galaxy was host to the first stars in the Universe, we see no chemical evidence of the ensuing massive supernova explosions: all of our targets exhibit halo-like, solar [Sc/Fe] ratios, which is in contrast to the low values predicted from Population III nucleosynthesis. One of the targets is a CEMP-s star at [Fe/H] = −2.52 dex, and another target is a moderately metal-poor ([Fe/H] = −1.53 dex) CH star with strong enrichment in s-process elements (e.g., [Ba/Fe] = 1.35). These individuals provide the first contenders of these classes of stars towards the bulge. Four of the carbon-normal stars exhibit abundance patterns reminiscent of halo star across a metallicity range spanning −2.0 to −2.6 dex, i.e., enhanced α-elements and solar Fe-peak and neutron-capture elements, and the remaining one is a regular metal-rich bulge giant. The position, distance, and radial velocity of one of the metal-poor HB stars coincides with simulations of the old trailing arm of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. While their highly uncertain proper motions prohibit a clear kinematic separation, the stars’ chemical abundances and distances suggest that these metal-poor candidates, albeit located towards the bulge, are not of the bulge, but rather inner halo stars on orbits that make them pass through the central regions. Thus, we caution similar claims of detections of metal-poor stars as true habitants of the bulge

    The Abundances Of Neutron-Capture Species In The Very Metal-Poor Globular Cluster M15: A Uniform Analysis Of Red Giant Branch And Red Horizontal Branch Stars

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    The globular cluster M15 is unique in its display of star-to-star variations in the neutron-capture elements. Comprehensive abundance surveys have been previously conducted for handfuls of M15 red giant branch (RGB) and red horizontal branch (RHB) stars. No attempt has been made to perform a single, self-consistent analysis of these stars, which exhibit a wide range in atmospheric parameters. In the current effort, a new comparative abundance derivation is presented for three RGB and six RHB members of the cluster. The analysis employs an updated version of the line transfer code MOOG, which now appropriately treats coherent, isotropic scattering. The apparent discrepancy in the previously reported values for the metallicity of M15 RGB and RHB stars is addressed and a resolute disparity of Delta(RHB-RGB) approximate to 0.1 dex in the iron abundance was found. The anti-correlative behavior of the light neutron-capture elements (Sr, Y, Zr) is clearly demonstrated with both Ba and Eu, standard markers of the s- and r-process, respectively. No conclusive detection of Pb was made in the RGB targets. Consequently for the M15 cluster, this suggests that the main component of the s-process has made a negligible contribution to those elements normally dominated by this process in solar system material. Additionally for the M15 sample, a large Eu abundance spread is confirmed, which is comparable to that of the halo field at the same metallicity. These abundance results are considered in the discussion of the chemical inhomogeneity and nucleosynthetic history of M15.National Science Foundation AST 07-07447, AST 09-08978Astronom

    Manifold valued data analysis of samples of networks, with applications in corpus linguistics

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    Networks arise in many applications, such as in the analysis of text documents, social interactions and brain activity. We develop a general framework for extrinsic statistical analysis of samples of networks, motivated by networks representing text documents in corpus linguistics. We identify networks with their graph Laplacian matrices, for which we define metrics, embeddings, tangent spaces, and a projection from Euclidean space to the space of graph Laplacians. This framework provides a way of computing means, performing principal component analysis and regression, and carrying out hypothesis tests, such as for testing for equality of means between two samples of networks. We apply the methodology to the set of novels by Jane Austen and Charles Dickens

    Non‐parametric regression for networks

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    Network data are becoming increasingly available, and so there is a need to develop suitable methodology for statistical analysis. Networks can be represented as graph Laplacian matrices, which are a type of manifold-valued data. Our main objective is to estimate a regression curve from a sample of graph Laplacian matrices conditional on a set of Euclidean covariates, for example in dynamic networks where the covariate is time. We develop an adapted Nadaraya-Watson estimator which has uniform weak consistency for estimation using Euclidean and power Euclidean metrics. We apply the methodology to the Enron email corpus to model smooth trends in monthly networks and highlight anomalous networks. Another motivating application is given in corpus linguistics, which explores trends in an author's writing style over time based on word co-occurrence networks

    Para-cresol production by Clostridium difficile affects microbial diversity and membrane integrity of Gram-negative bacteria

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    Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive spore-forming anaerobe and a major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Disruption of the commensal microbiota, such as through treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, is a critical precursor for colonisation by C. difficile and subsequent disease. Furthermore, failure of the gut microbiota to recover colonisation resistance can result in recurrence of infection. An unusual characteristic of C. difficile among gut bacteria is its ability to produce the bacteriostatic compound para-cresol (p-cresol) through fermentation of tyrosine. Here, we demonstrate that the ability of C. difficile to produce p-cresol in vitro provides a competitive advantage over gut bacteria including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Metabolic profiling of competitive co-cultures revealed that acetate, alanine, butyrate, isobutyrate, p-cresol and p-hydroxyphenylacetate were the main metabolites responsible for differentiating the parent strain C. difficile (630Δerm) from a defined mutant deficient in p-cresol production. Moreover, we show that the p-cresol mutant displays a fitness defect in a mouse relapse model of C. difficile infection (CDI). Analysis of the microbiome from this mouse model of CDI demonstrates that colonisation by the p-cresol mutant results in a distinctly altered intestinal microbiota, and metabolic profile, with a greater representation of Gammaproteobacteria, including the Pseudomonales and Enterobacteriales. We demonstrate that Gammaproteobacteria are susceptible to exogenous p-cresol in vitro and that there is a clear divide between bacterial Phyla and their susceptibility to p-cresol. In general, Gram-negative species were relatively sensitive to p-cresol, whereas Gram-positive species were more tolerant. This study demonstrates that production of p-cresol by C. difficile has an effect on the viability of intestinal bacteria as well as the major metabolites produced in vitro. These observations are upheld in a mouse model of CDI, in which p-cresol production affects the biodiversity of gut microbiota and faecal metabolite profiles, suggesting that p-cresol production contributes to C. difficile survival and pathogenesis.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    The Bayesian Spatial Bradley–Terry model: Urban deprivation modelling in Tanzania

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    Identifying the most deprived regions of any country or city is key if policy makers are to design successful interventions. However, locating areas with the greatest need is often surprisingly challenging in developing countries. Due to the logistical challenges of traditional household surveying, official statistics can be slow to be updated; estimates that exist can be coarse, a consequence of prohibitive costs and poor infrastructures; and mass urbanization can render manually surveyed figures rapidly out-of-date. Comparative judgement models, such as the Bradley–Terry model, offer a promising solution. Leveraging local knowledge, elicited via comparisons of different areas' affluence, such models can both simplify logistics and circumvent biases inherent to household surveys. Yet widespread adoption remains limited, due to the large amount of data existing approaches still require. We address this via development of a novel Bayesian Spatial Bradley–Terry model, which substantially decreases the number of comparisons required for effective inference. This model integrates a network representation of the city or country, along with assumptions of spatial smoothness that allow deprivation in one area to be informed by neighbouring areas. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of this method, through a novel comparative judgement data set collected in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    A Sleep to Remember: The Effects of Sleep on Memory.

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    For centuries, the functions of sleep have been researched. Multiple theories have been developed, but even now, scientists are unable to produce a conclusive explanation as to why we sleep. It is evident that sleep is vital, as even in animals, it has been argued that sleep deprivation leads to serious consequences. More recently, research has suggested that sleep plays a role in memory consolidation. This review aims to bring together the evidence concerning the link between sleep and different memory sub-classifications (episodic memory, semantic memory, procedural memory and conditioning) and its potential clinical application will be discussed

    Dynamics of photodissociation of XeF2 in organic solvents

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    This article explores photodissociation of XeF2 in solution, using femtosecond pump probe spectroscopy to follow the fates of photoproducts following cleavage of one Xe–F bond.</p