159 research outputs found

    Delivery in Online Sales: The Role of Communicating Quality and Price Positions

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    E-retailing, though growing rapidly, is still a very small proportion of total retail sales. One issue inhibiting sales over the internet is delivery. Many customers are not happy paying what they often perceive to be excessive delivery charges. However, the average customer on the internet is not highly price oriented, so resistance to paying delivery charges may occur because customers do not believe that they are receiving any value for this additional cost. Our research looks at the impact on willingness to pay delivery charges of different price levels and a message informing the customer that the delivery time specified is considered good service by industry standards. This simple message seems to focus customer thinking on value received (better quality service), and lowers resistance to paying delivery charges. Thus, explicit reference to the quality of the delivery service, where companies actually have good delivery, seems to be a useful message to include when customers are considering information about delivery charges

    Fuel resource utilisation in landscapes of settlement

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    One little understood aspect of the settlement and colonisation of Iceland is fuel resource use. In this paper we identify fuel ash residues from temporally constrained middens at two contrasting settlement age sites in Mývatnssveit, northern Iceland, one high status, the other low status and ultimately abandoned. Fuel residues derived from experimental combustion of historically defined fuel resources are used to provide control for thin section micromorphology and complementary image analyses of fuel residue materials found in the midden deposits. The results suggest that fuel resources utilised at the time of settlement were for both low temperature and high temperature use, and included a mix of birch and willow wood, peat, mineral-based turf and cow dung. There are, however, marked variations in the mix of fuel resources utilised at the two sites. This is considered to reflect social regulation of fuel resources and socially driven changes to local and regional environments that may have contributed to the success or failure of early settlement sites in Iceland

    Identifying Young Brown Dwarfs Using Gravity-Sensitive Spectral Features

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    We report the initial results of the Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey Gravity Project, to study gravity sensitive features as indicators of youth in brown dwarfs. Low-resolution (R~2000) J-band and optical (R~1000) observations using NIRSPEC and LRIS at the W.M. Keck Observatory reveal transitions of TiO, VO, K I, Na I, Cs I, Rb I, CaH, and FeH. By comparing these features in late-type giants and in old field dwarfs we show that they are sensitive to the gravity (g = GM/R^2) of the object. Using low-gravity spectral signatures as age indicators, we observed and analyzed J-band and optical spectra of two young brown dwarfs, G 196-3B (20-300 Myr) and KPNO Tau-4 (1-2 Myr), and two possible low mass brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster (3-7 Myr). We report the identification of the phi bands of TiO near 1.24 microns and the A-X band of VO near 1.18 microns together with extremely weak J-band lines of K I in KPNO-Tau4. This is the first detection of TiO and VO in the J-band in a sub-stellar mass object. The optical spectrum of KPNO-Tau4 exhibits weak K I and Na I lines, weak absorption by CaH, and strong VO bands, also signatures of a lower gravity atmosphere. G 196-3B shows absorption features in both wavelength regions like those of KPNO-Tau4 suggesting that its age and mass are at the lower end of published estimates. Whereas sigma Ori 51 appears to be consistent with a young sub-stellar object, sigma Ori 47 shows signatures of high gravity most closely resembling an old L1.5/L0, and can not be a member of the sigma Orionis cluster.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the January 10, 2004 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    The Management and Use of Social Network Sites in a Government Department

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    In this paper we report findings from a study of social network site use in a UK Government department. We have investigated this from a managerial, organisational perspective. We found at the study site that there are already several social network technologies in use, and that these: misalign with and problematize organisational boundaries; blur boundaries between working and social lives; present differing opportunities for control; have different visibilities; have overlapping functionality with each other and with other information technologies; that they evolve and change over time; and that their uptake is conditioned by existing infrastructure and availability. We find the organisational complexity that social technologies are often hoped to cut across is, in reality, something that shapes their uptake and use. We argue the idea of a single, central social network site for supporting cooperative work within an organisation will hit the same problems as any effort of centralisation in organisations. We argue that while there is still plenty of scope for design and innovation in this area, an important challenge now is in supporting organisations in managing what can best be referred to as a social network site 'ecosystem'.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCSCW (The Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work

    Surface Gravities for 228 M, L, and T Dwarfs in the NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey

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    We combine 131 new medium-resolution (R~2000) J-band spectra of M, L, and T dwarfs from the Keck NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey (BDSS) with 97 previously published BDSS spectra to study surface-gravity-sensitive indices for 228 low-mass stars and brown dwarfs spanning spectral types M5-T9. Specifically, we use an established set of spectral indices to determine surface gravity classifications for all M6-L7 objects in our sample by measuring equivalent widths (EW) of the K I lines at 1.1692, 1.1778, 1.2529 um, and the 1.2 um FeHJ absorption index. Our results are consistent with previous surface gravity measurements, showing a distinct double peak - at ~L5 and T5 - in K I EW as a function of spectral type. We analyze K I EWs of 73 objects of known ages and find a linear trend between log(Age) and EW. From this relationship, we assign age ranges to the very low gravity, intermediate gravity, and field gravity designations for spectral types M6-L0. Interestingly, the ages probed by these designations remain broad, change with spectral type, and depend on the gravity sensitive index used. Gravity designations are useful indicators of the possibility of youth, but current datasets cannot be used to provide a precise age estimate.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, ApJ in pres

    Discovery of a Very Young Field L Dwarf, 2MASS J01415823-4633574

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    While following up L dwarf candidates selected photometrically from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, we uncovered an unusual object designated 2MASS J01415823-4633574. Its optical spectrum exhibits very strong bands of vanadium oxide but abnormally weak absorptions by titanium oxide, potassium, and sodium. Morphologically such spectroscopic characteristics fall intermediate between old, field early-L dwarfs (log(g)~5) and very late M giants (log(g)~0), leading us to favor low gravity as the explanation for the unique spectral signatures of this L dwarf. Such a low gravity can be explained only if this L dwarf is much lower in mass than a typical old field L dwarf of similar temperature and is still contracting to its final radius. These conditions imply a very young age. Further evidence of youth is found in the near-infrared spectrum, including a triangular-shaped H-band continuum reminiscent of young brown dwarf candidates discovered in the Orion Nebula Cluster. Using the above information along with comparisons to brown dwarf atmospheric and interior models, our current best estimate is that this L dwarf has an age of 1-50 Myr and a mass of 6-25 M_Jupiter. The location of 2MASS 0141-4633 on the sky coupled with a distance estimate of ~35 pc and the above age estimate suggests that this object may be a brown dwarf member of either the 30-Myr-old Tucana/Horologium Association or the ~12-Myr-old beta Pic Moving Group.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 10 March 2006 issue (volume 639) of the Astrophysical Journa

    The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey II: High-Resolution J-Band Spectra of M, L and T Dwarfs

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    We present a sequence of high resolution (R~20,000 or 15 km/s) infrared spectra of stars and brown dwarfs spanning spectral types M2.5 to T6. Observations of 16 objects were obtained using eight echelle orders to cover part of the J-band from 1.165-1.323 micron with NIRSPEC on the Keck II telescope. By comparing opacity plots and line lists, over 200 weak features in the J-band are identified with either FeH or H2O transitions. Absorption by FeH attains maximum strength in the mid-L dwarfs, while H2O absorption becomes systematically stronger towards later spectral types. Narrow resolved features broaden markedly after the M to L transition. Our high resolution spectra also reveal that the disappearance of neutral Al lines at the boundary between M and L dwarfs is remarkably abrupt, presumably because of the formation of grains. Neutral Fe lines can be traced to mid-L dwarfs before Fe is removed by condensation. The neutral potassium (K I) doublets that dominate the J-band have pressure broadened wings that continue to broaden from ~50 km/s (FWHM) at mid-M to ~500 km/s at mid-T. In contrast however, the measured pseudo-equivalent widths of these same lines reach a maximum in the mid-L dwarfs. The young L2 dwarf, G196-3B, exhibits narrow potassium lines without extensive pressure-broadened wings, indicative of a lower gravity atmosphere. Kelu-1AB, another L2, has exceptionally broad infrared lines, including FeH and H2O features, confirming its status as a rapid rotator. In contrast to other late T objects, the peculiar T6 dwarf 2MASS 0937+29 displays a complete absence of potassium even at high resolution, which may be a metallicity effect or a result of a cooler, higher-gravity atmosphere.Comment: 53 pages, 21 figures, data will be available at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~mclean/BDSSarchive

    Landscapes of Settlement in Northern Iceland: Historical Ecology of Human Impact and Climate Fluctuation on the Millennial Scale

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    Early settlement in the North Atlantic produced complex interactions of culture and nature. The sustained program of interdisciplinary collaboration is intended to focus on ninth- to 13th-century sites and landscapes in the highland interior lake basin of M´yvatn in Iceland and to contribute a long-term perspective to larger issues of sustainable resource use, soil erosion, and the historical ecology of global change

    The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey. I. Low-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectra

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    We present the first results of a near-infrared (0.96-2.31 micron) spectroscopic survey of M, L, and T dwarfs obtained with NIRSPEC on the Keck II telescope. Our new survey has a resolving power of R = 2000 and is comprised of two major data sets: 53 J-band (1.14-1.36 micron) spectra covering all spectral types from M6 to T8 with at least two members in each spectral subclass (wherever possible), and 25 flux-calibrated spectra from 1.14 to 2.31 microns for most spectral classes between M6 and T8. Sixteen of these 25 objects have additional spectral coverage from 0.96-1.14 microns to provide overlap with optical spectra. Spectral flux ratio indexes for prominent molecular bands are derived and equivalent widths (EWs) for several atomic lines are measured. We find that a combination of four H2O and two CH4 band strengths can be used for spectral classification. Weak (EW~1-2 angstrom) atomic lines of Al I and Ca I disappear at the boundary between M and L types.Comment: 60 pages, 25 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Vol 596. Received 2003 March 31; accepted 2003 June 20. Web site at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~mclean/BDSSarchiv
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